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Everything posted by Nahim

  1. If one of then is to be left behind. I guess it would hurt less if they actually don't like each other. If these suffering souls develop some kind of bound or even friendship... The end would be more painful than i could fear...
  2. wow cool! Imagine, just imagine that you were an chubby reclusive nerdy guy with an interesting but totally underrated hobby. Them one day you just discover that your neighbor is also a reclusive Nerdy guy with the SAME underrated hobby as you... This is what we are seeing here. Both Kerbals and Humans having fun in this newly founded rocket club! (where are the girls?) Sagan would love it! Also. I simpli love the concept for an FTL comm! Is like Early internets... In SPACE!
  3. I guess this is already a law here...
  4. Don't underrate the human aptitude for stupidity Mr. Schlosskopf. As the great Felipe Falanghe used to say. "A Habilidade de uma civilização apta a exploração espacial se mede em duas variáveis: Coragem: Para desafiar os limites do desconhecido! E Estupidez: Para sentar seus rabos ou qualquer parte análoga de sua anatomia em um enorme Míssil balístico intercontinental" (The ability of an spacefaring civilization is measured by two variables: Courage: To challenge the limits of the unknown! And Stupidity: To sit their tails or any similar part of his anatomy in a huge ICBM and aim the unknown !)
  5. Owww! how cute! Is something that pleases me. Nerdy Humans and Nerdy Kermans Geeking around. ^^ Dude, this chapter was the most fun to read, also makes me wonder how these future hyouman are more advanced than the kerbals? Did they plan to share the FTL technology? In Exchange for some SSTO blueprints maybe?
  6. Well. When you need to "put it out", come and write one more chapter. No one here are trying to force you to write. You must do what you want to do. When your heart is ready just let it go. Or try perhaps... To change the story model into something that amuses you more... Kerbal is na humoristc game not na harsh survivor game you know...
  7. Still a better love story than twilight... (c'mon guy there is just one return ship for them)
  8. Wo ho ho! The cultural Exchange seems to be booming. Is good to see kerbals enjoing other sounds than explosions and ominious whales singing in space... but how about some SSTO love? heim?
  9. Wow. That was intense! I notice she got an scrapped map. They are made of paper! Great material to start a fire with flint and steel! And Jane story with the people of the Space program could be told by flashbacks. What you think? Question: Why did she hauls the pod hatch with her?
  10. There's an end for infinity? Seems that Jeb collided with everything in persistence exact at the same time! WOw! That is that i call singularity! Thank you for sharing.
  11. So... I hope she bring an workbench. To harvest wood, punch down the tree. ^ ^ And send me greetings to Scott "Supertramp" Kerman! He he
  12. geez. Wish you luck. This nightmare of epidemy is harvesting hundreds of us along the years. mostly children and elders. My entire family caught the disease except by me. After all these years i begin to wonder if i got some kind of immunity. Well about the Twilight thing, would be fun to read a history about how an obscure timey-anomaly disaster back at 60's changed the cold war and the development of the space program itself. The problem is that Minmus does not exist on our earth but in the IQ87's earth. where the developers get the idea for that mun. Otherwise. If someday SQUAD agree to licence KSP as a trademark for toys and muppet tv shows, i believe you could be one of their script writers, along with guys like Kuzzter, Chokolatmuss, the guy from "forgotten Space Program" and of course Nassault.
  13. "Hello from the children of planet Earth" (Nick Sagan's voice)
  14. wait you're a Miner? ( "Miners"Is how we call the inhabitants of Parkaboy's province here in Brazil) How are the things in our lovely Minecraft State of good people and good cheese? (Miners cheese is quite famous down here) I hope you're better than here on Rio. The city is burning out. literally. I guess this is the price of "liberty"... cheers!
  15. may i propose an "Direct Ascent" for your Munar Fly-by mission? Is better when flying low tech vehicles that does not have SAS on their hardware. Just whait until Mun be at more or less 45° from the launchpad and burn straight up.
  16. Do you ever hear about "artistic impression"? Lovin the report so far! Pretty Spacey-Age-like!
  17. So, we will see kovietics here or just the Kasa Kerspace program? hehe
  18. Hi! I just read this mission reports and i liked! I will stay tuned 4 moar once you fix these crashing inssues.
  19. You can do better! You gonna do better! Just add some roleplay! Yes create a history for the missions. Like a mission log for our hero kerbanauts! Just a suggestion! Have Fun making cinematics!
  20. Where in the Persistence is Jebedian Kerman? Also... would be fun discover that the time anomaly sends Minmus to Laythe Orbit!?
  21. This is so fun to read! Did we will see some Duna marauder love?
  22. Great! So... how about some rescue drama?
  23. This is getting interesting. I miss the screenshots, but i guess you already are working this issue yep? I dunno if i will play along, but i wish to know why your kerbal civilization choosed minmus for its first independent colony. So far i guess that you got an eye into an resupply base. Or even an cool looking Shipyard in its low grav environment? Minmus is a great place for such outpost, as Mun is the obvious choice for a nice base with Kerbin hanging eternely in Mun's skies. Let's supercolonize'en all! Edit: Oh! And i highly advise you into substitute your "Remote Tech" into a more practical and less buggy mod. Like the "Antenna Range" that kinda simulates the Stock remote tech.
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