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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. So, a squid alien and a lander for the magic boulder. Whups, i can hear the deep space kraken call, i better get out of here before this elevator takes place of various free-form 3D models....
  2. Instead of the Xenon thrusters/fuel tanks, you should make it powered by fire extinguishers.
  4. Be careful with this game, you may lose your jaw.
  5. It's a chthonian gas giant, with only one moon, Icarus. And if you guessed Daedalus for the name, you are correct,
  6. Flood it with nitric acid. Be a sadist.
  7. Alright, alright. I've got a dev forum up, and that's where the planet reveals will take place. http://w11.zetaboards.com/SSP_Dev_Forum/index/ Enjoy.
  8. Minmus, Laythe, Tylo and Eeloo. Plus, when i get the full version, i will set a colony on minmus, and put a tower with four cupola modules overlooking the colony.
  9. And i know jack s*** about 3D modelling. It'll stay 2D. I don't know how to pull off planets in scratch, though,
  10. I could probably go with Unity, but how could it support 2D things?
  11. I don't know any programming language currently, but i may try C++ for this.
  12. Hey guys, i just wanted to drop this here. I have a current game idea called "Scratch Space Program", which my idea was to be made in scratch. Now. It's going to be Unity. THE HELIOS SYSTEM Unlike KSP, the SSP will have planets named after gods, because i like to be complex. Don't blame me, blame my brain. -Twelve planets to land on, with unique systems of moons. -Easter Eggs. Lots and lots of Easter Eggs. -Interesting landscapes on each world, and of course. Different surfaces to go along with the landscapes. -- GET A CHANCE TO BE IN THE CREDITS -Support the game! Give moral support. -Suggest Rocket Parts or places in the Eden Space Center. -- OFFICIAL DEV FORUMS http://w11.zetaboards.com/SSP_Dev_Forum/index/ OFFICIAL DEV BLOG
  13. We've got our answer, buddies!
  14. I'm sorry if i AM throwing this off-topic, but does anyone find any of our planets in the solar system creepy? I'm pretty creeped out by Sedna, it's cold, desolate and stagnant... And it's pretty unusual that i'm creeped out by Sedna, i'm a huge fan of TNO's, SDO's, etc...
  15. Brotoro, you deserve a high-five if you let me.
  16. And that's why you need have Illuminators all over your craft and rover.
  17. Eeloo. For some strange reason, i have an addiction to obscure planets, mainly TNOs.
  18. Gah, i have another space-related question for you guys. Could sulfur dioxide magma can be used as a power source for bases on the Galilean moon, Io, as the title suggests?
  19. Godd*mn it man, i fear stuff like that would happen on the mun.
  20. Yeah, i feel your pain man. But i really feel like on the Mun, something is just going to fly infront of my face and jumpscare me and give me a heart attack.
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