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Everything posted by ArmchairGravy

  1. I must build a sundial in .24 since we'll finally be on solar days.
  2. My Funds are on multiplayer for .25. It's a new feature they've been working on, and it gets them close to or finished with Scope Complete. I don't know of any feature besides MP that has been discussed but not implemented in one form or another. I don't know if I'd include re-entry heat or not. I'm not sure if it's just turned off atm or if it needs built. I would consider additional planets, improved aerodynamics and such as tweaks to existing features.
  3. Welcome to your new time sink!
  4. Bah! Open a new thread. That's what this sub is all about. Welcome to the forum, Onpu and Wrenchy!
  5. I feel like a kid heading to DisneyWorld in a car. Are we there yet? How much longer? Are we getting close? *bounces on seat*
  6. Looking for time-fillers? Setting up geosynchronous satellites, Mun/Minmus bases and/or rovers, asteroid captures, multi-part space stations, and close solar orbits are all good ways to spend time while waiting for transfer windows. Practicing different mechanics (docking, polar orbits, gravity assists) is also a good use of time.
  7. I'm looking forward to seeing how .24 impacts my gameplay. "Efficient" really isn't a part of my design vocabulary. Also looking forward to see how late-game stuff like space stations, Mun bases, asteroid captures, etc. gets affected. You know, the stuff that never comes back down to Kerbin for recovery. Can't wait to read that FAQ!
  8. Whoo! Video! *runs amok* Looks very tasty. Can't wait to min/max this puppy!
  9. My question: Are there any features left to implement after .24, or will it just be tweaks of existing features (aerodynamics, budget, biomes, etc.) after this?
  10. Yes, those are asteroids. Highlight one in tracking station, hit the blue "track object" button at the bottom left, then hit backspace to see what its Kerbin intercept looks like. You can go out and get them, but it's easier to get ones that come close to Kerbin. For your first effort I would not advise going after any asteroid with a higher periapsis than 1,000km. So very ninja'd!
  11. Duna is my recommendation. Once you've done a few of those you'll have the knack of interplanetary travel.
  12. Busy enough to have made this: Those asteroid orbits can really get confusing when I start stacking them up. As far as parking orbits go, I think my record is 6. One space station and 5 ships/probes waiting for a window. Once those LV-N's unlock I get a mess of stuff ready to head out.
  13. I would load the game and save the kerbals. I also save right before undocking due to previous experience of Bad Things Happening.
  14. Seriously. I am so glad we didn't have to do this one. Kudos to the teams that endured and triumphed!
  15. Since the deadline for submission was pushed back, and we have nothing to vote on so far, what's going to be the timetable on voting/releasing the next challenge?
  16. Get the Stanford torus and BioDomes mod for a truly epic station.
  17. Here's a cheerful thought: look at the difficulty curve of the first three challenges and extrapolate to challenge four. Pleasant dreams! *evil laugh*
  18. I weigh manned returns versus the pain of doing them. Mun, Minmus, Duna and Ike, Gilly, Dres, Layethe and Val I can do without undue injury to my sense of fun. Everything else gets a probe.
  19. I am sooo glad we were eliminated last round. Very had to vote because they were all good. But dang I don't want to hear "Goal!" any more for the rest of my life.
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