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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. "layered salad composed of diced pickled herring covered with layers of grated boiled eggs, vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beetroots), chopped onions, and mayonnaise. Some variations of this dish include a layer of fresh grated apple[3] while some do not." There isn't the amount of apples in the world that would make me want to eat that.
  2. Different? How old are you? This has an interesting plot, but it's so poorly executed. I am sick of extremely loud films with Hollywood clichés. I just hope trailer is nothing like the real thing (as it usually is the case).
  3. No, it's not an envelope. It is the pressure vessel. 12.7 cm thick layer. Fiber "reinforces" epoxy resin. I've put reinforces in quotation marks because it played minor role in strengthening the structure against outside pressure, despite what Stockton Rush was saying. Thick epoxy resin was holding back bulk of the force. I'm not sure what the envelope was. Perhaps a sheet of titanium wrapped around the cylindrical body, preventing seawater from touching it.
  4. I've seen the alleged transcript. Some people on Youtube are already cashing in hard on the transcript analysis like vultures, it's disgusting. I tend to lean towards it being fakery plopped by some weirdo. Nobody reacting to a very fast descent is highly implausible. We all know now that the company was stingy, but this is their boss in the submersible, one would think that such situation would provoke a reaction. Deducing from the fast descent and very slow ascent alone, one could easily reach the conclusion that the preparation was so poor because of poorly calculated buoyancy. That's below capabilities of average science fair students in elementary school. It's really leading us to such conclusion and that raises suspicion if you ask me. Too blatant, too obvious. That's why I think the transcript could be fake. The only other solution is that Oceangate is on the level of papier-mâché, crayons and plasticine...
  5. There wasn't a jackhammer inside. Who would hit it so hard? What is there to explode? Fire would be consumed very fast, way before affecting anything. No, there is not just 1 and 0. It is a composite, heterogeneous material that had sensors inside, material prone to delamination, material that produced audible cracking on previous missions. This is not a homogeneous material that shows no signs of stress and suddenly gives in. Thick-walled, homogeneous, one-body steel spheres do not produce any sounds. Elasticity graphs for steel and composites are very different. I am talking about seconds between alarms and implosions, not the scenario where the vessel is slowly squashed. It would be a fast, exponentially worse material tearing and then water hammer pulse.
  6. It doesn't have to leak for the emergency to be high enough to drop the ballast. It's a composite material and will not suddenly cave in without any warning (the problem is that such warning would be perfectly useless since time until disaster is so short). Hull had sensors and I'm pretty sure there were several seconds between first alarm and ballast being dropped automatically or manually by the operator. What could happen inside for the hull to be compromised?
  7. Allegedly, all ballast was dropped before it was crushed. The crew knew something was going wrong. We will never know what they exactly thought or how long it took from the initial alarms to aborting mission to crushing, but it is likely, even though they experienced no pain, they've died in some degree of fear. Owner was probably more aware of what was going on.
  8. I don't really understand the engineering idea behind using carbon fiber for outside pressure. Those fibers are strong for tensile stresses and make up excellent pressure vessels when the direction of winding criss-crosses (Titan's fibers were just wound like coil). However, they crumble upon compression, and they have different response to stress than epoxy, so it's certain that epoxy microfractures and fibers detaching from epoxy substrate will develop on cycling the stress. To be blatanly honest, I think Oceangate is very much a form of cargo cult - fancy, modern, high technology material used for the sake of it, when it really was the thick epoxy resin that held against caving in, deteriorating more with each change of pressure.
  9. Not really, no. With loss of oxygen, even if carbon dioxide is removed from air, it won't be a pleasant loss of consciousness, and neither will actual death be painless. There is no sedation, so confusion and fear will mix with euphoria. After losing consciousness, cardiac arrest will cause a buildup of respiration waste products and pain - there is simply no general anaesthesia. Carbon monoxide poisoning is also painful. Natural deaths are painful. This is why all euthanasias simply require general anaesthetics, to numb the nerves and central nervous system. I'd rather be exposed to a huge pressure pulse in a fragment of a millisecond than die by any so called "peaceful death". Those are peaceful for observers only. Yes, loss of structural integrity would be many times faster than those railroad tanks. It's hardly comparable. It's so fast we couldn't see it move. Indeed, Titan had a carbon fiber body covered with a titanium hull resting on it. Bad design. You are right, there would be shattering involved. When I found out the submarine had a carbon fiber structure covered with a titanium sheet I couldn't believe how the hell anyone ever agreed to ride in it.
  10. There is nothing in such situation that could cause an explosion. Pressures of the environment are just too high. I just hope the vessel got crushed in a fragment of a second at some great depth. Situation where vessel is sinking uncontrollably and slowly getting crushed would be so horrible. Considering a debris field has been found ("tail" and base), it most likely occured suddenly, otherwise there would be very little reason for the submarine to produce a debris field. I'm pretty confident pressure vessel will be found nearby, looking very flat.
  11. Sure, there is no such thing as perpetual machine of the third kind, but some things are close to it, considering our ephemeral experience with the universe. Even a rotating body in intergalactic space isn't perfectly spherical and gives off gravitational waves. Unmeasurably tiny energy is given off, but still, it exists.
  12. But it is defined as one type of a perpetual motion, the third kind.
  13. That is only the first kind of perpetual motion machine. There are three kinds. OP mentioned the third kind - perpetual motion due to the lack of energy dissipative forces (mechanical friction, etc.) and planetary bodies far from stellar bodies are almost such things.
  14. It depends on how distant the galaxies in question are. If you are sufficiently far away from them, in one of those large voids, you would see nothing real. Only retinal phosphenes. That would be a scary experience - lack of proprioception and visual signal input would make the brain come up with something on its own because brains don't like zero processing. The visual reality of space is that it is a black void. Exceptions are highly condensed bodies, luminous or illuminated, and rare examples of nebulas which are frankly always very dim and therefore gray (approaching them does not help as they are not point-like light sources). There are no vivid colors. There are no rainbow nebulas, no spiky stars, no tantalizing vistas. Sun is not yellow, but pure white or, if dimmed sufficiently, gray. Supernovas' detonations take months and even if we were there, we couldn't see their parts moving outwards because speed is limited to c and they are so enormous. Solar prominences don't fall like rain. It's all so slow because it's all so huge. Fastest celestial movements are starlight suddenly peeking from a planet or a satellite moving out of the way. Yes, there are photons being emitted which would give us sensation of color if their number was plentiful (and that color would almost always be pink-red with some violet, courtesy of ionized omnipresent hydrogen and helium), but they are scarce and our retinas are small so we see nothing or see a monochrome, almost gray hazy blob. Space is almost entirely (I can't emphasise word almost enough) a black, cold void hostile to life in every single way and that reality is frightening and fascinating at the same time.
  15. You don't sound like a real person, but like a software that's producing a very sophisticated word salad.
  16. Never before have I managed to capture such details on Venus and I've been trying for well over a year now.
  17. Lander reconnection successful. Landing thrusting in progress.
  18. Yesterday's work because the sky finally granted me with lack of clouds and twitchy jet stream. Highly resolved Sun's pore in the active region 3284, imaged in green light (and subsequently colored to match the channel) which is for most intents and purposes equivalent to Solar continuum or white light. Details the size of France can be noticed. Pore is somewhat smaller than Europe. Next, active region 3282 sunspots, very large system with a gigantic lightbridge almost long as Earth's diameter. Earth could probably fit inside the largest sunspot's umbra. Imaged in green light, but left in black&white for clarity. Orientation is adjusted so that the closest Sun's limb is at the top, which gets us a nice "aerial" view of the scene. And no, you're not wrong, lightbridge really does stick upwards, it's not an illusion. Same scene 18 minutes later, but this time imaged in soft ultraviolet radiation. Intense faculas grouped in plagues can be seen emanating from spaces between granulas. Granulas themselves seem "hairy" because, in this electromagnetic band, beginnings of lower chromosphere can be seen. Almost only the hottest part of the lightbridge is seen radiating. Amount of amperes there has to be fantastic.
  19. It's "deflagration", not conflagration. Deflagrations and detonations are types of explosions, however low end deflagrations can't be really called explosions (otherwise a paper caught on fire could be called one), but there isn't a strictly defined lower end AFAIK. You got it correct, detonations have supersonic fronts. I've heard people consider detonations to be true explosions, but that's just semantics.
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