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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Thanks! I'll definitely write those down. Funny that you mentioned the Constellation program as I just finished up a YouTube series based off it. I'll have a big 15 minute cinematic/compilation of it done sometime next week. I'm hoping it catches the Daily Kerbal. Following in your line of shows to watch, I suggest you watch Robotech if you have the spare time. I can't say what era it came out but it's before my childhood I apparently have a thing with enjoying space-related franchises that came out way before my time (Original Homeworld, Star Control II). Oh the disadvantages of being 18 in the 20th century! . I'll probably shoot you a message when the compilation goes up on YouTube. Thanks for the shows!
  2. Well a guy named Enory Kerman (Who's also badS) and his friend Gerbles where the ones I used for basically all my important missions back when I started out. I never liked sending single kerbals out. Always in pairs because they get lonely you know (Except for Jeb). They both a special slot in my signature . Same with his pals who have been in numerous other videos or missions of mine.
  3. Looks like this with Astronomers pack: I wish the clouds where less dense (I may just delete them), but I'm happy with it .
  4. Totally using this in my cinematics! Awesome job.
  5. Hm... I may look that up too. I'm in the search for more shows actually.
  6. "Today we are gathered in the greatest of internet communities, to honor the leadership of a fellow kerbal... CM Rowsdower of the KSP forum. He is a brave soul and worthy leader! An equally upright and hard working individual will be hard sought! He was one of us... one of the great. We all know this is for the best, and we all solemnly wish him good luck, and a fond farewell."
  7. That thing looks amazing! Well done Felsmak .
  8. Well this about closes the series. I hope you enjoy this last episode. I'll hopefully have a compilation video up sometime soon. This series has survived between two computers, three iterations of KSP, and has been over three months in the making. It's been so much fun and I plan on doing similar missions in the future. Until then, see you folks! 's the full series.
  9. D.I.N.G.O. "Duna Inquisitive National Go-cart and Orbiter". A name for one of the rovers I placed on Duna . I also made an "Ike Lobster". It was a mini river with awesome lobster antennae.
  10. Sorry about the double post. I just feel it seems fit to bring this back up having just finished the last episode of Cowboy Bebop. It will be a while before I find a show as good. Post#1420, time of 10:50pm (if you see this don't ask why I have no point )
  11. ^ My router reset >.< First time in a month. This was a great test stream though. Thanks to whoever it was that stopped bye (Yes it was personal)!
  12. Hey all. I'm usually streaming KSP, but I've decided to get back into Homeworld for the day. Stop by if you want . http://www.twitch.tv/avera9ejoe Later!
  13. I think Antaeus Rising was one of the most scenically brilliant videos you have Cupcake. I can't get over the epic scene after you "scuttle" the special ship where you scream down the side of the mountain. Gorgeous view as you pass over the edge .
  14. I should try doing this with my four year old brother! The nerve of them se genius SQUAD members! They just can't help but make an addicting space game can they . I was obsessed with space and rockets when I was under the age of five and soon got to planes, trains, and hot wheels. If he grows out of space in the future, be sure to re-introduce it to him in high school or middle school. He might turn out to really enjoy it (like me)!
  15. I love posts like this . Here's an oldie from my past. Old forum post: Jeb's Vall Adventure! (VERY pic heavy)
  16. 0.13 - first download 0.13 - landed on mun (Only other planetary body in current existence).
  17. Any chance you could make a slider to edit the amount of smoke and sparks and noise everything makes? It would solve a ton of problems in the fact that you could turn off the effects when walking around EVA on things and even disable the effects when not in atmosphere. Also if they where separate sliders you could make the smoke tail visible on other planets but not sparks when on atmosphere-less bodies. Makes sense?
  18. Don't worry that's cool. I'm busy too .
  19. Oh you're from Vananalande everyone knows that ;P.
  20. I mean, I greatly enjoy seeing my fellow KSP streamers and content creators for Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, but the devnotes are more consistently entertaining . It really depends on the entry though.
  21. I'm going to call this a video as it is a highlight from my stream and not the actual stream. Long story short I wanted to dispose of my new shuttles test bed in the most environmentally friendly way a.k.a. bombing the only active non-environmental plant on the planet... ehm... *cough* the KSC *cough* Enjoy! [Link] Landing my new Shuttle! (+ blowing up the VAB)
  22. Rep to that! I loved that game when I played through it on disc and I almost am thinking of streaming it when I buy remastered. Anyways it does have a great soundtrack. I even have it saved to my playlists on YouTube! Your music doesn't get nearly the publicity it deserves so I'm always glad when you link it . Carry on!
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