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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ *scratches head in thought*
  2. So...this thread has been dead for a couple days. Ended up on page 10. Two days ago you said that hopefully that night we would have boatparts-skillful compatibility, but you havent done or said anything about that since....Could we have an update on whats going on?
  3. Why cant you get whack-a-kerbal to work? the button to fire is the middle mouse button, the scrolly wheel thing. If you are on a laptop, i believe there is a way to change the keybinding in the settings.
  4. Don't you see whackjob? all of these suggestions STILL have to do with the original whackjobness. The new parts make the old whackjobness somewhat easier, but do you know what else they do? they unlock a whole new level of whackjobness. You can do so much more, and with the new parts most people would struggle to accomplish what you have already accomplished. You are still whackjob, and you still have the "whackjobness" in you. I just grew a meter in size. Look at my sig. It relates to you. I havent even really seen one of your creations, i havent really followed you that much either. (YET) but i have heard so many stories. so many references to you. You are a legacy here. Everyone knows who you are. everyone knows what you are capable of. You say you are stuck in a rut? Build a rocket big enough to lift you right up out of that rut.
  5. bill: Mission control, we have a probleeeeeeemmmmmmmmmm.... MC: yes? what is it bob? bill: i thiiiiinnnnnkkk iiiimmmm goooonnnnnnaaaa beeeeee....blleeerrrrrggggg!!!!" MC: ...Bill? Come in bill!!! bill: .............. bill: quick question. How does one remove puke from inside of a space suit? MC:
  6. So the space center isnt 17,000m down, sea level is just 17,000m up? did the atmosphere move with it? cause if not then the dv to orbit should be the same.. however, why wouldn't you be able to share the save? its your save. Just because RSS borked up (showing my forum accent here) doesn't make it illegal to share your save.
  7. That makes so much sense. they probably weren't actually all the way in space, since they were on a (i think) suborbital test plane or something.
  8. That makes so much sense. they probably weren't actually all the way in space, since they were on a (i think) suborbital test plane or something.
  9. -deleted for the reason: stupid question, shouldn't've read so fast-
  10. I'll....keep that in mind. I don't know why you would freeze, i just heard it somewhere. I never put any thought to it until now. Now that i think about it, i think i heard it on a CSI or something like that where a guy got shot in some station in space and they threw him out the airlock. (they were suborbital, so the guys body actually hit the ground in a city, not that that is realiztic at all, just in this show) and i just remember them explaining what would've happened. Guess i learned my lesson about trusting daytime television. Thank you for your explanation. Yeah i thought about that after posting it, since in my Earth/space science lesson they said that the top portion of the thermosphere is at 3,600 degrees farenheight, but it would still feel cold because the heat couldn't be transfered because there are virtually no particles. yeah some other people on here were talking about blood foaming up and stuff. EDIT: I feel so special. 4 people responded to my one post.
  11. Hey infinite, would you have any idea why skillful, boatparts, and firespitter didn't play nice together when i tried them together? it was in .23 but firespitter completely derped. the engines didnt move and control surfaces did nothing. I think when i removed everything but firespitter it still did that, but it worked before i added skillful and boat parts in the first place.
  12. I've had this happen to me numerous times, and i've quadruple checked that they were symetrical. Even with only one engine some still yawed. Not all of them do, but every once in a while (a good design of course) it starts yawing for no reason.
  13. Can you give us a little more detail? there is no special way to install it, you just drop the folders into game data, and the crafts into the crafts folder(its in the manual, try reading that) but if you give me a little more detail as to what is happening i might be able to help.
  14. YES!! YES YES YES!!!! This is almost exactly what i was talking about. I didn't know if it was possible so i didn't get specific. Maybe a video update showing us the improved tracking? EDIT: and the makeshift flares in action?
  15. I'm pretty sure all of those reposts arent on purpose, when you hit "upload" nothing happens, and some people just keep hitting it waiting for it to happen.
  16. Yeah I understand. But like when its done will it still flip all the way around when it misses and stuff like that? that's pretty much the only real problem that i meant
  17. Thank you. i had someone tell me that KSO works fine with FAR, so ill try it by itself first, then ill try that config if it doesn't work
  18. Thank you, I will try it out by itself and if it doesn't work I'll try a config i found
  19. Dice, any comment on the missile tracking and turning? It seems to rapid and insane
  20. I did search the thread and didn't find anything about this, so I assume its safe to ask. Does anybody know of a config to make KSO work with FAR?
  21. I don't know about that same tracking, I mean i get that SAMs are a kind of hyper missile, and that they constantly track and change directions, but i've never heard of a missile over shooting and then turning completely around and the missing again like that. I think the missiles turn/rotate too much, but they move around at an alright speed. I dont know maybe its just me
  22. Thank you, i did read the main page but i must've missed that part, my bad.
  23. nobody answered when i asked this last, so ill ask one more time. Is the KSO not FAR compatible? and if not any guesses as to when it will be?
  24. Yeah i've thought of the realchutes, but i was more concerned with a cool landing. But you're saying that there isn't FAR compatability? will somebody add it sometime?
  25. No i don't have far in this save, but couldn't reduced lift make the descent more like that? And sorry if i didn't describe it very well, here this is right from nasa.gov "Landing-5 minutes The orbiter's velocity eases below the speed of sound about 25 statute miles from the runway. As the orbiter nears the Shuttle Landing Facility, the commander takes manual control, piloting the vehicle to touchdown on one of two ends of the SLF. As it aligns with the runway, the orbiter begins a steep descent with the nose angled as much as 19 degrees down from horizontal. This glide slope is seven times steeper than the average commercial airliner landing. During the final approach, the vehicle drops toward the runway 20 times faster than a commercial airliner as its rate of descent and airspeed increase. At less than 2,000 feet above the ground, the commander raises the nose and slows the rate of descent in preparation for touchdown. Landing-15 seconds The main and nose landing gear are deployed and locked in place. Touchdown! The orbiter's main landing gear touches down on the runway at 214 to 226 miles per hour, followed by the nose gear. The drag chute is deployed, and the orbiter coasts to a stop."
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