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Everything posted by pxi

  1. As far as destructable buildings goes, I'm a fan. However, I would like to echo the sentiments expressed by others regarding the hype. I'm not a huge fan of engaging in speculation regarding updates. It's not all Squad's fault either - when the awesome secret thing is unknown, there is only one possible correct answer, but an infinite number of possibilities. In the end there are few winners, and a lot of disappointment. Regardless, this looks to be another good update.
  2. I strongly suggest you learn more about how Microsoft have run their business in the past.
  3. IMO it's not specifically that it's Microsoft, it's that $bigevilcorp bought out $littleguy. It'd be the same if it were Google or Facebook, or just about any other corporation. But I do suggest looking into the history of Microsoft. They've had their fair share of stupid moments. If you go far enough back, you'll reach a point where people would find exploits in Microsoft products, notify MS, and instead of patching the problem, the response was basically, 'well it's not supposed to do that, but you're not supposed to use it that way either, so no patch'. They also used to harp on about NT having a military C1 security rating. I looked into it. Basically it said that the OS was secure as long as the computer was in a locked room, not connected to a network, and password protected. Which is, admittedly, secure - just not very useful. And then Steve Balmer.
  4. Been looking at a few videos for this on youtube. I'm quite tempted to pick it up now, frankly I would have bought it by now if it was on steam. Definitely looks like one to watch.
  5. Well, Microsoft did register this patent application a couple of years ago. So basically this is Milo without the cutesy avatar. (Probably.)
  6. Molyneux wishes he could build Skynet. Sadly it requires more than a highly scripted presentation. Frankly I think Steve Grand is probably more on the right track.
  7. I think most of us agree that a bit of hype is fine, but it's a bit like giving toddlers coke and sweets at a party - one minute everyone's having a great time, five minutes later it's a screaming mess of tantrums and vomit. My two currency units while the 4-Door Sedan of Measured Expectations waits at the traffic-lights.
  8. Halfway down that page you'll come across this gem: Don't know about you, but I can't wait to play a game like that!
  9. If we're going to talk about copycats, DF-9 was basically intended to be Dwarf Fortress in space. Not that that's a bad thing, but I think many more people now have an idea why Dwarf Fortress has been in development for about a decade, and Toady reckons it'll take another 20 years to complete.
  10. I was in the wait-and-see camp with it too. In some ways I'm not totally surprised, Tim Schafer is going to acquire the same reputation as Peter Molyneux if Double Fine keep going in this direction. Their original backers are still waiting for the other half of their other 'finished' product too, right? Day of the Tentacle was one of the most memorable games I ever played, but at this point I'd be pretty damn wary of anything Schafer is at the helm of. Sad really. EDIT: Just found this in the comments in the steam thread. The irony.
  11. I'm still not getting why I should worry. The market back then was tiny, they were essentially selling a niche product. And most of what was available were clones of what else was available. It wasn't just the NES though, there was the small matter of the home-computer boom that happened in the UK. Sinclair, Amstrad, and Commodore all came to prominence in this period, and that's just what was going on in the UK in the 80's, while simultaneously Atari were burying cartridges. Even during the crash there were innovative games that sold in large volumes. The market is huge now. It's mainstream now, in a way it never was in the 80's. Good games will continue to sell. If people aren't buying bad games, well... should we be surprised by that? Should we be concerned by that? I'm perfectly happy with companies that produce bad games going under. That seems like the natural order of things to me. Just because you made a game, does not mean I have to want to buy it. I'm not going to tire of buying games because a certain percentage of the available options are uninspired. That's a ridiculous notion. I will still buy the games I want to buy.
  12. I don't find his argument particularly convincing. If EA goes under tomorrow, computer gaming will still exist. Same goes for Valve or whoever else he references. Bad games coming out now, do not un-create the many many good games that have already been created. People will not stop gaming because Operation Headshot turns out to be bad. Seriously, how bad would a game have to be to invalidate all the years of enjoyment I've had playing many games, across multiple platforms? It's just not going to happen. Anyway, the crash in the 80's happened, and gaming is still here. For this simple reason alone, I'm not that worried.
  13. Capcom need to focus on more costume DLC's, as opposed to bugfixing.
  14. I agree when it comes to Office, MS do everything in their power to keep people within the ecosystem. It's a little different when you step outside of the corporate end of things. MS have historically had no issue attempting to use DirectX to strongly compel gamers to upgrade to the latest version of Windows. The cynical part of me sees the next minecraft update on a windows platform being available for Windows 9 exclusively. Microsoft's game division used to be the best thing about the company. It's sad really.
  15. Azumanga Daioh Fist Of The North Star Read Or Die AD Police Appleseed Bubblegum Crisis Any of the Studio Ghibli stuff basically
  16. Azumanga Daioh Fist Of The North Star Read Or Die AD Police Appleseed Bubblegum Crisis Any of the Studio Ghibli stuff basically
  17. Heh, nobody's mortally wounded here. I also should point out that I quoted you intending to reference the subject of the website in question. However, it really does look like I was addressing my subsequent comments to you in particular, which honestly was not the case. I really should have been more clear in my first post. So likewise, apologies for that.
  18. Security through obscurity it may be, but here's the thing, I'm not doing the spammers work for them. The pragmatic thing to do in a situation like this, is change your password. Don't go asking some random form on the internet if you have to do it, just go and do it. Deride that all you want.
  19. One thing's for sure. MS MineCraft 2015 will have significantly more bullet points on the packaging, compared to the previous iteration.
  20. This really is the bit to take from all of this. Now as to things like this: You know what I find funny about this? The world and their wife is busy feeding their gmail addresses to a site they know nothing about. I'll leave it to you to ponder what benefit there is to amassing a list like that.
  21. Would it be a KSP musical without reference to the time-warp feature? Just saying...
  22. And now the arm-twisting begins it seems... sims 4 developer warns there wont be a sims 5 if this one doesnt sell
  23. Frankly, if we need someone to drive the train, it should be someone with more than a tertiary interest in KSP. You know it makes sense. Besides, Pete the Robot's quite nice if you give him half a chance.
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