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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. on a totally side slide topic note, i vote for a you tuber to make nyan song from this sentence ; )
  2. yeah it's like asking if all the people involved in a single space rocket launch from each single part design, production, to assembling can pilot that rocket ... they can ... no doubt ... pffft & ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Not sure about mechjeb, but Nova posting here is definetly cheating ; )
  4. gif licensing and header, it's like flash player *.zip ; *.rar ; etc. ; ) an old story huhuhu
  5. @The Destroyer ; ) tsss tssss ; ) (any luck you got a room for one more there ? ; )
  6. nope nope nope that's santa the catsitter Skurlton next ; )
  7. not fun so almost you got a ghost Nfun next
  8. nope nope nope 讓我們試著召喚 @MMG next
  9. baaahhhh ..... don't throw you finished cigarette in the internet sewer, they act like sponge and when there's tons in the smallest undergound channels, it's boring to clean ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh xDr Gus or Alskari next ; )
  11. whoever, whatever, whenever .... hahahihihoho ... pffft .... may be more kinda happy travel within the toaster void fellow explorer ... it HAS to be done a way or another.
  12. ,''') fan service ? never heard ... it s not like i watch any adds amongst any big city street ,''') you tube lost it's monopole vevo and a few others striked back the superbowling ,''')
  13. ( https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A7%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D1%96%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0 )
  14. hide at now, i date know, and ya ? why the grumpy cat became famous ?
  15. why not a big nuclear mushroom ... just as reminder why we are there and not here ... (heavy sarcasm & irony mode on/off) this or a pic of the milky way, or a pic from hubble or whatever , next to a pic of a random monocellular entity ... (almost remind me an old meme that granted me a ban, anyway anyway ,'''), or something like that: to keep things to their respective scale. (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_the_universe )
  16. sometime "not very diplomatic" because reasons ...
  17. somewhere on earth, like most ... more usually a place know as paris france, but i never really met myself thoose people who invented frontier and drawed them on some maps, for what purpose they drawed them is the right question ... do i need to say more about their purpose drawing some frontiers everywhere aside making "everyone" fight each others ... now we have satelites since 50 years or so we can see the earth as it is ... wake up, grow up, thks, be from earth not any single country ... i will repeat myself once again, old habits are not always good habits even if they are 50 000 years olds ... Under stand a flag if that please you, but don't make me responsible if you have the brain upside down due to that whatever flag ... oh and and notice i m definetly responsible for what i just wrote and said.
  18. can we necro thing quietly in the subforum as we're unallowed to do it anywhere else. Also @Gaarst please could you please explain me what's a school history book ? is it considered as necroing or necromoaning too but shared to younger generation anyway ? So on a space station in present, i write the past for the future generations.
  19. Do not taunt the magic boulder, why ? because The force is strong in this boulder.
  20. nope, on the late, for now you 'll get a quick wink with a brb as soon as possible ; ) hum hum, a summoner next ; )
  21. that's what i call a waky collection ... at least ... almost xDr + =( hihi hehe haha huhu but not hoho ) EDIT: sq..... gr..
  22. double ... this ,one is tricky .... (forgive me) @Nassault630
  23. nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope that w....... aka lyptus cc majorjim nexT .... :|
  24. cheater because rubi'x cube exist in sphere shape too ; ) ,'') '''
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