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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Funny, I don't remember that being so troublesome.
  2. This probably won't happen before our children are dead and certainly not in our lifetime.
  3. I see no reason against it. These are just Latin songs translated to English and then kerbalized. Big deal. I'll discuss it with others because Kerbals do need one, but if it would be made from scratch, it's better to put it in a special thread. Kerbals deserve a special anthem.
  4. Few days ago couple of us were busy at the unofficial KSP steam group. The conversation is usually going from funny to weird so we started making up Kerbal prayers. ZedNova made Kerbal rendition of "Hail Mary" (my favorite), and I did the "Our Father" and "Gloria Patri" ones. Title for "Our Father" was gpisic's idea. Our Player Our Player, Who art in LKO, hallowed be Thy fuel, Thy science come, Thy will done on Kerbin as it is in LKO. Give us this day our daily boosters, and strenghten our struts as we strenghten our rockets, and lead us not into crash, but deliver us from Kraken. Kamen. Hail Jeb Hail Jeb, full of snacks. Our capsule is with thee. Blessed art thou among pilots, And blessed is the fuel of thy rocket, Kerbal X. Holy rocket, lifter of things, Transport our probes, Now and at the hour of our launch. Kamen. Gloria Kermani Glory be to von Kerman and to Gene, and to Mortimer: As it was at the launch, is now, and ever shall be, TWR above one. Kamen. Presumably that's what some Kerbals recruits scream (in their gibberish Kerbal language, of course) while their capsule is hurling through the atmosphere enveloped in plasma. There's more to come, we just need to find the original ones.
  5. There is no sound propagation at ISS orbital height. Absolute silence. The thumping sound is made by jerking the microphone and the buzz is the ventilation vibration of the suit on which the camera is mounted. Air/oxygen was never needed for sound generation.
  6. It can't be banned. It's a fertilizer. What is the agricultural industry supposed to put on their fields? Sand? What might be banned is selling bulk amounts of the pure compound to individuals and things like that. But banning a compound, what does that even mean? It's absurd. Of course he won't reach even close to 100 km. He'll be lucky to reach 10 km.
  7. Melting oxidizer and reducer? Never do that. Not only your compounds won't solvate one another, but there's also a huge chance of hotspot forming and very rapid total ignition with the melting pot playing the role of a SRB nozzle. Rocket candy is made by dissolving the components in distilled water and then vigorous* mixing while cooking, until the water content is sufficiently low, and then rolling the plasticine-like mixture into little cylinders. You store them in small airtight bottles or immediately load them in the engine, avoiding air pocket formation. As for the igniters, buy ten 4.5 V batteries and make a serial connection. Copper wires leading to a piece of graphite lead encased in a capsule filled with grinded match heads, where the capsule is stuffed at the bottom of the engine chamber (not at the nozzle), will cause hot and even ignition in the chamber. *needed to minimize large crystal grain formation which makes the mixture burn better and safer and to make the warmed fuel pellet pliable
  8. Not at all. I don't need to force myself to do stuff in equatorial orbits and I have plenty of fuel left (something like one third of the tank). Some patience and fiddling with maneuver nodes is all that's needed.
  9. The probe successfully performed the aerobraking maneuver at 110 km. Resulting orbit was extremely inclined, almost polar. Here's the probe passing between the rings. Further instructions will be sent from the KSC to rendezvous with Wal.
  10. It was visible. AFAIK three dots. The brightest was the stage. Then there was the fairing, and the dimmest was the actual Sputnik. What most people saw was the core stage.
  11. Unmanned complex probe Kron 4X is less than one day from aerobraking at Urlum. 143 000 km away, Urlum's satellites are plainly visible.
  12. This is great, just boost the mic a bit, it's hard to hear what exactly you're talking about. edit: I see you've did that in ep.2.
  13. It's not like we don't have old textbook examples of creatures exibiting both plant and animal properties. Euglena sp. is probably the most famous one. That red thing is a primitive eye. The creature has a flagellum and chloroplasts. In absence of light, it eats like an animal. It does not belong to Animalia or Plantae kingdoms, though. Those are two separate kingdoms. Differences are enormous. We have symbiotic behaviour example. Snail (animal) and single celled green algae (not a plant, but photosynthetizes). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elysia_chlorotica
  14. This little fellow, called Wolfram 2, is the only piece of equipment I've ever landed on Ablate, back in the time when it was still a decent place (Original Planet Factory).
  15. Don't bother. The Cubesat thread is going nowhere and even the spinoff project I've launched (Jeb on a stratospheric balloon) was too complex for the community despite being ridiculously simple and affordable.
  16. Join me in weeping over the state of humanity which, oblivious to basic understanding of the natural world, says: "I thought they're wasn't any sounds in space?! :confused:" But I bet such people did a lot of duckfaceing beneath the water heater and were touching the microphone in their past and present. And enjoy the footage in HD.
  17. Being a Procedural Parts user, this and orange Jumbo are the only stock rocket fuel tanks I haven't deleted. I wouldn't mind silver toroidal for xenon tank...
  18. Ali meksiÄÂka valuta se zove pezo (peso mexicano).
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