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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. a well rep limit reached for today mosntah sorry xDr
  2. poet http://poet.com/about http://www.biography.com/people/groups/writers-poets xDr (note for later i shall no post away from my nest)
  3. ® : anyone is missing ms comic sans ? (( https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Connare ))
  4. (( ((( (((( #q=interesting+isn%27t+it&tbm=vid )))) ))) ))
  5. ear(s) come "some" ban-g &
  6. ^^ (( )) ((( ))) { http://www.fpa2.com/details_actualite.php?idactu=3671 }
  7. could be but not that close @HGeorgina next
  8. if you don't head it on the flow your not connected to the net
  9. you . me § (what it barely remain of me at least . . .) question ? no , cool ^^ anyway only i answer "single" question with ten more (minimum) ^^
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trickster_(anime) ep. 1 available streaming side curious to see the plot and some of the caracters evolve amongst
  11. that moment when you don't give a "suspension of disbelief about it" ^^
  12. banned because: https://rutube.ru/video/fe1487f14ae2ad35707effe5629013f2/?ref=search
  13. well he's been involved with stargate series script(s) conselling ... busy schedule .... we got someone like him "here"(somewhere "else" on earth) more or less alike: http://videos.senat.fr/video.120785_57c6f80cbc4ba?video=22751 ... ... . . .
  14. :| -_ - :| -_ - thks to ya all , all the best
  15. i camp the subforum for a reason , ) , oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ^^ lot of cool stuff in this thread btw ^^
  16. i rarely draw, wich is prolly better ^,^ anyway, but well here a little trip-tyc-tac-toctoctoc series: about gauss, darwin & fractal "n" dimensions statistic & un-para-not-normal low
  17. - when gauss and gauss and gauss loop in a day-raw and yada war darwut
  18. this is what happen when the magic beholder elder on a boulder remind gauss about darwin perspective: http://imgur.com/33nr23R
  19. depend if your a mountain, a tree, a butterfly, a biped, else yup abso lute lie ^^
  20. not for #ff ps daltonian anyway iii so greeyyns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b5aW08ivHU ^^
  21. almost at least, but don't explain just don't
  22. oh and don't start with mid violation rules and minor stuff ... that's geopoliticosociopsychoarcheology (very lite) time stamp stuff ... sort off
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