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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Thanks to spacedock.info for informing me about this mod. I had no idea it existed and I have no clue why the stock game constantly refuses to show proper values. It's a simple thing being neglected for ages. Good work.
  2. If you elevate the temperature of those icy satellites, you'll have to deal with mud and seas.
  3. Ganymede has a higher surface gravity. It would help with the atmosphere retention. Ionizing radiation isn't that bad. 80 millisieverts per day is 4.16 microsieverts per hour. It's perfectly manageable (0.2 microsieverts per hour - that's my local dose here) and it will be orders of magnitude less if you're not tiptoeing through the tulips outside all the time and you mostly work inside.
  4. Actually, I am used to the long scale. Millions and milliards, billions, billiards, trillions, trilliards, etc., and I've said I liked the short scale better. But now that I've watched that video I think I'm gonna change my opinion. The long system is better.
  5. You made me reconsider my opinion on nuclear lightbulbs. It's gonna be your fault if I use them. >:D
  6. Of course. I vote points for decimal marks, commas for thousands.
  7. Neither have I until a few years ago when I realized banking had it very strict, adhering to the national standard. I could survive with commas used for decimal marks (surive, but cringe), but to use points to separate thousands? Why not simply spaces? It's ugly, confusing and could cause a major mistake to be made if the number contains no decimals. For example, one thousand fifteen would be 1.015 which could be interpreted as one point zero fifteen. Most of standards USA uses is totally screwed up (imperial system as a tumor on SI, month-day-year, electrical standards which cause higher metal consumption, etc.), but I must say that "millions and billions" have more sense than "millions and milliards, billions and billiards". Also the usage of point for decimal mark, I like that a lot.
  8. I live in a country that deparates its decimals by commas and thousands with points. I cringe every time when I see it.
  9. I watched Mir (it's Mir, not MIR) lots of times in the sky. It was very cool, back in the times when virtually no one among the public knew about space stations, compared to how people use smartphones today to "point and get instant data" without even knowing what azimuth and angular height over horizon are. So yeah, it's a double edged sword, these phones.
  10. Various forms of ion engines for low mass cargo and uranium fission reactors heating up hydrogen for more massive stuff. You can't beat up physics. But I think classical hypergolic fuels will hold on for a long time.
  11. Lots of detail on those issues here. http://www.stereogum.com/1858765/behind-the-scenes-of-ok-gos-zero-gravity-upside-down-inside-out-video/video/?utm_source=sc-fb&utm_medium=ref&utm_campaign
  12. Just... watch. https://www.facebook.com/okgo/videos/10153210535420683/?fref=nf
  13. This is zero connection to aether. And please don't mock that engineer, he has enough troubles with the tinfoil hat team taking a dump on his work.
  14. It's not useful to use the classical three state phase model here. Metallic doesn't mean phase, merely properties like electrical and thermal conductivity, as well as luster. It wouldn't be describable as a solid, liquid or gas. Perhaps not even a supercritical fluid.
  15. I'm not sure. So far I don't think that's the case. I think it was, but after heat got managed differently in new versions of the game, it is probably removed and now uses stock heating. My planned mission requires active heating and that's where your ammonia stuff comes in. I'm not yet sure how it works (I've used passive heating for my past missions) but I'll find out soon.
  16. Quick question - is this mod just about parts, or it enforces its own heat managing? I'm using Heat Control so I was wondering if I could use it together with this one.
  17. HullCameraVDS is the mod. The probe looks like a white sandwitch, I'll see if I can grab a screenshot of it.
  18. I've done some experiments. Going to Ablate and coming home (reentry braking) requires something like 38 000 m/s. 24 000 to get there, the rest to pull the ship out of the gravity well of Kerbol. For a Kron-type ship, this is virtually impossible on my computer. It would be possible with a massive propulsion unit and six or eight LV-NB (KSPX) engines (starting with like 0.05 TWR) but I'd need a much stronger machine cause I can't go below 5 fps. That's like the limit of my tolerance and I experience it every time a huge ship starts its voyage. So, what do to? I need a new approach, a new propulsion. Realistic, please. No antimatter or warp field fairytales. I'm considering VASIMR. Also, probably 2.5 m parts, maybe even a combination of 2.5 m and 1.25 m.
  19. There's a pretty big difference between DRE/FAR and OPM/KAS/KIS/etc. DRE/FAR/NEAR are core physics behaviour mods that remove the unrealistic silly behaviour of the game. They're basic components that the game should have and now it really has it, at least in one way. OPM just adds planetary bodies. Granted, it's amazing (I've done massive exploration using it) and I really hope it becomes stock one day, but it doesn't add detailed substance. Just new balls floating around. New places. You get there and you can say: "Yay, I got there!". Kerbals are still lifeless ragdolls sitting motionless and doing nothing. 99% of the character lore was made up by the community and relies on the fact Jeb has a badass script function that makes him laugh in the face of danger. But that's pretty much it. That and the Kraken. Besides introducing a female model, the gaming elements remained the same as before. I think it's way past time to actually pump out new unique content for this game. Lots of work has been done on tweaking the economy, adding bits of this and that, but all of the experienced players I've been talking to say it's not moving forward and most of them are simply bored of it. I just install new realistic mods and keep inventing missions but I'm a minority.
  20. No, I didn't have the feeling it was important. I already used popular crucials mods that made the game realistically tougher (DRE, FAR) and I used Kethane which I still consider vastly superior over this click-to-get ISRU. I like its actual scanning system that teaches you how different orbits affect ground paths. Also, I never cared about buoyancy because I play this game because I want to explore space, not build ships. And aeroplane parts don't impress me much as, again, space, not air. For me, a major content update would be new planetary bodies, enriching old bodies, and things for the Kerbals to do (locating and picking up special rock samples for a museum, for example). I'm not saying the work done since v0.9 is stupid, but I never felt the game progress that much since then.
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