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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. BTW I'm trying to land on the mun with only IVA view...
  2. I shall land on the mun... Or at least try.
  3. Yes it is with ScriptKitt3h. I will begin the project soon I guess.
  4. Hello I've been making the wrong assumption that there would be more teams announced after a winner was selected from the Kerbin Cup and so I am planning on starting an unofficial cup Here's where I put all the details: There will be trophies and rewards!
  5. Rowsdower I am planning on starting another, ongoing community cup/bracket with each winning trophy being named after a planet/moon (from inside to outside order of bodies). Do I have your support? The reason I'm hesitant at all is because I doubt people would compete if it was unofficial or just the forum. Are you all cool with starting a forum competition of this same sort and also would you be willing to help with community reach of it? Here's the rules I've thought up so far: Page currently used/based from:Kerbin Cup Unofficial Team Blog for Unofficial Teams Rules brainstormed:
  6. I've been planning a bracket cup/cups. I'm thinking of renaming the cup each time a winner is declared from "Kerbol Cup" to "Moho Cup" to "Gilly Cup" and so forth with the possibility of being related to each planet named. Here are the rule's I've come up with so far: 1. Teams of four 2. Flags/icon is highly suggested 3. All teams listed will be competing. Team with least votes will be voted out of winners, though playing is still completely fine. They just won't earn the trophy (which someone will need to design in paint/KSP). 4. Challenge announced Monday, submissions due by Friday. Cut team will be announced as new challenge is announced. 5. Mods allowed for each challenge will be announced as challenge is (I.E. Stock/No hyperedit/no Mechjeb or Kerbal Engineer/no non-part plugins/...ect. I'll start a poll about another bracket/cup momentarily .
  7. It think it was only inspired by it and the real challenges don't have much to do with football. Though I could be wrong. I think me and Kitt3h and some other people are going to run a different kerbal cup when this one is nearing completion and it wouldn't be based off of football, though I'm not sure who all/how many would compete.
  8. Whackjob. It's gorgeous. And yeah those do make nice fingers. But why does he have seven digits?
  9. In response to both of you guys, yes the name needs some work, and yes I would love to work with you guys. I guess we could use this page as the team listings as it is already linked and used and stuff, and you can run everything else. Give the ideas and what to post and I'll do it. But for now lets keep on topic of the current Kerbin Cup. PM me your best names though.
  10. Rowsdower posted this in response to that: So it looks like all the inactive teams won't have the chance to be selected officially but I think I will run an unofficial Kerbin Cup. Sorry for double posting! I'll just leave this.
  11. Oh hey Upsilon nice art btw xD. Maybe I should form the... wait for it... the KERBAL KUP! lolno
  12. Oh you responded here ty. So this competition will be over in a few weeks and not getting more teams. I'd love to continue this challenge afterwards if possible I talked more in your message.
  13. Rowsdower I've been creating a bit of accidental rumor. Is the Kerbin Cup a temporary thing in which one team will be selected of eight? Or will a new challenge be announced each week for a while with new competitors selected after the last winner?
  14. Oh wow. I just posted in the Official Kerbal Cup page before checking your message ScriptKitt3h: I would love to run an unofficial branch if everyone wants one. That's sort of what this page is meant to be too. Practice for upcoming challenges (which I still am not sure are coming so read the link ).
  15. I am completely guessing based off of the "first of many challenges" bit. One of many. Not just enough to eliminate down to one winner. Don't take my word, compare it to what you think. It is guess work on my end, which is why I'm asking for confirmation from someone. It would be kinda lame if everyone who volunteered (which is a pretty solid count) didn't get more than a two days notice in a complete forum vs. reddit competition. It couldn't be that hard to post a challenge every week/pick teams/set a winners vote every week (Yes its more complicated than that and thank you sooo much Rowsdower for setting this up). I'd run it if people would still play it, though if it was an individual challenge and not forum wide, much fewer people would play. That's what I'm basing my guess work off of.
  16. Why thank you sir! Indeed. You guys can still form a team and compete when new teams are selected a few challenges from now. After the teams are eliminated and a grand winner is selected, new teams will be picked for future competitions until everyone is eliminated and a second winner selected and so on if I am right. Right?
  17. If you call competing along side practice then yes I do mean that, though that's not my point. These teams are all eligible for competing in the main challenge its just only 4 teams can be selected per challenge and I am personally only calling the selected teams the official teams. These teams aren't like, disqualified or ineligible for any reason, its just that there isn't an official team list and so I made this. Which seems to be listing all the teams formed. Does that answer you?
  18. *Straightens suit and walks to podium* Fellow kerbalers, you have been selected as the first fruits of this epic challenge, a challenge who's first winners will be remembered. You all have been selected partially because of your skill, but also because you show spirit! Each of you has my sincere respect, and my heartfelt honor. You may not have been famous before, but you are now. Go at it boys. Anyways I think the teams where selected as the ones that first PM'd Rowsdower, but I'm not sure. Can someone confirm or correct me?
  19. There is no deadline for teams these aren't official! I refer to the official teams as the ones selected to compete each week. Thus as these teams aren't selected, they aren't official. If you can get a team together or find a team to join PM me or post it here and I'll add it. THERE IS NO DUE DATE! I'm sorry about all the constant changing to the post but I'm getting this thing pinned down and hoping one end doesn't fly up in my face later. I will move the active 4 teams to the top each week and that's probably the biggest change to the listings I will make from now on. Probably.
  20. I don't think so If you want to be listed in solos or have a team formed with 3 or more people PM me and I'll list you/you guys. NOTE: I will be at graduation playing in the band (buuuuh duh duh du, duuuuh, duuuuuuh < pomp and circumstance) so I probably won't be editing the challenge or the team listings until later tonight. It's 6:55 AM this morning and these will be the last changes until at least 4 PM, most likely later. Mods you can edit the challenge when it is announced if you see this. Everyone else look else where for the official challenge. Thanks all! I'm fairly certain both teams for this challenge have been selected/presented to Rowsdower so hopefully this page will be used for next week's challenge. I'll probably set up a weekly straw poll or a new post weekly with a poll.
  21. Bro you could win by yourself xD. I'll add you to solos. Teams can be rearranged later or added too. PM what you want your solo to be if you want a title.
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