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Everything posted by Snarfster

  1. Tried MBM, still a white disk I must be making a mistake somewhere along the line. I just don't see it..
  2. Starting to lose my mind here. I can't seem to get a textured object into KSP * I made an object in Blender, textured it. Then exported it as an .fbx file. * Then made a new project in Unity, added the parttools. * Imported the .fbx and the texture. * Assigned the texture to a material * assigned the material to the model. * Added a collision mesh * Exported the model/texture as .mu and .tga * Wrote the config file, double check that the texture and the .mu are correctly referenced. * Then I go to KSP, I can see the part, it's untextured. I am at a loss. Been looking at tutorials all day, and I can't seem to solve this. Screenshot in Unity: Screenshot in KSP: Part config: // Test part for KSP PART { // Basic information name = 1mAdapter module = Part author = Snarfster mesh = 1mAdapter.mu rescaleFactor = 100 PhysicsSignificance = 1 texture = 1mAdapter.tga node_stack_top = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 // node_stack_bottom01 = 0.00, 0.00, 0.25, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 // node_stack_bottom02 = 0.00, 0.05, -0.25, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // --- editor parameters --- cost = 500 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = 1m (2x0.5) Adapter manufacturer = Snarfster's Test Agency description = Connect two 0.5 metre modules to a 1 metre diameter stack. // Standard part parameters mass = 0.1 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 12 maxTemp = 3300 } Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated as my caffeine level is starting to get unhealthy.
  3. Hmm, let's see, the smallest one would have to be Jeb then, he'll gleefully scream "catch me daddy" right as he jumps down the stairs. (He's three and basically a master lockpick, daredevil, fearless, and just plain scary sometimes.)
  4. Is an unintended engine shutdown at 10 meters with a ehh positive landing (without damage) considered ok for this thread? Three kerbals shrank about an inch that day but were otherwise unharmed. (Good, because the insurance wasn't paid.)
  5. To me, the target is set and the team is working on reaching that target. Splitting things up doesn't necessarily speed up development. There may be several different teams working on things simultaneously. Also, splitting the release increases overhead. Basically, you might get release 1.0 a couple of months later with the same content, just from creating this split. This due to building of release candidates, testing software, building the release, etc.
  6. She shouldn't be your girlfriend, at the very least your fiance.
  7. Started a new base on Minmus. USI and EPL parts. Building the fuel storage in the C3 unit now.
  8. On Laythe, manning the base there with 5 other Kermans, until the day that I am able to design a lander that can pick all 6 of them up.
  9. Trust me, it took a lot of talking with the great kerbal in the sky before I figured it out myself.
  10. Very very nice. Unless you named it so on purpose, the thermomometer has a slight spelling error
  11. Hmm, I'm not entirely sure, but I think I aerobraked at 106 km coming in from Kerbin. That ought to do the trick for you. However, that's with a rather excessive amount of speed. Lifting the periapsis out of the atmosphere after the aerobrake wasn't bad, something like 100 m/s I think.
  12. Thanks for that info taniwha. So if I have an MKS C3 module (which I've heard doubles as a survey station) I place the survey stakes and the ship or item will, after building appear in there? - - - Updated - - - In space I'd need a launchpad like thing? (Can't use the stakes in space, I assume?)
  13. Trying to get my head around how to use this. Let's say I have a hitchhiker can with a 3 star engineer, it is connected to a big pile of rocketparts. Can I then build something? How do I spawn/launch it?
  14. Will check tonight. Love this mod, I am usually able to land within 3 km of the KSC with it. Question: It doesn't seem like the mod shows a prediction for vacuum bodies? Places like Minmus rotate quite quickly, would it be possible to display the impact spot on those? (Or was that handled in the latest update?)
  15. Launched my freighter, The top hold hides unsightly tanks, life support, batteries, etc. Currently on a mission to move an OKS station from Kerbin to Minmus orbit.
  16. 0.90 beta, 1.00 feature complete. Basically, the original ideas have been implemented. Anyway, software versioning can be as complex and as simple as the developer would like.
  17. Cool! My Laythe base was inspired by your excellent series. (I can't for the life of me replicate your success with space planes though).
  18. Why is it such a big deal that they add female Kerbals? I'm sorry, I fail to see the issue here. And, like the post above me states, who knows, we might end up with Kerbals with identifiable features apart from three oranges and a lot of greys. Good thing.
  19. I suppose it's about doing and seeing different things. A bit like learning to drive a car.
  20. That's why I cannot get myself to play on a difficulty setting that disallows quicksave/load.
  21. My three star recipe: 1. Orbit the mun 2. Land on Minmus 3. Leave Kerbin SOI (at minimum speed so you can easily encounter again). That gets me 17 XP. (16 wasn't enough, first I did a fly-by of the mun but that just gave me a full exp bar).
  22. Finally landed my new base on Laythe. Bit stressful having to wait to see whether the modules would drop out of the freight tech frames, but they did. Half of the frame is in the background, the other half landed a mile away. Parked next to the base are two PackRat rovers with a KAS crate attached to the rear end.
  23. Get close to them, use the retrieve science option like you can in a pod. If you store the box in a KAS crate, without pickup up the science, afaik the science is lost.
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