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Everything posted by sardaukar11

  1. I would like to see climate effects in the worlds with atmosphere, like the mod that adds sandstorms to duna, add things like that, rain in kerbin and similar things
  2. i think roverdude has a mod for colonies, but i think its is more for surfac based colonies (they look more modular/square)
  3. my first one was a crash at some 300 m/s on .20 i remember the second was succesfull but the crew got stranded there
  4. I vote for Aliens! But there are really a lot of good space movies. ALso, i think this should be moved to the lounge
  5. Farewell and good luck Maxmaps, we will miss you!! And welcome Dr_Turkey!
  6. i think it was afterburner in C64 i was 5 years old
  7. i guess he refers to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syzygy_%28astronomy%29
  8. forgot the antenna for a space station in kerbins orbit
  9. some people just want to watch the world HYPE...
  10. Bill: I remember when we have to put boosters in our boosters to avoid being hit by them!
  11. always bring an extra bit of Dv, just in case
  12. You can launch only one rocket per day, and have to pay for kraken points with real money for being able to launch more misions
  13. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80369 Este es el link del mod, muy practico! igual como dijo juan, podes a ojo tranquilo, lo que si, atento al radar de altitud que ves desde DENTRO de la cabina, el que ves desde fuera de la nave da la altura al nivel del mar que estas, el de la cabina, da la altura a la superficie, pero solo funciona hasta 3000 metros de altura, mas que eso no ves advierto porque por ahi en la pantalla ves que estas a 9000 metros de la superficie y te estampaste con una lomada o montaña
  14. no need to get mad, but a challenge without rules or data is not a challenge per se. there is a challenge guide post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24898-Challenge-Submission-Guide when you can, upload your design and put some rules and winning conditions
  15. Saludos desde argentina tambien! esperamos ver los frutos (o catastrofes ) de las misiones por aca! saludos!!
  16. as worir4 said, in the volume mixer, you can chose to change the volume or mute specific aplications instead of the whole machine
  17. i killed bill in the first mun landing on my new career in 0.25 and he isnt coming back
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