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Everything posted by pxi

  1. As far as I can see, no-one is criticizing _Augustus_ for his efforts in recreating the planets using Kopernicus. The issue lies in the way he has chosen to go about it. There have been several mods that have changed hands without this sort of drama, mainly due as far as I can see to the new authors taking care to ask permission beforehand, attributing credit where credit is due, and carefully differentiating the new version from the old. Declaring the KSP modding scene as toxic does not make it so. The major benefit for a mod-creator, asides from scratching a personal itch, is the kudos they receive for their investment of time and effort. This is negated if you or I can casually grab a mod, repackage it, and declare ourselves the 'author'. This is a lesson _Augustus_ seems to be learning at this stage. His enthusiasm is admirable, his execution so far, less so. Given his age, I can forgive the latter. With a bit more due-diligence on his part he may yet be a force to be reckoned with in the community.
  2. Well, that knocks me out of the running.
  3. Yeah, this isn't the first time he's mentioned KSP, but when he does, he tends to say very nice things.
  4. pxi


    The daily deals on steam will be where you want to look, they update at 6PM GMT. Otherwise I'd recommend waiting till the last day of the sale for most any price you're seeing at the moment.
  5. I'd find it hard to believe that they're not aware of the damage they've caused. At this point I'm strongly suspecting that the 'apology' has been worded such that they aren't admitting any responsibility because they know full well they will be facing court action.
  6. You have to wonder if they even comprehend what they have done to the site. And for a photoshot that will get them 15 seconds of exposure. I'm not sure that imprisoning the people involved is necessarily the ideal thing to do, will that not turn them into martyrs in the eyes of greenpeace and their supporters? Rather, I think the Peruvian government needs to sue greenpeace. Hitting them in the wallet might be a much better deterrent against future stunts like this.
  7. Same thing I've been doing for the last 25 years or so: ↓ ↘ → + P
  8. I'd love to talk about this book but the profanity filter makes it impossible. EDIT: Actually, no it doesn't. Surprised me, that did.
  9. I know one individual who simultaneously believes that while we never went to the moon, there is a secret space program maintaining bases on mars. My personal feeling on these sorts of things is they're rather comforting in a way - would you rather believe the world is controlled by 5 guys sitting round a table, or that no-one is really in control of anything? To me it's a kind of faith, there's only so much you can argue with it.
  10. There is one thing you absolutely must do. Ensure the graphics on level 3 are sufficiently tight. I cannot stress how important this is.
  11. I dispute this. I loved this Mac: But I cannot stand OSX. The only positive thing I can say about it is that at least it has bash. Other than that I'd refuse to support it.
  12. This is Adam Weishaupt: This is George Washington: Don't they look similar? Now go bury $5 in your back yard, and wait for our agents to contact you.
  13. From Wikipedia: I've met the guy, and he's incredibly nice, but I've also played many of his games, and yeah, they rarely live up to the hype.
  14. IIRC mobile phones connected to a current version of exchange can be remotely wiped in the event of the device being stolen. See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998614%28v=exchg.150%29.aspx This may apply to you if you have bought into any of Microsoft's cloud offerings. I've never had to use it in anger, so can't attest to it's usefulness, or how well it wipes the data - ie does it just delete the data, or overwrite it, but it's something you could look into I guess. Personally, if it were me, I'd go and buy a cheap GSM phone that's just a phone, you should be able to pick up one for around €20 or so these days. Otherwise, encrypting the data, which you've already done is probably about as good as it gets.
  15. I've given it a bash, it may or may not be complete, so please treat this as a draft/request for comment only. What Squad announced: Deep Space Refuelling via Asteroids Points of general consensus amongst the community within this thread: The system should be relatively simple, but ideally be expandable via mods. Ideally the system should reference real-world proposals for ISRU, at least from a lore perspective. There should ideally be some method of resource detection. The system is a mid-to-late-game feature, suitable for players who have mastered many of the basic mechanics of KSP. New parts should have an appropriate weight and consume appropriate amounts of electicity, in order to encourage ship specialization. Points of debate amongst the community: The minimum number of mining/seed resources: 1 single resource, eg: water Multiple resources [*]The number of refined products produced from said mining resources. One mined resource to produce all end-product resources. Various mined resources from various sources to produce different end-products. [*]Whether all existing resources should be producible. [*] Where resources should be found: Asteroids Planet atmospheres Planet surface Planet oceans All of the above [*]Whether there should be a straight conversion of mined resource to end product, or whether mined resources should be storable for later conversion. [*]Are resoures depletable, or infinite?
  16. It's a YMMV thing in my opinion. My personal experience with Linux has been nothing but joy, but I'm one of these people that really likes using the terminal. I've had very little hassle getting hardware to work with Linux, and in many cases where I reinstall Windows to find that device manager presents you with a list of 'unknown devices' reaching for my trusty Linux on a stick, and a quick lspci -v gets me the information that I want far quicker than any other method I could think of. It's not for everyone though.
  17. I think for one, the level of QA that Squad do on each release is quite impressive when compared to other 'early access' titles, and I would be hesitant about persuading them away from this strategy. Having said that, in this particular case it seems we are talking about individual assets, which presumably don't need an updated executable to make them function. If I'm correct in my assumption, it's quite conceivable that they could be released as a small patch when they're done. And for what it's worth, if a small update that adds a couple of parts upsets people, they are probably in for a major shock when the bugfix only patches start to land.
  18. Looking at the about page, it seems not. That was the conclusion I jumped to as well.
  19. I've seen this a few times too. Like others I've been loading the game and alt-tabbing while it loads the save.
  20. If you ever thought Windows Event Log was less than perfect, syslog will probably make you cry tears of joy.
  21. Yes I know time has moved on, but it is worth looking at the 'classic' KSP resource diagram for a second: It's complicated for sure, contains debatable levels of fun, but it seems to be fairly well grounded in real-world chemistry. Propellium - Hydrogen Oxium - Oxygen Nitronite - Nitrogen Water Blutonium - Plutonium Intake Air Hexagen - Carbon Zeonium - Xenon Although I can see logic in streamlining the original design, I still think there is huge merit in retaining the underlying process - at least in terms of the direction that we are handwaving. Consider the idea of tangental learning: Would you prefer that KSP conveys the concept of ISRU in a way that is consistent with what is planned in the real world, or would you prefer alchemy?
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