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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. "Vroom." This game is amazing and I'll be streaming it on my channel for a bit I think . Oh and if you have a few minutes on hand, here's a vid of me slowly filling my dam's reservoir... DAM that's a lot of water...
  2. Np! I've gotta think of a vid to top this now... not happening soon XD. Not enough time atm for an edit like that.
  3. UPSILON GUESS WHAT!!! :D You may have to update the listings now.
  4. Me too! I would've had room for a picture of yours if you sent one. :C. I'm still looking forward to that collaborative thing I suggested a week ago, though I still don't have a date for it . Thanks man!
  5. WHAT?!? Oh noes! I'll give you a sticky in the credits as soon as I get home. Editing description for now.
  6. You guys make me blush . Thank you all so much I couldn't have done it without your guys screenshots and ancient film. Thank you.
  7. It would actually be hilarious if someone made the VAB door just a painted on outside. Haha
  8. XD Bahaha sorry. I posted this from my phone on the way to school and I didn't read carefully XD. EDIT: 4 ( it's one more then three)!
  9. This mod is beautiful... Very well done stock alike cockpits and textures. Oh and I as literally looking at this mod and thinking "I wanna build the Avatar shuttle..." and then I scroll down and see it in the video XD. Truly awesome.
  10. Granted. You have an airplane that can go fast. The problem is it goes so fast that it can fly into another dimention- one that has undead aliens which now proceed to take over the earth (Bukaroo banzai much?). I could really go for a vacation right now. I wish for a vacation
  11. It's been fun seeing you here Starwhip. Best of wishes.
  12. I'd agree with Upsilon in this point. Not in the fact that I mind 1.0 being buggy at first, but I agree that the general public and definitely newcomers will get frustrated/confused/disappointed if there is any amount of substantial or repeatable bugginess in the 1.0 release.
  13. Oops! It was like midnight when I posted this okay XD. lol. Yeah got the demo back in version 0.13. That was about 4 years ago if I recall correctly. Updating!
  14. Great to see this here! I hopefully look forwards to that project too . Best of luck with your endeavors! And feel free to post SUN or do whatever you want with it whenever you want . OH and a P.S. idea.for your OP, I suggest you use spoilers when you get enough videos here for that to seem useful. I love spoilers :3.
  15. I haven't started a thread on that yet because I've been busy with another project in KSP and in general life as of recent and don't have much time for other things. When I posted that I was basically brainstorming for a later date. For the time being I suggest keeping your craft files to yourself for the time being Yukon as I won't have time for that project with in at least a week. HUEHUEHUE
  16. THIS IS GORGEOUS! Makes me sad it doesn't have more posts. Nicely done indeed.
  17. Nukes don't solve the problem, but they do make everyone forget what happened... It is now planet of the apes... The apes and I rule the hill now! EDIT: Has anyone here heard of the old Star Control II game? There was an alien race which had made it to space age technology 4 times in its past but blew itself up every time and had to restart. Kinda reminds me of this.
  18. Alright well I'm thinking of starting a game with less powerful weapons allowed so battles don't end up looking like the cold war with both sides able to obliterate the enemy with a 100th of their full armory. Does anyone think of this as a good idea? It would basically limit weapons to having either a specific set total impact tolerance limit or only allowing pre-provided weapon sub-assemblies. Sadly this would eliminate the trial and error we've all spent on designing perfect weapons of destruction, but it would bring the odds down from a match of "whoever shoots first wins" to a match of "whoever has the best consistent aim wins". I'm sort of just brainstorming over here so if anyone wants to do a game with me or likes the idea of this please reply >:3.
  19. Hey all! I've gotten all the images I need for my project. Thanks everyone for the submissions! Updating OP. And make sure to watch that video in the OP if you want to know how/where the images will be used. --- I've sent you a PM about that first one. I'll use that one if you can center it about the kerbal . Bahaha XD Using that for sure. I'll be using the third screenshot in that because it fits perfectly for a short section of the vid where 8 screenshots zoom in towards an EVA kerbal.
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