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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Today engineer Bill went to check the instruments. Everything works fine. Also, this was the perfect time to get rid of one useless piece of equipment. I had two water purifiers installed. I honestly don't know why, but I didn't want to remove it before as it could affect the balance at 4x timewarp thrusting. It really won't matter anymore so Bill unscrewed it and pushed it away. He also took the strut. It might come in handy.
  2. Bob: "Very funny, Val. I had a terrible dream we were millions, upon millions of kilometres away from Kerbin!" Getting outside for some stretching out. "You gotta do what you gotta do, eh, Bob?" "I will eat you if we run out of food, Jeb."
  3. The plan worked perfectly. Total delta v spent was less than 600 m/s and the mission has been extended for a month. Resulting orbit is around 45x45 km with almost 90° inclination. What I should've done before was to disable all other fuel tanks except the ones holding the two lateral engines in order to spend that fuel and dump them. There is no need for three engines anymore. Now I'm using only those tanks and those engines so my prediction is that they will get dumped before the ship is in a final Thatmo polar orbit. There is certainly something on the north pole of Nissee, so the Kerbals must land there, too. Nissee looks like one more space potato. South pole probably has either a smaller hole or a pyramid. Time to wake the team up.
  4. Yes. So here's what I had in mind. You can see the ship continuing on its orbit. If I spend around 50 m/s at the apoapsis to increase the periapsis, I will get an encounter with Nissee, and its orbital insertion shouldn't cause huge expenses because the ship will then be sufficiently far from Neidon. To correct the inclination first would mean over 1000 m/s, which is just not something I can allow right now. The mission will last a bit longer, but everyone is asleep, so there shouldn't be any issues.
  5. Wow, you love big things. I never used those huge wheels, but they look so applicable for such large processing facilities.
  6. Yes, it was around 3800 m/s that far from Neidon. I'm not sure what would happen at the periapsis if it was even lower and there was no thrusting. Probably at least 4500 m/s, possibly over 5000, therefore completely unsuitable for aerobraking. The ship would detonate. And another set of tanks is away. Approaching the periapsis. The burn continues well after the ship has passed both the periapsis and the terminator. Orbital insertion complete. Kron 5 is now revolving around Neidon. Temporary parking orbit. Here's what would happen if I didn't spend few tens of m/s more and left the apoapsis at the SOI edge. These things can happen because Neidon is so massive, yet at extreme distance from Kerbol, thus having an enormous sphere of influence. More about the following plans - tomorrow. Hint - I got very lucky.
  7. Orbital insertion begins. First set of tanks after years of flight is now jettisoned. View from one of the tanks. Thrusting is done at 35% to allow thermal equilibrium so that timewarp can go to 4x.
  8. Yes, I saw it in the map view. I will investigate. The ship is about to start the orbital insertion. I've put Valentina to sleep. Good thing I woke up only her.
  9. Seeing something is one thing (pareidolia), but making these claims is being stupid. So yeah, these people are stupid.
  10. Yeah, but Valentina is awake and I don't have much glykerol left. I think I forgot to pack one more canister.
  11. Yeah, pink-coffe colors dominate these worlds.
  12. The streaks are ionizing ray collisions with the detector, yes. Enceladus is very close to Saturn and a human being on its surface would probably die in a day or so. I'll try to obtain some solid data, but it's pretty obvious that its proximity to Saturn turns out to be very hostile. Black bars like these usually appear at images retrieved from probes. I'd say missing data. Also, these slick things look very icy. Enceladus has been farting for a long time.
  13. Indeed, but it takes one year to reach the apoapsis of such highly eccentrical orbit. If only the bloody thing had another argument of periapsis, it would be much easier.
  14. Holy cow, look at all this ionizing radiation.
  15. http://www.nytimes.com/video/out-there Plenty of very nice small documentaries
  16. It would be easier if I just ignored Nissee because my current trajectory, combined with braking at periapsis, would take me directly into Thatmo's SOI. However I can't do that, I must visit all of the OPM bodies.
  17. I'm having difficulties deciding how to proceed with Nissee. It should be the first target, so that I can easily revert the orbit and drop lower to Thatmo and get away from Neidon easier in the end. There are issues, though. Orbital insertion should occur as close to Neidon as possible (Oberth effect), but then catching Nissee turns into a long mission unless the ship uses hyperbolic trajectories right inside Neidon's sphere of influence which costs fuel. I could tweak the initial trajectory so that the ship passes next to Nissee, but then the Oberth effect won't be utilized, and also I doubt the ship could brake that fast. Nissee is tiny. What to do, what to do?
  18. Missions like this make me think about going to Eve and back again, but then I remember the hassle and I sigh. Eve should be easier to leave nowdays, right?
  19. I've been looking at its launch prediction in one app for a long time now. The only thing I can think of when I read that name is this old cartoon and the laughter in it.
  20. Pinballing around Jool is so much fun if you're careful.
  21. The ship has entered the Neidon SOI. 14 days, 13 hours until periapsis. Little less than 30 days until leaving the SOI. Valentina is the only Kerbal awake, and this is what her view through the window looks like. Thatmo is the dot left of Neidon. Nissee is not even visible yet. Orbital insertion will take up to 1800 m/s.
  22. LOL yeah that one is better. I just stitch it manually, no changes or anything.
  23. Very nice indeed. How about Outer Planets mod, being stockalike and the most popular extension of the stock space?
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