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Everything posted by ArmchairGravy

  1. When I see a probe scream as it gets hurled into orbit I will use them. Until then I'm gonna make Bob pee himself.
  2. Teaching a buddy how to rendezvous. He kind of freaked out at the end and rendezvoused with his target at 40 m/s. It was a perfect dead-center hit, so we decided it was a successful rendezvous.
  3. I do habitat modules, 2-man cans, and science labs with large docking ports on either end on the large rubber tires. Good amount of room aboard, stable to drive, easy to dock together, and doesn't require a lot of parts. Just make sure the wheels don't get ahead of the ports.
  4. Time from start, Aug 2013: KER-1st week Kethane-1 month Chatterer, KAC, and ScanSat-6 weeks ago. /whee!
  5. With .24 implementing the entire economy at once, I can very easily see Squad labeling the game as single-player feature complete. Then while MP is getting hammered out they can polish aerodynamics, IVAs, 3.75m parts, and the other bits and pieces. Once MP gets implemented they then move to beta and tweak balance and squash bugs.
  6. A lot depends on how recovery will work. If you get full value for the cost of parts then fuel will be "free" as you are not actually re-using an SSTO/jet, but fully recovering what you launched then re-launching that set of parts. If recovery nets a certain percentage of the cost then fuel and wear and tear can be accounted for.
  7. Hrm. If they're doing budgets in .24 I think they are closing in on single-player scope complete. Multiplayer is the last big piece of the puzzle after this, isn't it?
  8. Porcine Avionics. http://porcineavionics.com
  9. Is it just me or is the raccoon stuffing that rabbit into the cockpit? Rabbit: "Wait, no!" Raccoon: *slam*
  10. Welcome aboard! Keep posting and you'll clear that hurdle soon enough.
  11. Well, I've put it off long enough. It's finally time to see if I have the chops to tackle an Eve return. The lander has 8.8k of delta-v, which I hope will be enough. I'm looking at a landing site of 5k. I have the lander launched and a drive module attached for the transfer. Now it's just the wait for the window.
  12. It's very easy to recover from the Hell Kraken. Alt+F4 to close the game (don't exit normally) then re-launch the game. Yes, it's somewhat annoying, but it's not a game breaker by any means.
  13. I would like to curse the runway humps on the main and island runway because of the number of craft I've pancaked on them.
  14. Yay! I've been looking forward to these.
  15. This is the approach I've been going with lately and it works great. Really useful for anomaly hunting.
  16. For me the best thing to come out of ARM is the improved maneuver nodes. They are now persistent, you can see what your SOI intercept orbits look like by double-clicking the target, and you can set them for future orbits.
  17. What do you spend to unlock tech nodes, tech points or science points? Also, random measurements don't work nearly as effectively as doing specific measurements at specific places. Again we're back to goal prioritization. Do you want to go farther/faster or do you want to get more science from the places you can reach with smaller craft? Either way you're making a choice until you've advanced far enough to do whatever.
  18. 1-4 are solved by my 3rd landing (Mun orbit). 5 is solved with subassemblies. 6- one polar orbit will net every biome except badlands. Use ScanSat if you're really jonesing for a map. 7- how much can one really learn from the vessel? Experiments and instruments are for science. Vessels are to get them there. The tree forces goal prioritization and does a reasonable job of it. It's also very easy to storm the tree to unlock the mid-tier stuff in 4 launches. 1) atmosphere 2) polar orbit 3) Mun orbit 4) Minmus orbit. 3 & 4 can be done with the same ship design.
  19. I would like to update my previous post. I've found that the MPL is awesome as a lander, and makes science gathering so much more efficient. I can drain all the science from a biome at one time, store the duplicates aboard, and be ready for the next stop. This design has 3k dv which is enough to tackle everything but Tylo and Eve.
  20. Post a slogan for KSP or your company or your gameplay. Make an image if you want. It's Friday so it's OK to be stupid.
  21. You may want to check the tutorial in my signature. You want to have fairly close (5-10k difference) orbits, which makes rendezvous easier. If you have a good rendezvous, docking itself becomes fairly simple.
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