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Everything posted by pxi

  1. Listen to the theme tune for Firefly. Should clear up the confusion.
  2. When I think of Apple, I think of Woz. I was never a fan of Steve Jobs. There's a fantastic movie 'The Pirates of Silicon Valley', which is well worth a look if you're interested in the early days of Apple. Also, it's a bit sad that Dennis Ritchie died at around the same time as Jobs, and almost nothing was said about him.
  3. Good job there! It really gives the KSP theme a little bit of a firefly touch.
  4. Space space wanna go to space SPAAAACCCEEEE!
  5. I own v3. Seems I already own a superior game. It's basically the last SimCity vs SimCity 4 all over again. Really, you have to give props to EA for not forcing their long-standing fans to upgrade. Other companies would shamelessly add in new features to coerce you into buying the new thing, not these guys. This above all else is why EA are such visionaries.
  6. This guy is right. Hail Eris! All hail Discordia! Kallisti!
  7. I'm going to echo this sentiment. I love laptops, I really do, but I'd rarely consider them for gaming. For the sort of money you're talking about, you could buy quite a beefy desktop, and some very nice extras like a ridiculously big monitor. (Once I started using a 27-inch monitor, I could never go back.)
  8. Catchy, and it positively just rolls off the tongue. How does your system deal with cases where the presence of life and/or civilization is unknown? I see only YES/NO options. No option for unknown. Wait, I see it now. X for unknown. Well played sir!
  9. I often miss the live Squadcast and have to watch it later. I've only run into problems trying to watch the archived copy once. However, I do think that uploading a copy of the Squadcast to youtube would be a good idea. Expanding the number of possible eyes on it and all...
  10. Meh. I'll be excited when you see the fnords.
  11. I'm a firm believer that the best way for us as end-users to demonstrate to Squad that we want this feature or that, is to use the mod if it's available. Demanding something in stock otherwise, is your prerogative, but it makes your case a lot less compelling. That's how I see it at least.
  12. Frankly if we can go somewhere and not have our eyeballs explode from the vacuum or some-such, then we probably deserve to be there.
  13. There is an issue, depending on how wide the browser window is. If it's too narrow, the first menu row wraps on top of the second row, obscuring the new posts link. See here:
  14. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management In the Left Pane you'll see Computer Management > Storage > Disk Management It may be as simple as assigning a drive letter to the partition on the disk, and probably taking ownership of the files on the disk. However, referring to storage space as you do, that makes me nervous. That implys some sort of software RAID type shenanigans which could be a real pain to un-bork. EDIT: Assuming it's not a simple fix, do not, repeat, DO NOT run any repair tool on the disk in question, until you have made a complete clone of the hard disk.
  15. The 'pyramid' is object D in the photo shown. I'd like to see a mission to Cydonia. Not that I expect anything to be found, but I suspect a mission there would have a lot of public support.
  16. We need two questions answered: who pushed it, and why? This 'rock fell down a hill' narrative that NASA has going is an obvious smokescreen.
  17. Would you be tripping over an issue with mono, seeing that it seems to be a linux issue? Generally when it comes to Linux and .net, mono is used to interpert C#, and the support is decent, but not 100%. Of course, I may well be barking up the wrong tree, but it probably bears mentioning. http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/compatibility/
  18. Disk 1: Operating System & Swap File Disk 2: Applications Disk 3: Data Over time, as I replace disks with higher capacities, disk 3 moves to disk 2, and so on.
  19. Some but not all doctors, let's be fair. However, I imagine that yes, they prefer money to being paid in livestock or whatever their predecessors were paid in.
  20. I had been really looking forward to resource gathering. I thought the flowchart that was floating about at the time was very well thought out. I was very disappointed when it was determined to be unfun, and not for inclusion. Kethane has filled this role for the most part, and I'm planning to check out Karbonite in the near future. I would really hope that Harvester & Co revisit this in the future. Science is equally as grindy and unfun as resource collection, but it adds a much-needed extra dimension to the range of gameplay options. As an aside, I've been playing Space Engineers quite a lot. For a game that is almost exclusively about gathering resources, it's a blast.
  21. pxi

    Server Purchase

    Solid advice, and the first point cannot be stressed enough. Also, take the hour required to wire up a standard plug board to attach to a port on the UPS, and place your router and switches on the UPS supply. You'll be glad you did. To be perfectly honest, I'd put a minimum of 32GB in a server these days. Agreed. And from a learning-to-server POV, I certainly found learning Linux a far more pleasant experience. Simply put, when I'm googling to figure out why i'm having problems with $service, the signal-to-noise level tends to be higher on the Linux side of things. I'm going to assume that if you're dropping $15k on a server, you don't care about the cost of a licence for the server, and any CAL's that might be required, but you also don't run into that on the Linux side. That's about the minimum I'd recommend rotating the media, but otherwise I agree wholeheartedly on using hard disks over tape. If it doesn't absolutely, positively have to run on the metal, make it a VM.
  22. You'd be surprised how often I've been tasked with making someone's Mac behave like it's Windows counterpart, because "that's what all the other machines in the office do". It's often a non-trivial affair, because, well, OSX is not Windows. The straightforward answer in many cases, would be to simply install Windows, but of course, the end-user almost never wants that, because then their Mac wouldn't be a Mac, would it? Now, to swing this rambling to a point: @LameLefty: Why, if 64-bit KSP is so important to you, have you not considered installing either Linux or Windows on your Mac? I'm not trying to be nasty, but the 64-bit thing is a Unity thing, not a KSP thing. You can either rage about it, or do something constructive to solve the problem. Your choice.
  23. At this point I've poured nearly 2000 hours into KSP. This community is probably about as far as I want that information spread.
  24. I think it is worth pointing out that this capability is available to just about anyone with the will to do it, not just government agencies. Almost any kind of router is capable of dumping pcap in some form, and that's just the easy option. The only difference is in the scale of the information collected. I should point out that there are a myriad of legitimate reasons why network admins do it, this is not some sort of evil-genius scenario. This has been going on since the beginning of time from both a computing and a communications perspective. It's just that the average guy hears about it now, and it sounds bad. Because their illusion of privacy has been shattered.
  25. You may be forgetting those all-important yearly roster changes! (And the small fact that the multiplayer servers for the old version are deactivated as soon as the new version comes out.)
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