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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. may be a moderator could join xDr @sal_vager iirc xDr
  2. i aggree don't: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Connare https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Con#Mots_d.C3.A9riv.C3.A9s (( )) « Connard » redirige ici. Pour les articles homonymes, voir CON.
  3. interesting/maybe Would you please let akira, tetsuo, and xavier sleep quietly, they need some rest, srly
  4. the hing: that's a thing or a bollywood movie about cooking and spice while singin' and dansing and how to fold soup without dune edit:
  5. Clev: I care what you think! Where ever did you get that nonsense? | Well born on 15 09 1977, then life happened, lot of second and millisecond and macrosecond, not sure that with my limited brain i can give an accurate answer. Clev: Do you repeat what has been said to you, or do you construct new sentences on your own? | I use words, from french and english mostly but well all thoose words variations/disambiguations came from so far ago. Clev: Then, say something in french. Its my favourite language. | (arf ... conncetion lost again ... accurate was Salut, mon pote, comment ça va ?, but i used slum street disambiguation). Clev: #cleverbot first time my friend not answered me. a few minute ago, instead shown me the link to share, so i share
  6. purple / @Felsmak it's either close to UV either IR anyway most won't see ^ç°°ç^
  7. 1962 - 1692 well 21 = 12 because octobanal ; )
  8. sup' monstah, not sleeping much, wondering in the street all night, crossing other people road that walk at night and chit chating of either this or that and yah ? @DuoDex next ; )
  9. http://playstarbound.com/blog/
  10. not bad not bad 20 + 22 = 42 on day one ; ) in for the next ; ) btw @cake (district 8 eventually)
  11. has something to do with bacchus i guess xDr
  12. there's something about that cornucopia everyone tend to avoid xDr
  13. banned for n tmf ... n tmf & finally n tmf
  14. banned for not going wild on phone with someone your discussing for the first time, and were expecting a date with this person, was 23 pm or around a bit earlier, just flooded with wrong feeling and gone wild ... of course the person on phone legitemetly turned affraid and no date ... also one ban more or less ... feel free
  15. (request canceled) nevermind fixed it using copy past ( )
  16. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Connare https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/connard trebuchet and comic sans ms ... well welll oki ...
  17. a well i can do taht ; ) @Frida Space space ; ) gonna be fun they said ; )
  18. pof.fr launch ip attack on user, seem to host weird network adds also xDr
  19. may be my double left after holo yolo backstab
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