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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. You don't need the #0. - - - Updated - - - I rescaled the AIM-9 from IDSkillful, it was originally about 66% of the size it should be. The original AIM-9 from IDSkillful was about 2m long at best. So I went into the cfg and changed the rescale factor to 1.35. I am having some attachment node placement issues but not quite sure how they work in the cfg file. It is currently wanting to attach near the tail of the missile, not a big deal but would like to move it closer to the mid section.
  2. To post an imgur album just use this code. [ imgur ] tbTAN [ / imgur ] --------^^^^^--------- Your album identifier goes there. it is found at the end of your album address without anything past the #. And no spaces in the code. So the final product will look like this.
  3. IDSkillful weapons has some tank chassis parts. And BD, I finally got the scale correct. The AIM-9 is a hair over 3m in real life, so I think being off by a few cm isnt a big deal. At least it is to scale with the AIM-120. Credit for the model goes to Harpwner.
  4. All I have done is modified your AIM-120 config. Reduced the mass of the missile to .09 which is about where it actually is. And reduced the thrust to 18kn and 2 on cruise. And for now I am using the model from IDskillful as a test model. So far except for the smoke trails it works. May tweak a few other things, like its turn rate a bit. EDIT- This is what I have so far in game.
  5. AIM-9 Sidewinder, has nothing in common with the AIM-120 outside the fact they are both Air to Air missiles. The AIM-9 is a WVR (Within Visual Range) missile, meaning it has to be in sight for it to lock on and hit the target. The Sidewinder is a IR "Heat" seeking missile, unlike the AMRAAM which is a SARH (Semi Active Radar Homing) missile. The AIM-9 is an expanding rod warhead which is basically a buzzsaw of a weapon with a pretty close proximity kill weapon. The AMRAAM is a fair bit more powerful then the Sidewinder and has a fairly larger kill radius. The Sidewinder also is extremely nimble, but so is the AMRAAM, both are capable of over 9G turns. They both have the thrust in the same location, out the back. They aren't made in Russia or the UK where they are starting to mess with thrust vectoring WVR air to air missiles. Yes that new ASRAAM is just down right nasty. It isn't that hard to model something like that in the current system, I have already messed around a bit and changed the module for the AIM-120, scaled it down to come REAL close to the AIM-9 size and tweaked its performance to match. But not happy with it, been messing with a few of the other weapon mods and seeing if I can convert them to use those models instead. But this is strictly for my own use, not for download.
  6. I can think of one problem with that off the top of my head. Tweakscale just changes the size of the model and the mass, not really anything to do with the module that handles the damage done or ammo used. So if you made the 12.7mm MG a massive battleship sized turret, it would still be firing half inch sized rounds in KSPs mind. So you would have made the largest BB gun in history.
  7. Kind of funny, I found the same problems with that system so I just use MJ SMARTASS now.
  8. First your CoM is to far ahead of your CoL, this is causing your nose to become heavy and pitch down. Additionally your CoT is way above your CoM, which is pushing your nose down on top of the other issues. Fix- Move your CoM closer to your CoL but not behind it. Fix 2- Bring your engines down more inline with your CoM this way your CoT is going through your CoM. The other problem is you lack proper pitch control surfaces. You have two tiny little winglets trying to pick the nose up on that massive craft. That is like putting the legs of a ant on a hippo and asking it to jump. Finally, the control surfaces on the wings really wont do anything other than help with roll, they won't help with pitch because they are to close to the CoM of the craft, it is like putting the wheels that turn your car in the middle of your car, your car will just not turn as well if at all. While others suggest or assume you are using FAR/NEAR, I don't see that you are. Not going to tell you to get it, but it does help in designing aircraft, as it actually makes the atmosphere in KSP respond like an atmosphere not chilled tomato soup.
  9. SP-6 40 ton cargo capacity to 100km x 100km orbit.
  10. I remember that. I think Ferram and the maker of Procedural Fairings fixed that.
  11. Because I could..... And that was with 15min and messing around with random parts.
  12. Yep checked it with a procedural tank, a hair over 2.2m. My mistake LOL.
  13. One minor problem. Your Mk82 is a bit small. Its over 2m long in real life, and in game it is barely a meter.
  14. Time to sound like a prick. But none of this is special. FAR turns the stock KSP soup of an atmosphere into, well an atmosphere like Earth. With enough power and an aerodynamic enough craft you can actually break Mach 3.5 at sea level. Procedural Wings are actually FAR compatible so you don't get any excessive lift or odd forces from them found in the stock game. All the OP did was prove if you put enough TWR behind something you can get it to go fast at low speeds. I think my test plane in my current career save does Mach 2.5 at sea level, but I haven't tried to push it that fast that low.
  15. Unfortunate that this mod seems not to work anymore, or at all with FAR.
  16. That and FAR nerfs air breathing engines so they are half as powerful as the stock engines.
  17. In an ideal world yes that would be the case. But I have to say this also, cowboy up! If you can't take some negativity then perhaps you shouldn't mod or put anything you do up for critique. Granted there are some real special snowflakes that post out there that add nothing to a thread or say a lot of junk. But again that falls under the COWBOY UP! You need to just get over it and drive on. I am not defending some of the wannabe trolls out there, but I am saying that if you wither and cry at the slightest criticism then you shouldn't think about reading the forums for any game. KSP forums are par for the course when it comes to heavily modded offline games, like Falcon4.0 and others. THe community is 95% nice with a touch of *sshattery, and thats not bad.
  18. I couldn't agree more. I actually like this system better then both the ID Skillful and the Lazor system. As both of those are good but they are a bit clunky and bog down a bit when you are doing a fair amount. I was looking at removing the modules from the Skillful system and lazor missiles and adding your module to them for my own use.
  19. So this I think is the only mod that is keeping me from updating to .24.2 on my RO install. Does anyone know if it works in .24.2 or will I be waiting?
  20. This is what I use in my RO install to get things to space. I use a variant of it now, that is a bit wider and hauls 10 tons into an orbit around RSS Earth. It is a Solid booster first stage, with a burn time of 150seconds. Note the TWR on the craft is less 1.4:1, in this picture it has a light cargo in the top, I think it was only 1 ton, so it had a higher than nominal TWR. Also notice how it is not short and fat. How many short fat objects do you see getting launched into space? How many short fat darts do you see? Just because you have a wide cargo, doesn't mean you have to have a 9mm Parabellum round for a rocket.
  21. NathanKell where is that cockpit from? @ Renegrade PWings is no less fussy about lift then anything stock, if anything some of the stock wings are a bit overpowered for their size. Having the wingtips slightly downwards is great for several things, there is a nice write up about the benefits of each of the various placement of wings in the tutorials section. The otherthing you could do to help lower your landing speed is increasing the AoA of your wings in relation to the craft.
  22. Might as well be stock. Even without it I still don't use more than clusters of 2 when it comes to nukes. One of my biggest SSTO space planes the SP-406, which could haul 108 tons in to orbit, uses 2 LV-1N nukes for meneuvering in orbit.
  23. I actually use a 2.5m nuke engine that has the same ISP as the smaller LV-1N 1.25m nukes you have there. The difference is it has 150kn of thrust and weighs I think 6 tons. It is more than enough to maintain even some of my heaviest craft in my .23.5 install before .24.2, with a TWR of .1:1 in space. Don't need much more than that to get around.
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