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    Space enthusiast, streamer, modder
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    Space, Dungeons & Dragons, camping, jazz drum set (musician), classical music, ambient folk music, indie folk music, post rock music, anime, Deep Rock Galactic, Sea of Thieves, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Elite: Dangerous, Beat Saber, ESO, For Honor, GRIS, Subnautica: Below Zero, KSP

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  1. After a six month hiatus I'm back playing Kerbal again, and to coincide with that Twitch just sent me an invitation to their Affiliate program! I'm hoping to do some more streaming later this week, if not tonight. :)

    - as a closing note to why I've been away for so long, this isn't the first time I've taken an extensive break from KSP. Not the second either. There's something that keeps drawing me back... Curiosity? Nostalgia? Community? Opportunity? Who knows.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sampa


      yeah, I have been streaming a lot lately...and considering getting back into KSP

    3. HafCoJoe


      Huh, I feel it'd be nice to talk w/ you on stream one evening if you're interested - I find I play for around a month or two and then go on a break to other games for a while before taking it back up again. What's your twitch? I'll give you a follow!

    4. Sampa


      Yeah!  I think I will try to show up some time!  my twitch is: Toa_Sampa


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