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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Oh well with infinite fuel you CAN run with constant gravity! xD And two of you! It's good to know there are others who have read at all
  2. Behold: My twitch highlight wip If you know of the comic Tintin or just want a simple, classical rocket, download it here. Note that this ship doesn't have enough fuel to make it to the mun (barely to orbit) so I removed all fuel. Use debug fuel (THE HORROR). Yeah I know but this ship did land on the moon in "Destination Moon" and return via powered descent so I see no reason it shouldn't in KSP! Also note that I removed the Nuclear engines as there really isn't a need in them. Enjoy!
  3. Okay that's ingenious. Though how breakable are the gigantors as landing legs?
  4. When I tried my launching method I did use the claw. I shall try again using the docking ports only I think. Jedi, WhackJob said kudos for doing it the hard way, but I guess it isn't against the rules :/. I don't suggest it.
  5. I'm making my own ship with docking stoof but I won't be using your's WhackJob sadly D:. Too laggy and crashy for my likeness and 32 bit CP. I'll be posting pics though! NOTE: The custom leg is what crashed it for me as I recreated it in a new save and launched with it crashing the same way. The ports are probably helping the glitch too though.
  6. I'm sure most of you are familiar with this video (even though it's about new years and not the 4th) and I'm sure all of you have purposely or accidentally created your very own fireworks display from your very own KSP game! Now it is time to make THE BEST KERBAL FOURTH OF JULY. EVER! Especially with the larger SRB and parts, there is much room for entertainment and colorful explosions. The rules are simple: Create a video or ship file of your firework creation and post images or a link here ON July 4th at midnight. More to get to you soon.
  7. Bookmarked indeed. This is awesome! EDIT: If it isn't added already, being able to launch from these new bases would be awesome-er!
  8. Didn't specify where to build it. "Take it to orbit" isn't necessarily in one piece. Though I can say that the leg I launched did glitch and break the save in orbit (It did the glitch where the starting piece freezes when time warping). It broke my .23 career save too when I redesigned my own ship with comparable size and the same leg configuration but it had the same glitch . Fun tho! I didn't need that save anymore and that's a fun way to put it to peace .
  9. Okay the save I'm using broke when trying this too. WhackJob Why!!!! lol
  10. I PM'd Rowsdower asking if I can post how I launched. I recorded it and I'll post it if allowed. I glitched out too though so I'm just going to redesign D: It'll look exactly the same... mostly... EDIT: No I cannot share how I launched. Good luck guys *evil laugh*
  11. Well it's the physics loading at 200m that causes the lag which is probably from all the docking ports BUT because they are rubbing the ground. So the lag might go away when in orbit idk.
  12. I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you... Honestly though I plan on assembling it to show I can and then rebuilding it without docking ports to reduce lagggggg..g.g.g.gg
  13. If you want to save him super badly, you can go into the save persistent and set his state and idx to 0. That takes him back to the astronaut complex.
  14. Spectacular! The shading really showed in this one and it got the impressions it needed. Very well done. I jumped the gun and had a submission a while ago in a previous post but I think I may have a better, much more grander image that is truly debris at it's finest. I'll get to you with it soon I hope! EDIT: If you chose/open this, you decide which of these pics to do it's your art and I am being intrusive on jumping the gun. My first rescue mission. Read about here An awesome pic. See the story here. P.S. you're awesome. Chose me or not you are a great artist in sorts and I hope to see you around the forum. Later.
  15. I'd agree Reddit did have better entries this time. See you Sunday after camping!
  16. I might do this idk... sounds fun :3
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