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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. You would, too, if there was a wall in front of you and you were alone for more than a year.
  2. I've made a water cooling plate for my laptop that tends to overheat the desk underneath so the incoming air is heated and all that increases its total core temperature. Here's the blueprint. It's still a prototype because it doesn't have thermal grease to increase the plate-tubing conductivity, but it works very well nonetheless. I've tried it out without some details and it worked great. The desk is not hot anymore. The plate is cold and core temperature is at least 5 °C lower which makes the fan work a lot less loud. Hopefully I'll post some photos soon, but it's not a big deal. Looks like a large DIY dewar with two tubes and one cable sticking out of it. Very simple and unobtrusive. Details are important. Heatsink needs to be isolated as much as possible, and the plate needs to be very absorptive. Conductor (other side matte black). Heatsink.
  3. Noice. You've made a typo there. It's hundreds, not hundreths.
  4. Are you sure that's correct? Doesn't sound like properly taken temperature because it would be all over the news. I can get the thermometer up to 65 °C if I measure the temperature incorrectly. Proper measurement is done by using a shaded thermometer, around 1.5 m above grassy ground, at least 10 m away from any objects.
  5. [highlight]/start of transmission/ report by Kerty day: 380 crew condition: hibernation distance from Kerbol: 125 million km (crossing Sarnus orbit) speed relative to Kerbol: 3.05 km/s charge: nominal fuels pressure: nominal current delta v: 8919 m/s atmosphere: 100% ionizing radiation: declining sunlight: insufficient average ship temperature: -120.5 °C snacks: 93% Kerty: staring at the wall end of line /end of transmission/[/highlight]
  6. 2.9 on Richter's scale? I barely notice those.
  7. Ok, we can say "Land of the relatively free compared to the majority of other lands." - satisfied? I don't know anyone who would want to live in USA, myself included. Things have changed a lot. Countries and societies. Happy 4th July to all of you who celebrate it.
  8. They still in conjunction, just not in its maximum.
  9. Best photo of the conjunction I've ever seen. (Marko Posavec is the author)
  10. Subsurface oceans or at least liquid pockets should be a rule for all such bodies.
  11. It's not old wive's tale, it's what every physiologist and doctor will tell you. Please stop trolling with the "absolute statements". There are four of them and they are correct and in agreement with human physiology. Care to elaborate why they aren't?
  12. There is a high probability of clouds, but they won't be this visible. Remember Triton? Very thin clouds in a haze of nitrogen.
  13. Reentry heating. I've been trumpetting about it for a long time.
  14. The girl with the cellphone... oh.
  15. Because those bodies aren't in the same plane, therefore it would take an actual computer crunching data to optimize something like that, and the mission would probably last longer.
  16. Only if he goes nuts. I doubt he will cause he's smiling. That means everything is OK. *scary music*
  17. Oh, that's very unfortunate. :/
  18. [highlight]/start of transmission/ report by Kerty day: 172 crew condition: hibernation distance from Kerbol: 66.5 million km (crossing Jool orbit) speed relative to Kerbol: 5.1 km/s charge: nominal fuels pressure: nominal current delta v: 8919 m/s atmosphere: 100% ionizing radiation: declining sunlight: barely sufficient average ship temperature: -120.5 °C snacks: 93% Kerty: playing with the science equipment end of line /end of transmission/[/highlight]
  19. I've been watching them get closer and closer over the days. Last night was fantastic. This is the second time I'm witnessing it.
  20. What could that huge dark area be? It almost makes me want to say it's the birthplace of Charon.
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