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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. 25 rep per day limit no matter, pick something too unlike and to pick something else to like, Fun it became pretty volatile. I wonder about how the notification sytem deal with that kind of like/unlike/like/unlike/etc. things anyone tried ? EDIT: not totally sure but appear the user profile user side only keep track of last update change stat
  2. Banned because /sadsighpicsig and because i just told i m going to post here.
  3. (next i might post something in the i need a ban thread, ,'')
  4. poke poke poke, new topics view counter @: 0 ? probably already spoted but anyway could aslo be a (user // moderator // (ranking) setting things so) ,'')
  5. Something like that yup (http://schneeblog.com/2013/12/) (( ps: not intended but sal' is inside so xDr)) GL
  6. 15 because Kerbin made a revolution around Sol one after the others
  7. Just passing by, but i m a bit "amused/worried/genuinely interested" with the new drag and drop functionalities, interesting sure but for now a little bit messy allowing to copy paste some weird things all around, i m curious to see how this one will get polished/enhanced medium term with some specific authorization/restriction on some part of the forum GUI, also not a fan a mouse wheel locked while drag and dropping stuff ...
  8. @EuSouONumero345 EuSouONumero345 Known for not starting a "rate that user profile cover" thread xDr
  9. Thing's get messed up, slighty, that do not make sense either xDr
  10. Was lazy to found a place to post this so i think it will fit in here: Links to staff profiles broken there. Update/edit welcome i guess ,''). And btw probably a few usefull "post it" thread like this one mights require some links 'integrity' checks.
  11. why : Space hehe ? ,'') Edit: anyway, being located ": space" was nice somehow.
  12. something like: it's new, everyone including myself need to get used to it ; ) what else ? a yup nothin' !i! ,'')
  13. Wut getting used too some stuff is never annoyin for anyone ? ... tss tsss ... welcome the new forum ; ) (btw sig & [table][/table])
  14. Getting the french sub' forum back is a "chome chome" pain xDr (also sig wut ? xdr)
  15. F + F = U wut who said base thirteen is a critical math failure ? and U + U = W simple no ?
  16. 1300: you turn a round around a count and lost the ways for the next stages
  17. cheater because you posted twice in the last poster thread ; ) patience is all my dear ; )
  18. that's so much "δt" i not read a book ... (you can blame me yup) but each time i feel like reading version ((13.799±0.021)×109) of the same book rewritten with diffrent metaphor but same background ; ) [SIZE=1](almost anyway xDr , things change time to time)[/SIZE] [COLOR="#F0FFF0"](this do not apply to regex huhu)[/COLOR]
  19. fart, then if they can smell explain them it latest that long ... xDr (if they can't smell reproduce the fart process for another perception + lenght thing, ... yup i do agree and recognize fart is strong to explain duration stuff)
  20. double post: btw can't we have have a full thread locked unlokc for like one hour or a half hour before trnasfer ? just per curiousity ? ; )
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