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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Bahaha thanks Red Iron... Whatever that is XD. Epic skill over on your end.
  2. It looks... artistic. Yes that's the word - very abstract
  3. Nice one... Kappa If you understand what I am referring to, please discuss and post below. If not, figure it out!
  4. 20! Rainbow trout OMG you deserve like... Seven bars. You're awesome!
  5. Hello again! I just wanted to say that I would love to help you out in any way possible Xaiier. I'm not much of a coder but I could make you a fancy re-release vid when this comes out again. This is pretty much my favorite mod.
  6. Dude! I didn't know that was your first vid!
  7. Dude! I didn't know this was your first vid! I've seen it once before a while ago. That's a LOT of film for a first video. Now I know why you have Junkyard specials...
  8. Would someone be able to make a mod that adds the magic boulder as a part without too much difficulty? I've been wondering about this possibility for a while. #Bringbacktheboulder
  9. Nah percussion is the best. LOL this is awesome XD. I have a feeling a pair of drum sticks wouldn't make the most impressive craft though...
  10. Hey guys, Avera9eJoe here. I will be building a speedboat capable of circumnavigating Kerbin on ONE tank of fuel. If you want to see how, watch me here: http://www.twitch.tv/avera9ejoe/ Later!
  11. I like how you want to stop getting rep from the squadcast summaries XD, They're awesome man! But yeah I get your point lol.
  12. Bahaha. All I can say ^-^
  13. HA! I've been wondering this ever since I joined the forum lol.
  14. I'm going to watch as SQUAD secretly puts the magic boulder around Dres... so that people visit it more .
  15. I think I might be around at that time . Good to say hello again Pawn!
  16. Heh. Funny story actually. My favorite musician is a guy named "Jahzzar" who does amazing songs digitally in literally every genre of music. I like his work because it he has at least one song that could fit every single video I've made.
  17. Hahaha this design is so awesome! I've used a similar design in the past actually XD. Stupid, awesome, and stupidly awesome as the phrase goes. Lol.
  18. Hello! Mobile FTW! I originally played the demo v0.13 ish and so I had an extremely limited part count which I used to land on the mun/return safely (if barely). I bought the game back in v0.21 and proceeded to learn the new mechanics of the engines and such. The first thing went any depth into was actually plane building I think. Well, I started building maneuverable planes in part of my "hey look a whole ton of new parts let's learn how to use them all the best way!" spree. After I designed a fairly maneuverable plane I began learning how to do interplanetary transfers... And then abusing the aerodynamics model, then speedboat building, and then onto YouTubing and Streaming . Well that's my learning curve, but my design motifs have changed over the years time too. Like currently I like putting long and thin ailerons on the sides of my most used rockets to make them look more streamlined and add some more agility as well. ^-^
  19. K this might be an old post but that background is beautiful! Almost reminds me of Homeworld if any of you know that game. Nicely done.
  20. Sorry to be rude, but I am very against your statement and especially your language involved. You can't accurately judge something until you've actually had the ability to test it. I've used mechjeb in my past and although it is an amazing mod and sure there is a bit of autopilot in stock KSP, but it by no means is a replacement, and the quality of the stock smart SAS features are by no means "mediocre". You also call the stock parts organization tabs "mediocre". Sure it may not be as easy as I'd like, but its far from mediocre. You also are judging features you haven't even seen yet or used yet. Hold your korses!
  21. Yeah w/ pollution I sort of just use mods that make look prettier... One great tip is to set your industry zone to farming, as that doesn't create any pollution. As to traffic problems, raise your highway up one level off the ground and run off/on ramps every 3-4 blocks along your main roads. This lets traffic that wants to take the highway (I.E. Anyone who wants to get anywhere) get there without greatly affecting the rest of the roads. OH another stupidly awesome method of solving traffic AND making good money is bus routes. If you make the highway the only way to get to your industrial zones from your housing, you can run bus lines all over city from your residential zones and reduce the number of cars on the road while at the same time, making ALL the moneys. My save currently reads €17,000+ on the cash bar. Oh. And read the "How to traffic" imgur album/guide if you haven't yet.
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