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Everything posted by almagnus1

  1. The main thing, though, was that ER was largely playable by most people and the issues got fixed shortly after launch. KSP2, OTOH, has some pretty nasty bugs in it that's making everyone equally miserable. I shouldn't have to hack the parts files just to make rockets that aren't the KSP equivalent of:
  2. I'm part of that negative review swarm, and I'll flip my negative review to a positive one once KSP2 is actualy worthy of a positive review. But to do that, the floppy rockets, kraken, and control issues all need to go away along with having ALL of the content from KSP1 (including ALL the parts from Breaking Ground and Making History) . Until those conditions are met, it's gonna stay as a negative review. KSP2 feels worse to play than KSP1 of 2013 did.
  3. What is it doing that's making it difficult?
  4. Something that I used to do in KSP1 that I stopped doing (because they fixed the game) was asparagus staging. How well does this work in KSP2? Also, how are fuel tanks emptied in KSP2?
  5. I'm fairly optimistic that most of the Breaking Ground DLC will end up in KSP2 because of what they have done with most of Making History. The KSP2 science update (which is currently slated to be the first update) seems like the logical place to release it. Hopefully we'll see it then.
  6. FYI: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Breaking_Ground_parts While I would love to see all of these parts in KSP2 (and many are not currently here), I am hopeful that many of the parts (like all of the robotics and helicopter rotor parts) make their way into the Science update for KSP2.
  7. So one of the more humorous (and possibly endearing) mods from KSP1 was the mod where someone had art swapped the models for everything with cardboard boxes, plywood, and basically made the rockets look like a bunch of kids had let their imaginations run wild in the backyard with the interstellar vehicles. It'd be kinda awesome if this mod made its way back into KSP2, either officially or unofficially - but once we're through the backlog of bugs from the KSP2 launch that is.
  8. Yeah, that's something I really miss from KSP1... the debris system, while great for keeping everything clean, also denies me the ability to play the silly game of "will the tank hit Kerbin before reentry heat kills it?"
  9. Stop trying to derail the thread It's actually a fuel tank/engine plate hybrid that looks better than both IMO. Edti: Part info https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbodyne_Engine_Cluster_Adapter_Tank
  10. How is that relevant to the missing parts from the Making History modpack?
  11. Did you read the OP? Here, let me quote myself: Yes, there's a lot of parts from Making History in KSP2, but some of the engines and a couple of angled fuel tanks aren't there. The service bays are missing completely. With how floppy the rockets are, getting the Saturn V S-IC engine adapter is critical because the less parts on a rocket in KSP2 right now, the better.
  12. Yeah, stay off of the Steam forums, it's really not good and I really don't like seeing the community riled up like this - but I also completely understand why they are. I basically tuned out the KSP2 dev side of things, so I'm not really sure how we got to this point, but it's kinda the exact opposite of the launch I wished KSP2 would have had. I want to be able to go tell friends and family to pick up a copy and enjoy it... not stay away until it's playable =/
  13. FYI: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Making_History_parts I don't think everything needs to be included from Making History (especially the Gemini stuff), but many of the fuel tanks, engines, and service bays would make sense - especially since one of those gives an incredibly useful mount point for parachutes on the Mk1-3 command pod (the 3 kerbal one). Specifically, Making History gives us the parts we need to go large with the launch vehicles and make craft that can push a lot of tonnage to LKO which is going to be crucial for building stations and colonies down the road, and many of the parallels for those parts are missing in KSP2.
  14. Just wanted to throw my two cents in, but IMO it would be prudent to push out an update preferably early next week addressing some of the issues along with visibility on the Steam forums that things are improving (slowly). While I've got a copy... I really don't like that I've had so severe kraken issues that I'm basically in a holding pattern until I start seeing patches drop. I can't imagine that I'm alone in this regard either, despite how well much of the game experience has improved. I wanna see KSP2 succeed... but this launch hasn't been good tbh.
  15. I didn't know about the material kits... i'll get a shipment of that up to the station and see if that fixes it >.>
  16. It's sitting at 2500/2500 machinery, and no option to deploy the ring. I'm wondering if this is an interaction between 1.9 and UKS as it's stating it's a 1.8 mod going by CKAN.
  17. So I'm playing on 1.9 and the 2.5M hab ring won't expand in orbit (but was able to in the VAB). All mods look updated according to CKAN (assuming you also let it use the 1.8 stuff). What kind of troubleshooting steps should I take?
  18. Does anyone know if there's a collapsible EVA seat? This would be helpful, especially if we're trying to create an Apollo style munar rover, especially with the new robotics parts.
  19. I wouldn't call them overpowered... more like a midrange between Stock and something like KW Rocketry. IMO, they're good enough and different enough at what they do that they compliment the stock game just fine.
  20. Can I have a DIY kit that builds multiple DIY kits, or can I only assign a pattern to a DIY kit on Kerbin?
  21. Is that one DIYKit per site, or one DIYKit per thing you want to build?
  22. I'm in the process of getting a Minmus processing base up and running, and I'd ideally like to send just enough hardware to Minmus so that I can create the rest of the parts for a better base (including orbital station) in situ. Do I absolutely need EL in order to produce a vehicle insitu, or is that something that the USI mods can do?
  23. I know of https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/rammap for RAM, but AFAIK WinDirStat's only for disk usage. How did you configure it to create RAM maps?
  24. This is basically fear mongering until we see an official press release from Take Two on this matter.
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