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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Kad imaš dobru misiju, onda nije loše staviti je na Mission Reports...
  2. The Ministry Of No Better Things To Do has decided to send a propulsionless Kron 4 to low equatorial Kerbin orbit where it will be used for more testing because this year the budget had been significantly increased. Reasons: success of the earlier mission and the fact a weird, shiny object has been spotted on Wal by automated landers few years earlier. Shiny objects are of great importance to the Kerbal species. Kerbal scientists are still working on energy generation. Last mission used RTG units only, which almost turned into a disaster. Active fission reactor will be used now. The launch vehicle is currently being filled with fuels and the launch is scheduled for later this day. It is a two stage rocket with liquid fuel boosters with TWR approximately 1.3.
  3. "Sandstorm" is not the new anthem because the song is not used in every damn video as a background. It's merely a 9gag-kiddie-troll version of Never Gonna Give You Up. And it's not funny because one thing is to rickroll someone, and another thing is when you have 50 morons saying "Darude Sandstorm" in the comments. It became old and annoying very fast. Trinity was a YouTube's national anthem because it was free (perhaps still is, I don't know) to use as a background song when you upload something you've recorded. Because it's has a cool tune, it soon became extremely abundant. Whatever is presented ad nauseam becomes annoying.
  4. Actually such well developed amethysts without massive inclusions are pretty expensive. I can see that being sold for 100 USD on some mineral exibition, but it can usually be fetched for a bit more than 50 on eBay when it comes from China's mines. It's not worthless at all.
  5. Can I put the taskbar down, where it belongs?
  6. There is a solution, it's called breeding, but nobody is really concerned about it because the volume of the waste is incredibly tiny and the danger is so easy to mitigate for thousands of years. Nuclear waste is not a problem, whatever Greenpeace or any other loopy people say. And yes, we do have reactors that can use some of the waste. Ever heard of MOX fuel? It uses plutonium. It's recycling. Using short lived radioisotopes for anything except specialized usage is not a technological obstacle, it's how the universe works. They are not fissile or fissionable so the solution is to either bury them in impenetrable caskets or to render them less dangerous in breeder reactors. So yeah, breeding and MOX. Read about it. It's common nuclear energy knowledge. None of these issues are mitigated by using thorium.
  7. It can't be 1. But it could be a pile of office papers, too, but that's highly unlikely.
  8. We have more than 50 years of uranium fission development that yields enormous power at high energy density. Infrastructure is there, experience is there, technology is incredibly advanced, and now we should just throw that in the bin? Yeah, right.
  9. More thorium pipedreams made by young "managers" with instant solutions.
  10. Mars and Earth? But this is not Real Solar System mod.
  11. No, Sandstorm was a major hit and a cult song in the world before little kids started to spam with it online. Trinity was virtually unknown.
  12. It's actually a really cool song, but it has been used so extensively when YouTube first offered free music backgrounds that it quickly became highly annoying. Now that few years have passed, it doesn't seem annoying to me anymore.
  13. Nice idea, but I don't use any mods that would offer an indefinitively long life support. Also, I don't want to leave Kerbals behind and doing two identical missions just to pick them up is not interesting to me. Kron missions are pretty tedious as I try not to leave anything in doubt. Once the ship is on its way, it's on its way. I could try Duna or Mun in the future, we'll see. Kron ships use 3.75 m modules from Taurus HCV mod. The purpose of these missions is to send a decent number of Kerbals in a relatively spacious and bulky ship to far reaches of the system. Taurus HCV is already updated and I don't remember it ever causing any problems. It's a very stable mod. As for the modlist, previous three ships have them all named throughout the thread. This one doesn't have it yet because it's a work in progress. I'm testing designs. So far TAC and SETI Greenhouses will play a major role, unless DeepFreeze is suddenly updated, which I doubt will happen anytime soon.
  14. I've been testing a vessel with four Kerbals and four 2.5 m greenhouses. 126 days in orbit. Results: - water is not being depleted (weird, but great!) - oxygen is completely recycled - 148 units of food spent Conclusions: - no need for carrying waste and oxygen tanks, as each vessel's internal TAC storage is enough as a buffer - taking plenty of food is a good idea Water issue is puzzling. Should I pack or should I not?
  15. An experimental module has been set into low Kerbin orbit. Here is Peggy Kerman doing the external checking of the module. Two male, two female Kerbals will spend months on this vessel and test the life support system while the designers down at KSC are trying to design a ship to throw this thing all the way to Urlum.
  16. Still a heavy work in progress, of course. I expect only 4 Kerbals on this mission: Jeb and Val as pilots, Bill the engineer and Bob the scientist. I'm still waiting for the Near Future Electrical to update because I'm planning to use one of its reactors and radiators for power generation.
  17. If I could be safe (impossible, but let's imagine), it would be: - one of the calderas on Io, right where the edge of lava is - shores of Titan's seas where rivers pour in - Maat Mons on Venus - Triton's geysers Geological hammer and a sample container kit would be appreciated.
  18. Some of the animations from that thread. I'm still convinced these are just patches of terrain with higher albedo. Someone there mentioned Phoebe. Others are talking about very high albedo. People constantly forget that most of bodies looking like this are VERY VERY VERY dark, and when you take a photo and want to see a nice feature rich surface, you cause washing out of the grayish surfaces. Those white spots are not white. They are gray. We have exact same things on the Moon.
  19. Loss of mass is negligible and can be ignored. If he has trouble getting the UraniumDioxide deplete and NuclearFuel build up, he might as well just use UraniumDioxide depletion and make it massless. It changes nothing and no trouble is caused.
  20. Salt is possible, yes. That would be an ancient salt deposit, then. Ceres is an extremely old body. However, simple ejecta is much more plausible.
  21. It is very bright because Ceres is incredibly dark so when you crank the sensor to see the surface as gray as this, light gray stuff gets washed away and turns white. I still see no evidence to support anything other than what we already saw on the Moon with fresh impact craters. Craters experience landslides, especially if the regolith is rich in volatiles which sublime after being disturbed, leaving structurally unsound crater walls.
  22. Even if the cars run on it in the future, which is a pipedream, it will have negligible effect. We actually spend (destroy) plenty of water in basic chemical industry by reacting it with various stuff.
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