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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Such things are what makes a difference between DIY telescopes and commercial ones with larger aperture. It's not only a problem of aperture (150 mm is the minimum to fully enjoy largest possible useful magnifications in our atmosphere), but optical tube assembly warping, collimation, diffraction errors, etc. Also, don't expect to see Jupiter as in those Juno photoshopped fakeries from crappy Instagram. Jupiter is not a body with high contrasts. It's a coffee and cream, mellow looking mush of clouds with a subdued orange storm that got rather small in the last decades and is kind of difficult to see. Cassini made the last images worth their money. So don't be disappointed.
  2. What if it was a case of two quite distant bodies (distance > Neptune's Roche limit), barely held together, coming close to Neptune so that Triton was further away and twin was inside Roche limit? I can see few scenarios where twin is destroyed, maybe forming a temporary ring that later get eaten by Neptune, or just being crumbled and sprayed outwards.
  3. If there was one, Triton's twin might've been gobbled up by Neptune.
  4. "The" is English article so it should've been ditched entirely in any form.
  5. You are not alone. I mean even Manley says Mün and if his voice doesn't have weight in these matters, no one's has. What bugs me is not only dropping off the umlaut, but the annoying relentlessness on using "the" which is an appendage from goofy English language. It should just be Mün.
  6. We have finally been blessed with the developers' decision to call it Kerbol. Sadly, we still have The Mun instead of Mün.
  7. Obviously up because anything that touches the bottom of that meshed basket will be in prolonged contact with a liquid that is not sterile. It never dries up. You do not want bacterial and fungal spores from the inevitable gunk to deposit themselves and fester on the parts of the silverware that goes into your mouth. This is exclusively a matter of microbiological safety.
  8. I'm ok with enhanced textures, more diverse and richer colors and detailed terrain mesh because KSP is very poor in that department, but from what I have seen so far, all planetary bodies in KSP2 have nothing in common with KSP ones. Large geographical features seem to be completely gone. I can only recognize Kerbin's features. This means some of the long-established lore is lost. That's not good.
  9. You're recalling incorrectly. There was a vocal and relentless minority that was rabidly against any idea of female Kerbals. Its usual argument was: "Kerbals are sexless and let them stay like that", which seems like a call for equality, but it was completely ignoring the fact the characters look male and have male names. It was easy to see through this veil and notice it was really a pathetic attempt at excluding females. After one forumer drew his idea of a female Kerbal, and developers presented Valentina, this minority abruptly went silent and we never heard from them again. Good riddance. To be clear, I would be ok with completely sexless and genderless Kerbals if they were initially like that, but they were not, so there was no point in refusing any changes.
  10. I wouldn't say it was a problem with old gamers, but almost exclusively young, male, misogynistic gamers. My god, the amount of mental acrobatics they spewed trying to prevent Valentina Kerman from becoming a part of the game was astonishing. One has to acknowledge, though, that their concentration among KSP players is a lot smaller than among players of typical popular games today which are based on murder, stealing and destruction. Average KSP player is a quite different animal.
  11. Sarnus, Ablate and Ascension are the grand trio of Kragrathea's Planet factory. Revolutionary ideas that sadly never became part of stock KSP.
  12. 150 mm Newtonian reflector. It's at this aperture size where additional width results in exponential rise in cost, so that was my sweet spot. Even though its theoretical maximum useful magnification is 300x which is already the ceiling for observing from the bottom of the atmosphere, I wouldn't mind 250 mm for additional light gathering.
  13. I still remember the great female Kerbal wars back when Valentina Kerman has been announced. It was not pretty.
  14. Decisively NO. I remember back in the middle of 90s when my geography teacher said including Pluto among the planets has been a mistake and that soon we'll have enough data to finally remove it from the set. Dumb pride was pretty much the only reason we were clinging to the idea of it being a planet. Italy did not squeal when Ceres was demoted, but you can't hear the end of it from USA even today about Pluto. It got tiresome after five minutes and it's super annoying in 2023. Planets, satellites, dwarf planets, comets, asteroids, are all planetary bodies - they don't do fusion and are thus set apart from stellar bodies which include stars as the most famous members. Classification is elegant and has to exist to make order in the chaos around us. The only thing I dislike here is the name dwarf planet which semantically implies a subset of planets and they stand as a separate category. Planetoid would be a way better name. The idea pushed by some American planetary geologists (you know who I'm talking about... those annoying folks in the New Horizons team who keep lying "wE hAd AbSoLuTeLy No IdEa pLuTo wiLL LoOk LiKe tHaT" despite our data on Triton and cryogeology models; Jim Green and Alan Stern, I'm looking at you!) to call all rounded things planets is just ridiculous and stems from the desperate need to remain part of the team that was first to visit a specific planet. There is no sound and scientific reason to twist the classification like that. It would be an insult to the astronomical community. I don't hate Pluto, I love it, but this whole thing is so forced and ridiculous.
  15. This screenshot is a good representation of how I feel about KSP2, not accounting for my lack of computer hardware capable of running the game. LOL
  16. This thread is the closest to this topic and it wasn't particularly popular.
  17. Most of my excitement comes from that feeling of exploring new features in the geology of planetary bodies. New worlds. That's my personal driving force behind this game. There have been several amazing ideas presented by the modding community and I hope developers have recognized this potential. This summer will be one decade I've been introduced to KSP and this feeling never left me.
  18. I stopped watching new Star treks. The films and the series. I can't stand the cinematography with lens flares, constant camera panning, weird grim lightning and colors, and other annoying effects that are overblown and forced at the viewer. Maybe in the future I'll get more will do do it.
  19. Your bar is set way too high. We are getting a really great series on alternative timeline.
  20. That thread is just for trailers, and this one is for the show itself. First episode was already aired. First season starts in 1969, but now it's the 90s if I got it right. Flat panels were already commercialized in the 80s. It was in the second season I think. "Safety belt"... I can't comment without spoiling.
  21. If the ring was the only structure, it would require diametrically opposing thrusters so that the center of torque is in the center of the ring where the center of mass is. Otherwise, there's a netto force causing tumbling and orbital change. However, the ring is not the only structure. It sits on a supporting structure that has large solar panels. Center of ring's mass is not at the center of station's mass. The whole design is a mess that makes no sense...
  22. I couldn't find another thread on this show, so I'm continuing here. There is no need to open a new one. Season 3, episode 1 has been released. Here is a trailer for the new season. SPOILER
  23. I really love this mod. It has revolutionarized an important part of the game design and the impact on the computer resources seems to be smaller than with ugly stock plumes. I'll never understand why developers cling to obsolete stuff. This should become stock. Anyway, I'd appreciate if KSPX's LV-NB ("Sisyphus" Atomic Rocket Motor) got a Waterfall plume. If I remember well, it was the first non-stock nuclear engine, a 2.5 m workhorse. I used it extensively for my Kron missions. It got a a RealPlume configuration, but it would be nice if Waterfall had one, too.
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