- people write some stuff under the table about the news
- as someone who don't watch the news you react too what they wrote for what it's wrote
- then they are hunappy of your comment because they relate it to the said news
- then you figure there something wrong and check the news
- then all you can say is people don't assume their own opinion and try to hide thing and complain of how your react to what they attemp to hide (their own opinion on a news topics)
shenanigan and lies annoy autistic spectrum fiber person, world news quietly the same ...
6 month ago 50 000 family on the road, 6 month later do they really say 8millions person in a critical situation ? http://www.worldometers.info/ youpi tralalala
50 x ?????? if they don't trick with the number seem it escalated a lot there ...
yeah i browse newspaper on line once every 6 month ... because well ... i don't know how to count properly
=> arguing annoy me a lot ...
meanwhile let's translate goggle
tend to show that dynamic keytyping real hated related loops tend to be like dynamite for Dean aim IT
Meanwhile Dynamic Keylogger are annoyin' for IBAN and BIC, they are helpfull for Kim Peak and Tim Peak dislexic neuronal scheme and path real time monitoring ... frank einstein
hell heck try city bomb nucelar
( https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nun & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nun_(letter) a few meta links ... well seem to lack)
When you believe that throwing medicinal pills in the earth oceans and seas won't "cure" this planet magnetic bipolarity "sickness"
When you have a theory and guinea yourself ownself about freud, jung & the concept of being more sensitive than usual to a few non-rainbow spectrum things, is a real pain earth can feel and rescale
When "don"t put your hand in the box" ... "there only pain" noticeably overscaled pain due to extra&sparse-sensitivities
When you think the tuning tests is a hobby to pimp some cares (( (( because 1052 ; noticeably )) ))
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don't just don't, reading random stuff sometime is way too much to keep calm (to me ; for part ,& at least) 'sigh'
while i tend to say, if you *don't* talk about thing you can't inspire people ^^ book don't burn, rarely ^^ another parade hoax ^^ sort off ,)
the first rules about rocket enginering is don't wut about wut ?... oh ... well ... xDr
when: "mutlithreading ?" ... don't ask me now hide a A
when: all i can say is time will ideas things all by itself when it come ; )
pok&goDDmoarning around tralalalathreading is something simplicated' you can('t) understand with a single word or 2 you know ^^ i m not even sure what it may or could mean