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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. I had to search what fan service is. Oh my. LOL Yeah, it's a dumb thing to do, especially when characters are minors. It's just wrong and besides, stupid.
  2. [quote name='Hcube']Wait, i thought it reacted badly and explosivey with teflon ? Well, let's make everyone happy and forget this by all drinking a pint of good ol' hydrazine together, something we can all agree on ^^[/QUOTE] PTFE already has completely oxidized carbon atoms. [IMG]http://pslc.ws/macrog/images/ptfe02.gif[/IMG] There's nothing ClF[sub]3[/sub] can do to it, chemically. Mechanical disruption is another thing. It might be able to lodge among the chains better, loosen them up. I don't know that, it's not something one can easily predict.
  3. If chlorine trifluoride is two hungry lions, pure liquid ozone is a herd of lions with a serious bipolar disorder who haven't had a meal in a week. If one lion goes nuts, it triggers all of them to go nuts, too. It does. As fluorine, it stays peaceful when it's surrounded by a passivated, fluoridized layer because it can't react with those. Also it will not chemically react with teflon, although it might dissolve it if in liquid form and flowing aggressively against it. One could hold it in liquid form in a thick teflon bottle, refrigerated and surrounded by reducing scavenger materials to reduce any fumes possibly leaking through. I'd work with ClF3 over liquid ozone because liquid ozone is inherently unstable on its own. AFAIK only micro samples of liquid ozone have been prepared to investigate its properties. Bulk? A barrel? No way I'd get half a kilometre near it.
  4. Screw them. Original is original. Lots is lost otherwise.
  5. I suggest removing "ecology" from the title because that is a science that has nothing to do with this or in fact environmentalism. Its name has been horribly twisted in the minds of general public. Ecology is a science, just like chemistry, geology, etc. It does not deal with protecting the environment. Also, if the author wishes to discuss nuclear fission, then fission needs to be included. Nuclear energy encompasses all forms and I bet this is the place where fission is to be discussed, right?
  6. What if the country is really stupid? Being proud relates to having positive feeling about achievements. If one country's achievements are predominantly positive or positive at the moment, then it makes sense being proud of the whole or of the moment. But what if the situation is opposite? Being proud just for the sake of being proud is jingoism and nationalism and that's corruption of moral and the mind.
  7. Baš podsjeća na Red Dwarf.
  8. Pure liquid ozone is a nightmare. One of those things that doesn't need to be in a mixture with something to explode on its own. If you look at it judgmental, it will explode.
  9. When is the reentry? Oh, tomorrow. Never mind.
  10. Nah, just some tiny amount of tritium. Skyshine would be a worse issue. Docking with a target. You approach head on. That can be avoided by coiling the hydrogen delivery conduit.
  11. Yes, you need to approach the target carefully. This reflected stuff is commonly called skyshine when it happens on Earth.
  12. No, UFO is something that officially wasn't recognized. When common peasants can't recognize a flying object, it's called ignorance. When nobody can explain it, it's called an UFO. I don't understand, it's like there's a huge stockpile of people not seeing these failed rocket launches on YT (which have ungodly amount of total combined views) that always emerges and screams BS. We live in a modern world where lots of crap is flying overhead and people still can't get used to it. It's so depressing to realize how ignorant the bulk of the civilization actually is, even with their high tech gadgets and access to the World Wide Web.
  13. The weird mountain got a proper name. Ahuna mons. And here's a new, better photo of it.
  14. I'll try it out on a copy of the game, to see whether it will preserve the current positions. If yes, I'm continuing with it.
  15. Wow, return from Eve, nice! Too bad I can't give you more reputation points, the system refuses it. You make me want to create a Kron mission to Eve in the future.
  16. But they're not and it's one of the two reasons why PV is this cheap. Yeah, it's very expensive. I'm just saying it would be far worse if it was produced with the stringency of nuclear industry and without subsidiaries which are just a way to cover up the fact it's greenwashing and money laundry industry. It's nice to think green when you do the nasty things in some Chinese town no one ever heard of, but the biosphere is indifferent to it. What goes around, comes around. This is a myth. You can not create a base load out of PV and wind and call it a day. It just won't work. It's not just summing up the megawatts. There's much more to it. Those sources are for the most intents and purposes top loads or a bit lower for wind. And don't mention batteries, please. We're talking about the live grid for a modern society, towns and cities, not an office building. Yeah, I'd like to see that. Energy producers exposed to rain and sun all the time, being durable as if they're in orbit. LOL No problem. Here, take my basement. I'd be glad to store it there and collect the money. It's the only waste we have that can be stored with incredible precision and warranty of safety, and its amounts are anomalously small. Not just high level waste which amount is so tiny that we shouldn't bother removing it from the spent fuel pools for now. I'm talking about medium and low level one. This is what coal power plants do. See the stack? Not the cooling towers, they're emitting water only. The stack is releasing smoke which carries carcinogens and mercury. And radioactive materials. Yes, coal power plants release more bequerels than fission power plants. And the product is coal ash which is just dumped near the plant on an open field. It's concentrated heavy metal crap. I'd never want to live near this. But I'd live few metres away from a fission power plant because its emissions are: water vapor, heat and tiny amounts of tritium dilluted and rarely released out through a tall stack. The waste will never see me.
  17. Downside - enormous energy and aggressive chemicals needed to make the things with a poor result. Off the grid? Yeah, barely, only in certain parts of the Earth like the dry ones in the tropical belt. And even then, you need to try hard to make it a base load for a small population. All that plus government subsidiaries. It simply isn't feasible for the requirements of a modern society living in the temperate zones. 20 years, yeah, theoretically. In real life they get worn down much faster, especially in regions where temperature and precipitation oscillates a lot.
  18. You're making really nice screenshots. Too bad I can't use those nice atmospheres. Realplume and that... it's awesome.
  19. Yeah, I tend to go to silly places. I did not know the poles now cause overheating. I knew they were usually glitched, but this is news to me. And the third and final visit to Nissee. These flowing places seemed the most interesting ones. The area is also kind of difficult to navigate around, but low gravity helps a lot. Jebediah got out first while the ship was gliding over the sky. One of the nearby dots is that water purifier. The terrain is quite boring. At least walking around is fun. Going back. Having a nice sunset before rendezvous with the ship. Kerbin is nothing but a dot at this distance, as well as Kerbol. The whole inner system can be covered with a thumb on a stretched hand, and everything else with a palm of the hand. The crew is preparing the ship for leaving Nissee's SOI. Next stop is Thatmo. Inclination difference is enormous.
  20. Yeah I know what radon is. I meant to point out elements are written without the capital letter. It's radon, not Radon, and sodium, not Sodium. They aren't persons. Actually not many have that problem. Only the ones the live above granitic rocks. Also the whole issue has been culturally exaggered in USA.
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