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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Nobody said this is "the NERVA", but I'm not so sure it was designed to work without radiators. Nuclear fission reactor creates such enormous amounts of heat during active controlled fission, way more than expected quantities of hydrogen can absorb and remove, but that's not the main issue. What's with the heat generation after the chain reaction is stopped? All those fission products will lead to melting unless the heat is removed. What do you mean by "fuel flowing through the engine"? LH2 absorbs it, then what? Where's the heatsink? Liquid hydrogen is a terribly pathetic material for picking up heat and there's no enough of it in a olympic pool sized vat which could cool down a typical heat generation after shutdown of any nuclear engine. Radiators are absolutely neccessary.
  2. No, it was almost whole Eve's day after the landing because I was checking the daily temperature fluctuation, too.
  3. I don't cheat with buggy parachutes. I use a shallow periapsis and do a proper reentry.
  4. We don't need heat generation nerfing. In fact, I'd crank it up! What we need are radiators as a special part. It's absurd to run a nuclear reactor in space and not have them. No ship will ever be able to do it. Small, medium and large radiators. I expect to see them in the next bigger update.
  5. Yeah, I've seen the temperature changes, but I took both measurements when Kerbol was roughly in the zenith. Both Kerbal and the thermometer were in the same conditions. Kerbal got to 430. I can't explain this.
  6. I use 120% and it's extremely forgiving. I still don't understand how people get 75% of their shield ablated. I barely reach 90% or so, usually 95% is left after the landing. Heatshields need few changes and the one that concerns this topic is that their heat conductivity must be set very low so that they don't bleed much heat away.
  7. So because of a typo you concluded Duna is hot as an oven when you're baking meat.
  8. Here are the results of probe "Zdenka" (yeah, I know, hilarious). I don't understand these values. It's too low for kelvin. If it's celsius, then we have ourselves a new Venus. But Commissioner Tadpole's measurement on Duna suggests it's kelvins. So why such low temperature (little over 50 °C) on Eve when earlier measurement with a Kerbal was "430" and we see the thermal menu and the thermometer are the same thing. Pressure is similar to what wiki says about Eve. Kilopascals.
  9. You'll get used to it fast. If it took me few days to get a hang of FAR, you'll get used to stock aerodynamics a lot faster. It's much more forgiving.
  10. I went there and then reverted the mission. Kerbals do not die when they step outside. Maximum temperature I've measured using a Kerbal and alt+F12 temperature menu was almost "430". If that is in Kelvins, then not much has changed. If it's in Celsius, then Eve is now like Venus. I will send an unmanned probe to check it out. I did notice daily temperature fluctuations, some 20 degrees difference. I guess that's new.
  11. I haven't seen any of them chatting. Some of them open mouths in awe, just like Jeb and others...
  12. As I'm tired of Career mode (did it three times), I haven't looked much about it, but I saw the RTG unit is one of the last things you get. That's just dumb.
  13. Hopefully, it will get remade. I don't understand why RealChutes haven't become a stock thing. It's right there, total developed parachute system that works realistically and with elegance. If that's not a bug, I don't know what is.
  14. That's not how cloning works. What you're describing is a replication from Star Trek. Cloning produces a zygote. You don't get an adult human being. And no, it's not the same person. It's a new special person with some similar mental potentials, that's it.
  15. Change your title to cryonics cause this is not cryogenics.
  16. I've noticed the capsules don't produce any lift. :/ I've cranked the heat to maximum and I'm getting no problems. My shields lose less than 15% of the ablator. It's about learning how to fly rockets and flying spaceships in general. Learn it. Also, you can alt+F12 and turn on thermal data so you can see the temperatures of each part.
  17. Yes, glitches are massive. When the module is picked up everything is ok, but when you try to attach it to the capsule, nodes disappear. Few random clicks later the capsule glues to the module and you need to throw that lump away. Completely useless in v1.0.
  18. Concorde taking off. You can get the CRAFT file here. http://www.filedropper.com/concorde
  19. Ceres is well within the line for water ice stability so water ice can not survive on its surface. Pluto is a different story.
  20. Yeah, I know. I have plenty of annoying people around my house and a gas mask. Bring it on.
  21. This is my first try on making this legendary airplane and it might be my first craft I've posted here. http://www.filedropper.com/concorde It can reach nominal speed and value for Concorde. It has enough lift to safely land. It's by no means a perfect or finished product so use it with caution.
  22. Weeeee... I hope it will hit my house. I wouldn't mind getting lots of money from Russia.
  23. I've installed TR and added oinker's skybox. Result: One of 6 components is broken. How to fix this? Files themselves are fine.
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