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Everything posted by Dfthu

  1. If you have a nuclear engine or mining, your ship can get hot and the radiators take heat the from the ship
  2. 7/10 velocity circmnavigator badge is clipped in to sig.
  3. Officer, I was digging up the fake diamonds from the grave that could be opened in 50 years. The coffin was for carrying the diamonds to halloween Party! You are by an airport and officers found 2 shoe bombs, 2 shoes and 1 flight ticket.
  4. Circumnavigating Kerbin, just like me! 8/10
  5. Well you see officer there just realistic model guns. Just fine, right? You are by a skyscraper and you have 8 boxes of flashlights, 6 lamps and 13 water bottles.
  6. Buy some tat and give it Ashens The next lucky winner gets $123456789 USD
  7. Well I did it. Everything is in my mission report and that is right here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137262-Minmus-Circumnavigation
  8. Make some sort of balcony that hangs off the top
  9. try reposting this the support section for help, they know more than me
  10. Yea that happened to me once when i was building a space station. It came back when quickloaded (F9) back.
  11. Thanks, Ill check the map view and avoid big steep craters and hills form now on. Just didn't see the edge that i flew off of.
  12. Hey guys. just wanted to update with my Minmus circumnavigation. Im about halfway done with the circumnavigation. Heres the link for the Mission report, I update everyday http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137262-Minmus-Circumnavigation
  13. Doing this to pass the time http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137262-Minmus-Circumnavigation
  14. I think you guys love me or something because I got 35 points
  15. Pretty sure you have to burn to change it. If your trying to get to moon you can maybe still get to it. I was in a odd orbit but I still made it
  16. You should make these downloadable. These are awesome!
  17. I think its best to distill saltwater but it costs a lot of money though.
  18. realize kerbals don't restock flags from command seats.
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