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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. Where's my staples button? Cause that was easy It is a no brainer, I fought it for a bit because of budget, but then I realized for 25% more money I could get 200% more performance than from the 960.
  2. go 1060 if you're gonna upgrade. They've turned me, and now I'm gonna turn you. Just looks at the specs, and the price.
  3. Actually, both places I ordered from have money back returns, so technically I could turn back. But I don't have a reason to as of now.
  4. Ok. I am committing now. Currently purchasing the CPU and Motherboard, and will purchase everything but the PSU, Monitor, and GPU today. Thanks for all your help guys! This build is much, much better than what I started with and I have a feeling it will do everything I want and more.
  5. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/jtbP3F Am back to scouting for a used monitor. CPU is fine AFAIK, and I will be getting the 1060 in a few weeks. (I plan on putting the PC together and getting it booted and using it for a while before I can afford the card, that way I still have a computer. The i5 has built in graphcis)
  6. I am eager to buy what I already have set up. What is the problem with this build, besides the fact that you don't really like built in wireless cards? Will the build not work for my purposes? THe SLI was just a dream anyways, i'll probably never use/need it.
  7. SLI is likely disabled on the 3GB version of the 1060. Everything I've read says the 1060 6GB has SLI.
  8. yes, I kept the standard case because I knew I might want to upgrade to ATX with SLI at some point. But I can't afford a second card right now, and I can't even really afford a mobo with SLI. So I figured if I ever want SLI I'll chuck the extra $100 for a new motherboard. Keep in mind this will probably be >2 years down the road.
  9. I won't take the 4590, it won't allow ddr4 and other things. I'm going with that mini ITX case you suggested, and this cuts the final price down to around $800 with the 1060 in there. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/kTgWD8 I chose a 1x16GB RAM stick so I can add another later for the full 32GB that the mobo supports.
  10. Sorry guys, I thought I put a part list. Here it is http://pcpartpicker.com/list/4VGMZ8 Cooler is $30. If the stock fan is really alright, then I can knock that off. The only way to budget the 1060 into the build is to get the microATX board. And now that I've seen the regular ATX I'm not sure if I want to. @Camacha, I explained why I need a wireless card. I don't have a way around it. I can't be wired at all. I have to have a wireless card. Here it is again just in case you missed it "I hate having to explain this, but here goes. I can't use wires. We don't have cable, we have ground based radio. We can't move the router, and my computer is in my room. I'm really close to the router by straight line, but my door is the opposite direction and my mom doesn't want a cable going through the living room. And it's not our house to drill a hole through the wall. Wireless is really my only option, and I want it to be flexible for the future. And I got one that supports 5GHz because the radio uses 2.4GHz so I wanted to avoid more interference."
  11. I hate having to explain this, but here goes. I can't use wires. We don't have cable, we have ground based radio. We can't move the router, and my computer is in my room. I'm really close to the router by straight line, but my door is the opposite direction and my mom doesn't want a cable going through the living room. And it's not our house to drill a hole through the wall. Wireless is really my only option, and I want it to be flexible for the future. And I got one that supports 5GHz because the radio uses 2.4GHz so I wanted to avoid more interference. How is is that motherboard not an upgrade? It supports double the ram, and has 2 pci3 and 3 pci1 as opposed to the small board with one of each. I was told the CPU cooler on the i5 wasn't the best and that for rendering and recording I would need a better cooler.
  12. Well...I think I'm gonna stick with the 960. I think it will be enough. If I wanna grab a rx480 or 1060 in a few months when they're cheaper I may do that. Anyways, I have one more question before I buy. EDIT: A friend helped me with the build. I changed some things, and we managed to add a lot for the same-ish price. RAM went down to 8GB because I can get by with that for a month or two. SSD went down to 120GB because I will only be putting OS and maybe 1-2 games on it. Was able to put a much better mobo, a CPU cooler, and the wireless adapter in. What do you guys think? I think I'm hitting the ceiling for an $800 build. Also, I plan on scouting my local computer repair shop for a used monitor for cheap. The one on the build is a placeholder. Also, no microcenter nearby. Closest is 6-8+ hours away.
  13. I couldn't find the crucial. I have no preference on board, I went with cheapest with good reviews I also looked at the 6600k, but the problem is other people are already trying to convince me to get a rx 480 instead of a gtx 960 and I definitely can't squeeze the 6600k and the 480 Don't know about the Xeon. I'm wanting this primarily for gaming and recording. Editing and blendering come second.
  14. Alright, I put together an i5 build with the 6500. Can't do the 2500k, already pushing budget majorly. Here is the build: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/V7MKBP And it's only $20 more than the previous i3 skylake build: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/fw3dXH Plus I was able to put DDR4-2400 RAM in. If you guy's response to this is anything about better than the i3 build or that I couldn't do better with my budget I'm buying this tomorrow.
  15. Ok, I will look into i5s. What would be the best i5? My range for i5s is small, can only do up to about 200. That includes the 6500, but it almost includes the 2500k, which has lots of good remarks (although slightly older) What would be the absolute best i5 for under or around $200?
  16. How would a 960m compare? Because a new option just opened up. For almost the price of this computer (including the monitor and OS) I could get a laptop with a skylake i7 and a 4gb gtx 960m. Same card I was gonna get, much beefier processor. @Alphasus, blender uses CPU or GPU. On my laptop it uses my CPU since it doesn't support my old graphics card. Although I've heard GPU is much better. Here is that laptop: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/lenovo-y700-15-6-touch-screen-laptop-intel-core-i7-8gb-memory-1tb-hard-drive-black/4474900.p?id=1219751154856&skuId=4474900 Processor/Graphics: Intel® Core™ i7-6700HQ processor NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M graphics
  17. Did you see what I added to the post you quoted? About what parts I can keep and what parts I would have to ditch?
  18. I've look up scores for the other processors in mind. The i3 6300 (the one in question for me) gets a multicore score of 406, which is only slightly less than the multicore score of a fx-6300, at 415 single core blows it out of the water. And the athlon core is even worse in the mid 300s. Out of the processor options laid before me, the i3 6300 is clearly the best. Not only for single core either, since it's multicore score is right near the fx 6300 and athlon 880k, despite it's core disadvantage. Unfortunately, I will probably not be able to fit an i5 in. I'm pushing price as it is. Goal was $500, I let it slip to $600. I'll see what the options are for i5s but I don't have high hopes. Basically, it's keep the i3 6300, SSD, and gtx 960 4gb, or drop one of the latter for an i5.
  19. I ran cinabench. Here are the results, I have no idea what they mean or how bad my current system is. CPU: 287 OpelGL: 17.17fps
  20. When I said you conflicted yourself, you said hardware twice. I bolded it in my quote. You said hardware, as compared to hardware. But I get it now. The thing is, I do these tasks on my current laptop. Which is awful compared to those options. intel core i-7 740QM (That's right, first generation) quad core at 1.7GHz, 4GB RAM at 1066, and a gt330m graphics card. And this is what I currently use for: Gaming, Recording, Blender rendering. I just wanted a big step up. I don't wanna be the very best, obviously, since I have a budget. I want the very best for my budget, and I want something that will be a lot better than my current setup. Something that doesn't drop the framerate to 15fps when I record and the game is already on a lower graphics setting. Does that make sense?
  21. You conflicted yourself a few times, but I think I understand. Maybe. I figured with a 4gb 960 I could GPU render. So are you saying the skylake i3 isn't enough for what I want? Would the Athlon be enough?
  22. @Alphasus I was looking for i3s, but I kept forgetting that I was editing a parts list, so compatibility check was on the whole time. That's why I ended up with that processor. So the second intel build, how much better would that be compared to my previous intel build? I'm mostly wanting this computer to be a rig that I can game and record off of, and possibly stream as well. I will also be doing blender renders, and video editing. I'm not really worried about KSP potential, more of just modern computer intensive games that I can't play right now. Also I don't have a preference for miniITX, in fact I think I would rather go MicroATX instead, if that's a possibility with those other parts.
  23. Ok guys. I'm back again. And @Camacha, I have the money now so I'm not recruiting you guys for nothing. I have two builds in mind. AMD and Intel. They have changed since I originally posted this, and I'm pretty sure I'm going with the intel build. But for the sake of review, here they are. AMD build: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/DkFHhq Intel build: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/X7kzYr
  24. Okiedokie guys, here's the deal. I just got internet back. Tomorrow is my Eagle Court of Honors, and I have to work all day to make that happen. And then tomorrow night, right after the ceremony I drive 4.5 hours west, spend the night, and then ride another 4.5 hours to Oklahoma. I will be there until at least Saturday. I will do my best to update the group before I leave, but I honestly can't promise that. I will try my best though! And in the case of me not being able to update it before I leave, it will definitely be the first thing I do when I get back. Welcome to all the new members, I'm not sure if the program will be able to tell me who all is new, so if not I sincerely welcome you into the group.
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