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Everything posted by pxi

  1. Indeed. I'd love for him to be right, but pragmatically I guess I have to settle for him just being highly entertaining. EDIT: I occasionally wonder if he knows he's been kerbalized?
  2. Did anyone here read Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene? It's been years since I read it, but if I recall correctly, he speculated that fundamentally, beyond any physical mechanism, life may be defined by the propagation of patterns of information. Therefore by this view, we, and all life on earth are machines, designed to replicate our DNA. What I found intriguing, was his speculation that essentially culture was another parallel form of life that is transmitted from person to person, and is subject to mutation and natural selection in much the same way as DNA does. See here: Selfish Gene, Chapter 11.
  3. Well, there are those that suppose that Iapetus is also an abandoned alien spacecraft, albeit bigger, and not egg-shaped. On top of this, arguments have been made for Phobos as well. All of these scenarios seem unlikely to me. Very unlikely. But why spacecraft? It is after all egg-shaped. Why could it not be a dragon egg? Is there anything we know about this moon that prohibits it being a dragon egg?
  4. I used to do this all the time in a fighter sim I had on the Amiga. Have tried this a few times in KSP without success, but it's good to know someone else out there thought of it!
  5. AFAIK you are given control over a colony ship or somesuch which then lands on an alien planet. Later other colonies arrive. They also talked about having an orbital layer, and satellites being useful.
  6. Race for Kethane: There's only so much of it out there. Find it, mine it, get the most, win!
  7. A naive observation/question: I do a fair amount of PHP programming, it's quite easy to track the memory footprint of a script, by calling functions such as memory_get_usage() and memory_get_peak_usage(). Is there similar functionality available for Unity? And would you be able to return memory used by each dll?
  8. There are two problems with the Kerbalizer as it stands: 1: It doesn't do anything useful for me personally. I used the free version once, and it did enough as it stood. 2: Even if I did want to buy it, it's not on Steam. This makes it much more inconvenient for me to purchase it. If the kerbalizer integrated with KSP, and #2 was addressed, well... do you want some more money from me Squad? [EDIT] I meant to say, I like the idea of upgrading the suits as well.
  9. It looks interesting, although it doesn't sound like they'll be keeping the unit-designing features of Alpha Centauri. One to watch for me.
  10. something something opsec something nevermind
  11. I posted elsewhere that I would like some control over the asteroid spawning rate. I am fully aware that you can track/untrack/just-ignore-them. I was envisioning: * being able to set a spawn rate for example between 0% and 200%. * being able to restrict the sizes that spawn - eg only class e, or classes c-e. * being able to control their initial distance from the sun. * option to make them tracked by default. On the just ignore them bit, this feels wrong when you are trying to impose a 'gotta catch em all' playstyle on yourself.
  12. Furthermore, in terms of user response, if the additional related content we are providing continually to users online is deemed uninteresting from the start, there will be no ongoing business to pursue.
  13. 2 nasty caveats: The way I read it, I'll never see a line of the code, but it's cool nevertheless.
  14. I've gone with naming them after my casualties of progress.
  15. Coil's 'Musick To Play In The Dark' albums are pretty good: And this, to me is the Kerbal mindset in a nutshell: From north and south We come from east and west Breathing as one Living in fame Or dying in flame We laugh Our mission is blessed
  16. Beyond the list above, it's also worth knowing you can get to the four text-mode terminals with CTRL-ALT-[F1 -> F4]. CTRL-ALT-F7 will bring you back to the window manager. It can be a godsend when something hangs the desktop.
  17. 1: Get to terminal 2: type dmesg 3: look at output 4: plug in mouse 5: type dmesg 6: any new lines should refer to the system picking up the device (or not).
  18. Bit of a long shot, probably you've already tried it, but... Have you tried every usb port on the mobo? They are not necessarily all tied to the same USB controller chip. Also (and again I'm assuming you've been through this), I've once or twice had cases where Windows takes an absolutely inordinate amount of time to pick up mice / keyboards. Sometimes giving it fifteen minutes to sort it's st00f out works wonders. Any unidentified items in the device manager? Come to think of it, when trying it under Ubuntu, do you get anything showing up in dmesg when you plug the mouse in?
  19. I'd prefer to just skip to the congratulatory fireworks. Let me know when pay to win is fully implemented.
  20. I'd actually like to see some sort of control over the rate at which they're spawned, it's not that I dislike the asteroids - rather I've quite got my hands full with missions to them.
  21. pxi


    I've watched three 2-hour programs on the ISS in the last week or so - 2 from channel 4's coverage, and the national geographic coverage. I really cannot imagine any of the astronauts that featured in the broadcast getting stabby if ww3 breaks out. On the other hand, you would probably be extremely concerned about your resupply plan, or lack therof.
  22. Now to be fair, they have to change something if they expect you to buy it each year.
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