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Everything posted by ArmchairGravy

  1. Don't be stingy with your reaction wheels on larger craft. The maneuverability gains more than offset the extra mass.
  2. You'd best get that back to Castle Anthrax or there'll be a spanking!
  3. Well, I put some rovers on your rover so you can rove while you rove! Features EZ-Land technology! Simply deploy the landing gear prior to landing, and the rover will automatically tip over onto its wheels. Pimpin! Then simply decouple the landing stage and drive off with your rovers. Yes, with the Xzibit Special, you'll be cruisin Mun in style! Flipped your ride? No worries. These mini-rovers have enough torque in their reaction wheels to get you right-sided in no time! The mini-rovers even re-dock with the main rover so you don't have to worry about some alien making off with your ride! Download this tight ride HERE. Includes free boosters to get you jammin to Mun or Minmus! Here's the Action Groups: 1--Toggle solar panels 2--Toggle ladders 3--Perform science experiments 4--Toggle reaction wheels 5--Toggle antenna The Xzibit Special. Only from Porcine Avionics!
  4. Here's an Imgur album on how the A-team crafted their submission: It was an honor competing!
  5. That one Reddit submission of orbits--does it even count? Rules say "Make a craft - any craft". Last I checked an orbit is not a craft. Or are we cutting them slack because we expect a certain amount of illiteracy from Reddit?
  6. My first attempts at Mun landings were so awful I installed my first mod, Kerbal Engineer, so I could tell where the surface actually was. Then I landed no problem.
  7. Crazy thought here. Would it have been a better idea to work out the technical details of the poll *before* the submission deadline?
  8. The Standord Torus from the BioDomes mod. 250t. Took a 6-way SLS onion to lift it. Now I want to see if I can lift 2 at once. God help me.
  9. Yes. I saw the sans identification clause of the rules on Wednesday, and we had to re-design a bit.
  10. Welcome! May KSP spur your curiosity to greater heights!
  11. So who're the Reddit teams and who's on them? Can we get a bracket up in here?
  12. *covers previous graffiti with A-Team graffiti*
  13. *exits the VAB for a smoke* All I can say is buwhahahahha! I don't care if we win or not, I'm having a good time! After we submit our entries, are we free to post info and pics/gifs of our creations so the community knows how we arrived at our submitted shot?
  14. I also would like to know about this. While we can't 'shop the whole thing, it could perk the picture up to do a background or text or something. Then again, this isn't a photoshop challenge. Then again, if it's a good photoshop how would anyone know?
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