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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. PLEASE SUPPLY HOW TO DO THIS PLEASE OH PLEASE OMGGGGGG I see welding mod was heavily used. But craft filessssss pleeeaassseeeeeeeee
  2. Ninja'ing me and calling my squeeing cheating even though it was for you? Painful cheating!
  4. Oh yeah I remember that now. But I wasn't really talking about a ammo "box" just. Ammo. I was saying 20mm Ammo should be in the mod. You said you are planning on adding 20mm ammo when you get the new ammo system (whatever it is you're doing) right?
  5. Ksp is the original package. We are downloading BDArmory to add weapons. Having to download another mod for the mod just to add an ammo box that should be in the mod itself is a bit annoying. How long would it take for BD to make a 20mm ammo box? I'm assuming not very. And I don't see how I'm not thinking of the modders here. Sure, if it's some big feature then yeah it makes a lot more work for him and somebody else could try it instead. But we are talking about one part. A rename of an existing part. Seriously wouldn't you just copy one of the other boxes and change a few values? Isn't that all that needs to be done? That could take less than 10 minutes. And since someone's already done it why can't he just add the part to his pack? That takes even less time. Mekan isn't asking for something to be built from the group up to suit him. He's just asking to be able to fire more than 20 shells. I really don't want to argue. It's kinda petty. Yes all that downloading is one download right now but it feels unnecessary.
  6. Is there a way to prove all that information? I'm not trying to disprove it I'm just curious
  7. Well honestly I could see why. BDarmory is a 3rd party mod already. And having to download 4th party content just to complete a 3rd party mod it a bit weird. (4th party being like a 3rd party to the mod) although I wouldn't hold off on getting it either. I just wouldn't like all the downloading. Observation. Something most of the internet lacks. Glad I could help a little in explaining it.
  8. You're welcome. I agree, but also I hope you will get a considerable amount of resource from one asteroid. Like you said they are hard to plan and hard to achieve, and use quite a bit of fuel to reach. I would hate to spend 1000 units of extra fuel from my return craft to catch an asteroid in or around Eeloo orbit and find out I only get 100 units back. Makes it kinda pointless to refuel if its more trouble than it's worth. Maybe find an exlanation that gives asteroids farther away from kerbin more fuel? Like temp. You get little resources from asteroids that get blasted by the sun, but you get lots of fuel from the ice in asteroids around jool and eeloo. Or maybe something else.
  9. Your username is shady, it could stand for lots of things. Being secretive about your username is high profile cheating, and you should stop now and join us non-cheaters with non-secretive usernames.
  10. Last page: He did say possibility, but that means SQUAD is considering it, and it's probably coming. Maybe.
  11. It is there but it is community made. Mekan was asking for it to come with the mod instead of having to download it seperately. I believe.
  12. Hey um, I think you need to remove what you said about Capn Skunky leaving. He posted in SQUADS latest article about .90 yesterday. It's on page 5 of comments. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/313-Beta-Than-Ever-The-Future-of-KSP?page=5#comments EDIT: Just now saw Red Iron's post, but still. He is back and has posted twice. He's alive!
  13. I....I think....I think those are lithobrakers. I think the gears are going to deploy and brakes locked, and they are going to bounce to a stop.
  14. That boat mod is made by the guy who made the only other weapons system (besides lazor but that doesn't really count) It looks dated but it's not, its rather fun. The next update will be more fun with battleships. But I wouldn't mind seeing what BD can do with boats, or any kind of vehicles really. His jet engine makes me crave jet fighter parts. How about that BD?
  15. Then again, if whackjob messes up his staging during the beggining of his ascent, I'm positive the entire KSC would suffer. One pass could be acheived in stock. with a big big big cluster bomb.
  16. use FAR for modded. It will be easy. I once had a jet go to the mun and back on turbojets. I angled the plane down, and sped around the planet at 3,000 m/s till it was a munar encounter and then let go and made it back without using anything but turbo jets. I could've gone faster too.
  17. KSP is the worst game ever because it takes all my freetime and then wastes it crashing violently. (both the crafts and the game itself)
  18. Well. I can start advertising it in my rocket company. And I can just share it everywhere. That might help a little bit. If everyone did the same, it might help a little more. As for things you can do though, I'm not sure.
  19. Battleship was actually a very good movie. It's about real battleships by the way. The only similarity to the game is the way they had to use a grid to attack after their radar/sonar and other things went down.
  20. Haha yeah sorry. I'm at school and I have little brainwaves to spare. just kidding I'm bored as can be
  21. Besides all that, you can just keep a stock save as your main, and still claim you are stock.
  22. Hey dice, i know for fact his has been asked, but I forgot what you said. Is there going to be aimers implemented? Especially for the tanks and naval guns.
  23. You didn't explain. They steal parts to use for rockets. Also, that's cheating to doubt Endermen, and also to doubt Endersmens!
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