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Everything posted by almagnus1

  1. Image should be working now, as I stuck it up on PhotoBucket.
  2. I've been poking around with this for a bit now, and the 5M docking port definitely needs some help, as it's too easy to break off the docking port, which is making launching a starlifter tug kinda difficult, as I keep ripping off the aft docking port during launch. That said, the main reason for posting is a request for a new type of outrigger, based on the StarLifter Outrigger, possibly incorporating a few design tweaks as seen: While it would be nice to have a longer boom for the outrigger, it's not a must have.
  3. They may also be running out of power, or running out of places to put waste, as Life Support and Waste storage are two different parts (IIRC).
  4. Are you planning on releasing 3m and 5m versions of the warp drive? This is just begging to be used with the Phase II FTT parts, especially with a colony seed ship.
  5. This is an awesome utility. Mind if it gets listed on KSP-CKAN?
  6. While the science from these are useful, there needs to be better integration into the contract system. If I want to use these, I need to be able to turn a profit from their flight, other than just getting science from said flight
  7. Out of curiosity, where are you with this objective: Would you also consider making on OKS variant? I would love to be able to make a fully functional SkyDock Shipyard =)
  8. One of the more silly requests, but can someone who's halfway decent in modeling create bits that could be theoretically assembled into a Dalek? Having an attachment node at the end of the pluger would be optimal to boot. The eventual hope is to use these bits to create an army of to... well... y'know....
  9. Mods we should get: * TAC Life Support * KER (Kerbal Engineer Redux) - it does all the non-piloting stuff that MechJeb can do, and I suspect that the autopilot stuff will start working their way into stock soon. If we get FAR/NEAR, we absolutely need a fairing system. So far, I like the way KW Rocketry's fairings work the best of all I've tried thus far. I can strut stuff to the fairing shells very easily with the KW Rocketry Fairings. Procedural fairings feels too "cheaty" if you are on hardmode, but are generally fine otherwise.
  10. Alternatively, there's a tool that's been written that idiot-proofs this entire process (as I know I've screwed it up on more than one occasion), being KSP-CKAN. You might want to check it out at https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/User-guide
  11. That may be an issue I need to raise with the KSP-CKAN project, as I'm not seeing an option to go back to 1.44. (see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-(CKAN)-Package-Manager ) Maybe to someone that's deep in the mods. While I can deduce some, others I can't, specifically: AIES BananaForScale BetterRovermates KAX KH_SEE KSO KSPX LLL NASA (Assume that's the ARM related stuff) NFT RLA SDHI-SMS SXT TALCARGO Tantaresw TVPP UKLD Warp Point is, you should never just assume that your user knows everything, and information like this should be documented somewhere.
  12. Is there a mapping of which configs go with which mods? I would like to tune the mod to only affect certain mods, and the easiest way I can see to do this is by deleting the CFGs for the mods I do not wish to have TweakScale affect. Edit: Or more to the point, is there some way to stop tweakscale from automatically resizing parts? It's great that it can do it, but it's highly annoying when it resizes **EVERYTHING** without prompting.
  13. Have you considered getting this mod to work with CKAN? ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-%28CKAN%29-Package-Manager )
  14. This mod (and EVE) are two that are must haves for KSP. Any chance you'd get either (or both preferably) to work with CKAN? (FYI: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-%28CKAN%29-Package-Manager )
  15. After poking with CKAN for a bit... it's going to have the same net effect as what I'm thinking, with the added bonus that it updates stuff, so it's more of a case of "why reinvent the wheel?" I mean, only the following mods need to be maintained manually: Active Texture Management Better Atmospheres Environmental Visual Enhancements EnhancedNavBall EVA handrails pack Fuel Science v0.4 KSP Interstellar Orbital Material Science Station Science TAC Fuel Balancer Transfer Window Planner Vanguard Technologies Yeah, there's still a bit of quality of life stuff that's not there yet, but it's got enough of the major stuff that I'm willing to just stick with CKAN for the time being. Edit: Removing a few mods that are now available over CKAN.
  16. Is there any documentation on how things load within KSP? I'm interested in when the DLLs and part files, and if there's any way to have a plugin load another arbitrary plugin. Edit: What I'm really working towards is getting a potential solution to a problem I have with modded KSP, being "How can maintaining and updating the following mod list be made simpler?" Active Texture Management B9 Aerospace Better Atmospheres Deadly Reentry Docking Port Alignment Indicator Editor Extensions Environmental Visual Enhancements EnhancedNavBall Extraplanetary Launchpads EVA handrails pack Ferram Aerospace Research Fuel Science v0.4 Hooligan Labs Mods Infernal Robotics Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Flight Indicators Kethane KSP Interstellar KW Rocketry NavHud Orbital Material Science RemoteTech 2 Station Science TAC Fuel Balancer TAC Life Support Trajectories Transfer Window Planner TweakScale USI Kolonization Systems Vanguard Technologies The thought was to hook into some of the events within KSP, and have a mod that can read something like a 7Z, RAR, or ZIP archive, which will allow the end user to throw a bunch of files into a directory, rather than having to merge a bunch of game data directories. Ideally having the DLL do something like what's described at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/184309/how-to-use-system-io-compression-to-read-write-zip-files , assuming that parts of the .NET Framework aren't verboten for modders to use. There's no real point at digging deeper into how to get the archives to play nicely with KSP if the events aren't exposed to begin with.
  17. Thanks for the info! =) Is there any way to get .NET 4.0 or 4.5 to work with KSP?
  18. So aside from downloading and install VS 2013 Express and the free Unity download, what do I need to do so that I can start working on a C# based DLL for KSP?
  19. It would be helpful if the parts were a bit more modular, so I have a better idea of what should and shouldn't be included. For example, have a folder for the fuel tanks, one for the engines, another for the fairings, one for the boosters, and a final one for everything else.
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