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Everything posted by 4nxs

  1. Any news on progress for us? And I mean on the mod not the thing hanging on the side of the ISS.
  2. I had some spare time so I have been testing the new parts. First of all, nice work. I especially like the stock-a-like look and the fact that the parts are versatile so you can use them in other crafts. Things I noticed during testing: - the landing legs bug you mentioned - when going EVA from the pod or grabbing the ladder in space the kerbals will do a 180 or 360 spin. Also on the ground the kerbals move faster across the service container ladder than the pod ladder - balancing of the parts is alright for me, nothing seems to be out of line (did a landing, ascent and rendezvous on Duna, had a reasonable amount of fuel left at the end) - perhaps you could create a nosecone part for when you don't use a parachute or jr. docking port, with maybe a functionality (science, probe, antenna) Looking forward to the release!
  3. Rover parts that look stock-a-like!! Tried it out today and Duna has a new rover roaming the dunes with improved science capabilities. Looking forward to what else you are going to make. On a side note, the mastcam raises a bit faster than I expected. Anyway, nice work.
  4. I want this now!! Kidding of course. Take your time, this is looking good. As for the plugin I would focus on the basic functionality first and expand on that.
  5. Yesterday I downloaded KAS and after messing around for a bit I had a truly kerbal idea, I don't know if this is a thing. This is a proof of concept. The munarch science hammock base. Also perhaps, mohole base???
  6. Wow nothke, looks awesome, now I definitely cannot wait.
  7. So now even on the forums my fps is dropping??
  8. Yes, it is stuck with a grider on a lifter. While on the lauchpad the engine runs till empty and than I take up to altitude with the lifter. This only works because its tiny enough that the wings don't matter during launch. With the bigger ones I do a full trial run, so with the whole setup. And btw, very nice mod, looking forward to see what's next.
  9. I will be launched shuttlestyle but I test the gliding return part of a shuttle's design before making the tank on the belly. Right now, thats the part that's not working so well.
  10. Very W.I.P., because as soon as it smells freedoms it will flip out and die... Perhaps the slower control surfaces of 0.23 will fix that. And I forgot, the X0 is on my Duna base landers but I am waiting to launch those until I got some more free time. The inflatable hab is from a W.I.P. mod by Porkjet if anyone is interested. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57662-WIP-Inflatable-Hab-Module
  11. I mainly use the X0 engine on the things that come out of the cargobay but I will see if I can make a minicraft. Oh and the dropbox link is for the 0.8 version.
  12. Panels are from Nearfuture pack. And Porkjet, you continue to surprise!
  13. This is great, the type of part I was missing for a long time. Nice work.
  14. Recreation of the ESA Rosetta mission, using Gilly as a substitute comet (would love real comets in game btw). Philae lander is complete, working on the Rosetta craft... It has some issues with CoM and CoT.
  15. This quickly became one of my must have mods. Nice work, looking forward to what comes next.
  16. I like it, will add it to my space station.
  17. I like the sound of projects that require you to test your parts (spacesuit, parachute, SRB) on Kerbin before you can use them on a rocket. I mean, perhaps this could give you the data you see when you hover over a part in the VAB.
  18. I doubt it is without reason that the weekly is delayed. Maybe tomorrow we will talking about something they are working on right now, that takes a bit more time before it is ready to be revealed.
  19. The Kerbin Space Kuark Collider Here you go. I removed the lauchstages because they use KWrocketry. On that note I mainly use KPSX and KWrocketry, so if anything modrelated comes up you know where to look. You will need KSPX for the crew module. The ring uses a kind of reversed christmas tree construction to keep it steady during ascent, on the lowest tier are some unassigned struts that connect to the lauchstage. Ring - 1/3 https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fgjnhjnz9ujno9/Kerbin%20Space%20Kuark%20Collider%20-%20Ring%20-%201_3.craft Service module - 2/3 https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxnxpqxf5ujda93/Kerbin%20Space%20Kuark%20Collider%20-%20Service%20module%20-%202_3.craft Crew module - 3/3 https://www.dropbox.com/s/xxfx541oivcbj6s/Kerbin%20Space%20Kuark%20Collider%20-%20Crew%20module%20-%203_3.craft
  20. My first 0.22 space station, with an appropriate scientific theme. A orbital particle accelerator.
  21. Funny how the numbers went up after the 16th
  22. Do science of course. I am thinking missions to different places and see what kind of results you can get.
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