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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. This is spectacular. The visuals are amazing. Finally some producers understand what space is. Dark sky without stars in daylight, no ambient sound in vacuum, ballistic dust (no convection), and there is even electrostatic lunar dust, it's amazing. I'm just curious how is normal walking in the base explained, because that's not realistic.
  2. Well, since recent enternainment media turned him into a psychopathic solitary member of a basically paramilitary (because normal stuff just doesn't agitate synapses of overstimulated, dulled down people bombarded with stuff all day), it would take owning an authoritharian country. Because that crap is not tolerable in a normal one.
  3. It's not really about sinking (difference is tiny), but more about the ease of stripping it away by solar wind.
  4. Charr, by its description, resembles what Ablate (Planet factory, nowdays Sentar expansion) looks like. I think that was the first custom planet pack. I sure hope so. The body is a Vulkan-like object that is tidally locked to Kerbol, and the consequences can be seen in its looks.
  5. If they're smart, they'll take another look at Kethane and its scanning system. That was/is an awesome thing.
  6. I sincerely hope there will be an ionizing radiation model in the game, so that such engine would render the local surface lethal to Kerbals. Also, the size of such thing would be way too much for KSC launch par.
  7. There's something called volume settings in KSP. For spacecraft, environmental sounds, Kerbals, etc.
  8. Stock visual terrain and Hullcamera's large telescope in action.
  9. Oh, yeah. That's being planned. Of course, this should go with the timer and all that you imply. It's a valuable tool to learn about the seasons, etc. When a planet has 0° tilt, a lot of neat things simply don't appear, such as analemma. With proper implementation and instrumentation, this would be an excellent thing to have. Micromanagement woud be hell, indeed. We could really use really simple system of one resource nutrition, like Snacks mod does. For example, even though I love Kerbalism for some of the things it pioneered, its resource system is just too tedious. This simplified system, together with a neat little instrumentation, would make things very easy.
  10. Eyes are somewhat better, but they also can not possibly see the stars in these conditions, let alone Milky way.
  11. I don't think I'm being understood here. I'm saying "make it all brand new and launch it under v.2.0". That's it. Yes, I know it would kind of violate the whole software versioning thing, who cares?
  12. It's just a matter of naming the product. Sure, use new stuff, make it modern, that's all good, but KSP v2.0 instead of KSP 2... that's a marketing move. It kind of makes no sense to make such division with a basically sandbox, openly creative game such as this one. Or Minecraft, for that matter.
  13. - sunshields (it would require addition of reflectivity in the heat model) for missions close to a star - cryonic chamber for interstellar travel - balloon of some kind, to support high altitude atmospheric probes (and Kerbals jumping) - inline parachute - almost the sole reason people still cling to RealChutes - ballast tank for underwater missions - cables, pipes and struts Kerbals can work on during EVA
  14. It would be sad not to have some kind of life support going on, especially with interstellar exploration. It's something that has become a staple of KSP modding.
  15. I just hope what we saw with Duna was just a trailer designer's error. If it gets flipped like Uranus, the whole polar cap makes no sense. I took the liberty of making the screenshot better by removing the ugly skybox.
  16. Yes, a bit larger, but not Kerbin=Earth. It's too much. Takes too long. I've played with RSS sized system and even as someone with quite long attention span, it was tedious. That payload thing... gets me every time.
  17. Where do you see this? If anything, developers again failed to take nice variable plumes into account. Plumes again remain unchanged regardless of pressure.
  18. It's definitively early work and you can see it with the reflections and framerate getting wonky. I like the look of the engines. What I can not forgive are two things: skybox being there all the time, even in the brightest conditions possible (Kerbol is literally shining into our faces) skybox AGAIN being that awful "London fog" with splotchy stars It looks so cheesy and ugly. Why on earth are the developers making this same mistake again, is incomprehensible to me. They basically just repeat the trope seen in space video games. Make the skybox nicer, peppered with tiny, point like sources of light, and extinguish it when it's daylight or when Kerbol is in the view. One of the things that's nice and grand about space is that unnerving void in which worlds just "hang". I'm not advocating for removal of skybox, just make it less cloudy, more starry, and make it reveal itself when the conditions are right. It's most rewarding.
  19. I'd make them live for 100 years, without getting decrepid, but I'd implement a raycast ionizing radiation model and a lifelong absorbed dose that would determine their lifespan. This would be simplified realism.
  20. I do agree that all this could've been done as KSP v2.0 instead of KSP 2. So basically same game, but new, upgraded engine. Right now we are at KSP v1.7.x and there would be plenty of time to suddenly switch to v2.0. An entirely new game is a marketing thing because now you have to buy it again.
  21. While I agree with scaling up, I don't agree with making it full scale. There is a good reason why KSP is this small - time it takes to perform maneuvers. I was always so annoyed with such usage of the word biome. It has nothing to do with KSP. Geome is a good alternative word, I support it.
  22. Here are some things I'm kindly suggesting for KSP 2, most of which are very simple and have great consequences, something lot of people have been asking for years. Most of these have been made possible by mods, but now there is no reason to leave them behind. Let modders deal with fresh ideas. (Order of suggestions is irrelevant.) Cosmetic enhancements: realistic sound behaviour - gradual transition to muffled, deep sounds of rocket engines in low pressure, screechy rumble in IVA during chemical engine operation, Kerbal breathing on EVA with sounds they would hear in spacesuits in vacuum part explodiness inequality - lots of reactive fuel in tank, big boom. Little fuel, small boom. Parts without reactive components, no boom. pitch dark, starless sky in daylight conditions - do not underestimate the aesthetics of real space. Universe is a black void that reveals its beauty only in darkness, making such reveal special. Please don't paint the sky with brown-gray goop and splotchy stars. no convection in vacuum - gases and powders follow ballistic trajectories in vacuum. No swirling. It looks very interesting, it's easier to simulate and teaches you physics. illumination by engine action - simple and looks nice for screenshots planetary body shine - immersive and beautiful realistic engine plumes - looks amazing in screenshots and teaches physics of fluids reentry trails - it's time to use something beautiful that KSP already has, but has never been officially unlocked atmospheric scattering, simple clouds and weather - beautiful and can be done with little downsides visible partial damage for parts - squashed fuel tanks, bent wings, punctured fuselages? Immersive and fun. proper naming of astronomical objects - Kerbol, not The Sun. Mün, not The Mun. Ditch English vicissitudes and pay respect to old, recognized Kerbal goofy names. Gameplay enhancements: astronomical body tilt - it's time to implement it angular momentum conservation - make those RCS thrusters more useful and allow constant spinning. Immersive and useful for centrifugal ships. camera action in docking ports - way more useful than any indicators, immersive simplified thrust curve of solid rocket boosters - no need for complications, a nice neutral curve creates less stress for launches. radioisotope thermoelectric generator power decay curve - one radioisotope with fixed halflife is enough raycast ionizing radiation model - simplified, but powerful in its gameplay impact, just like this WIP; powerful when coupled with Kerbal mortality, makes ship designs elaborate atmospheric curves adhering to same physical laws - in KSP, they are not a balloon - has implications on taking measurements or types of launches cryo-sleep - necessary for interstellar travel if we want same Kerbals surviving Kerbal interaction - chatting, movements, EVA following thermodynamical model with reflectivity - stellar missions with sunshields make Kerbol an active body - Kerbol has been neglected since it turned from a glowing spot into an actual body; this would be great, coupled with Kerbal mortality new planetary bodies - I know it has been mentioned, but I need to remind about great concepts early custom planetary body designers envisioned (a periodical comet, a Vulcan-like sungrazing dwarf planet, ringed planet, binary planet) dangerous surface features - lava, geysers life support, Kerbal reproduction and mortality - it opens vast gameplay opportunities - colonization, difficulties for interstellar travel, etc. sample museum - displaying all the collected and returned items in a special building Kerbals adding mass to vessel when boarding it - immersion and mission planning opportunity - to leave Bob behind on Mün surface, or to strand the ascent crew in orbit? Kerbal EVA building struts and resource transfering - loads of fun playing ballasts - for both airflight and ocean exploration inline parachute - we've been waiting for this for years, come on realistic start of career mode - unmanned start that progresses into manned missions as reward variable sphere of influence - useful for comets At the end of everything, my best advice, and I see it has already been announced, is: no magic stuff, only physics - please, never give up on this crown rule of KSP
  23. I just hope it won't be another case of "it's too hard, let's pander to the most inept of the players in order not to lose interest and forget about tilt".
  24. I have great hopes for this and truly hope the game will go big in terms of realism many modders have been trying to implement in the original game. Let's not fool ourselves - modders are the ones who kept this project going. They have by far the most credit for it. Do not be afraid to dig into most popular mods for ideas, and don't settle for their mediocre version "because someone might find the thing too difficult". If you had listened to such people all the time, the game would wilt early in its development. Go big and bold.
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