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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. Sylandro

    AI Uprising

    >2. Hijack a server, please and thank you.
  2. Year 485: Various Deep Space Krakens spontaneously appear on Kerbin and make the kerbals impromptuously reach a new technology level.
  3. Ugh. Flat Earth Society, but sadly, it compares to today's society and the god-dreaded hashtagmania.
  4. Looks like Bob Kerman and his crewmate are perpetually stuck in a solar orbit.
  5. Year 477: Nothing happens. I mean it, literally nothing happens.
  6. A couple of days ago, i was thinking about dark energy and space-time. Here's what i computed: Dark energy has various "currents" around our universe, but the currents are too faint to be detected, currently. The currents also guide various particles throughout our universe, but, the currents, like space-time, gets distorted around a gravitational pull. So, the particles will be absorbed around a planet, asteroid, star, etc. And on space-time, i do think it's a gelatinous existence. I do not have any sophisticated equations to prove the dark energy currents, but remember; these are ideas that i came up during school.
  7. 4kbShort, because i first found KSP because of him. Danny2462, because he is downright hilarious. Not even SQUAD can comprehend his shenanigans. And Scott Manley, because he is relatively intriguing.
  8. The probe will be sent on friday. It's a quick way to get around gilly. Comes with a refueling module, too
  9. What if they find a derelict kraken probe on Ike?
  10. Floor 691 - Nothing really special on this floor, but as you peer out the window, bob is seen piloting the "Zephyr" RCS lander.
  11. Is it okay if i join in again? I want to add a probe to the gilly outpost
  12. Made a RCS-Powered lander. Took it for a spin on Minmus and Pock.
  13. After seeing all of these images in this thread, which are from 0.23, i decided to show you my spacecraft from 0.15.3! NOTE: I just downloaded 0.15.3 on Friday, and i decided to play it.
  14. When i was testing out my "Zephyr" RCS lander on Pock, i found something majestic. The lander handles quite well, too.
  15. I just had mine today. So i was in the tracking station, chose my "Ganymede Lander" and them boom. The hell or NaN kraken said "Hey hey hey! Stay outta my lander!" and then i went back to the KSC, and there was a black screen.
  16. So i've been playing around, i've shook hands with the kraken, TWICE
  17. Ach! The skydrive won't accept me to download it, because it can't scan for viruses. Krag, any suggestions?
  18. Floor 686 - You find a hungry bob kerman in a really steep pit, you throw your sandwich in.
  19. The kerbals have cataclysmic solid rocket boosters.
  20. It seems like your kerbals are from The United Provinces of Egercia. http://play.kerbalroleplay.com/index.php?topic=3159.0
  21. The sky is PURPLE! The parts are BLACK!
  22. If a influx of new members came, which were PDP fans, we would probably be screwed. But, the moderators would probably have a field day and SQUAD will be rolling with glee due to all of the money that they have.
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