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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Nothing that doesn't happen to reactor vessels in same or worse conditions. Granted, those vessels are much thicker, but then again, NERVA works for minutes/hours compared to power plants.
  2. Glad only because I wanted a flat surface for nice screenshots.
  3. Good server peeps and a nice custom modpack makes Minecraft a really great game. I can't decide.
  4. Guys, you don't have to put your location with metre precision. If you live in a town, add the marker to the main square or something. It's not like it matters when you look at the whole map.
  5. When Einstein published it, it wasn't a theory. It was a hypothesis. Nowdays it's a theory because it has evidence to support it and serves to predict stuff, too, as a bonus. It's funny how it's usually the physicists that are rabid about the whole theory/hypothesis/law terminology, and yet as if all of that gets ignored when team Sheldon is on the stage. IDK, it just annoys me. I don't call a theory. Now, some might say it's math, and theories in math are something else. Boo hoo, make up your mind, people. It's a mathematical theory and a physical/scientific hypothesis. Nothing more, nothing less.
  6. Yes, dull, pale and dark. It gets worse when you approach them or enter them. The only reason we see them is because they're "concentrated" enough on one point of the sky. Approach them and suddenly all that light is across half of the sky. Basically you would see nothing in most cases. False color, wider spectrum and long exposure. That's what makes nebulas nice.
  7. This subject needs to be approached with great care. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6RhIx6US6Q
  8. So why the hell is it called a theory if it lacks empirical evidence? Seems that theoretical physicists think so high of themselves so that they can skew definitions. It's a hypothesis. Always was and could stay like that indefinitively...
  9. Oh! Well, these things should be noted in the first post...
  10. I'd like to do it without installing Blizzy's toolbar and yes, I have installed all those things. However, I don't have any configuration files in SmokeScreen folder.
  11. There is one problem, though. When you release gamma rays and neutrons in air, they are deflected and in the process they lose some of their energy. X-rays are emitted as secondary radiation. So even if you had a beam of neutrons and gammas, you'd end up with an "umbrella" radiating some of it back at you, and you don't have a beam but approximately spherical source, making things even worse.
  12. Now it seems to work, but what's the keystroke for opening settings? I need to lower the particle number...
  13. And here's Charon. Lies aren't profitable in the long terms.
  14. No, most of the heat is carried away by hydrogen. That's why NERVA doesn't need radiators in its most basic setup. The worst threat it offers is insane neutron and gamma ray flux. I mean it's absolutely insane, it would probably kill in seconds few metres away. As I've said, only a tiny amount of tritium would be produced, nothing to worry about. No uranium is lost and no fission products are lost as they're isolated. The core components aren't naked and leaking out.
  15. New Horizons sent new images so I made another high resolution collage. Full sized file can be downloaded here.
  16. It's not like anyone would use such engine inside atmosphere. Its thrust is pathetic. That's a vacuum engine. In any case, it would release only a tiny amount of tritium generated by hydrogen being bombarded by an intense neutron flux. Radiation, however, would be severe. It's basically a naked fission core. Doses near it would be absolutely insane. And we also know what does it look like when such reactor goes supercritical and blows itself apart.
  17. IDK, perhaps I just don't like fantasy blockbusters. I will try to see the movie, though. After all, it's Star Wars.
  18. Played it for years. Really neat thing.
  19. Am I like the only one who despises the franchise made to sell toys and thinks it's a piece of poo?
  20. This is how stacking Kerbals on the top of the lander and on top of each one ended. Anyway, the surroundings are nice. However, Bob went to explore a bit more. As you can see here, the area they've landed on is roughly 2.5x5 km. The smaller flat area needed some love, too. Bob found out it wasn't flat at all as it was an extension of the larger hill. The crew will pack their stuff and launch to orbit very soon.
  21. They probably still are, for classical photography. It's because the color is obtained by another system. Check the north Africa coast and you'll see the color data spills - that's because it was obtained by lower resolution camera and then "glued" together. Just like we saw with LORRI and RALPH systems on New Horizons.
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