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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. 3/10 I saw your name during a offline KSPTV stream...
  2. 1/10 http://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/3/33/Turret_turret_pickup_6.wav
  3. When jebediah kerman gets bored of SRB's and starts using oxygen and nitrogen for his SRB's. and christened them ARB's. (Air Rocket Boosters)
  4. Banned for the misspelling in your signature.
  5. Krag, you should add a star with multiple planets
  6. Granted, but it's one over by a harvester. I wish for NASA to send a probe to Uranus.
  7. I wonder how ANSI would react if you called it "Flat Stanley".
  9. Is it okay for me to give you some planet ideas?

  10. In the Astronaut Complex, plotting elaborate ways to get into my spacecraft.
  11. Whelp, i may not be sleeping tonight.
  12. CHAPTER 1 - T'WAS THE EVENING WHEN THE LANDER FLEW "JEEEEEB!" Bob's whimpery voice echoed throughout the hitchhiker module. "I'M NOT GOING TO PUSH OVER THE SCIENTIFIC LANDER!" Jebediah chuckled for a bit. "Oh just do it, you crybaby! I'll show you what's inside the "NOT FOOD" cabinet!" Bill tensed for a bit, knowing what's inside it, he didn't want to spoil the pitiful surprise. "Fine... JEB 9000, permission to go EVA?" Bob asked Jebediah Kerman, JEB 9000 was Jebediah's alter ego designed to mess with Bob Kerman. Much to Bob's dismay, Jebediah Kerman always did it for his amusement. Or, should i rephrase, Bob's abusement! "AFFIRMATIVE BOB, BUT I'M AFRAID THAT I CAN'T DO THAT." Bob all of a sudden burst into tears, and shortly after, Jebediah Kerman laughed for a good thirty seconds. "Oh, that never get's old!" Jebediah Kerman said. Meanwhile, after a good five minutes of Jebediah Kerman harassing bob with his JEB 9000 personality. Bob tensed, looking at the scientific lander, was this all worth it? Bob fired up his EVA jetpack, his eyes locked at that lander. Sure, the lander was bigger than him, but bob, in his high intelligence, he had an idea. Push the damn lander up! And so, he did. Bob watched the lander soar in the low gravity, he really wasn't amazed, since he was used to gilly's low gravity. 'WHELP! TIME TO GO!" Bob blurted out in his EVA suit, and he tensed at the Gilly Base Nona. "I WANT TO SEE WHAT'S INSIDE!" And Bob got in the hitchhiker module, and he opened the the cabinet labeled "NOT FOOD". Jeb started to chuckle as bob started to regurgitate at the canister labeled "WORLD'S LARGEST MYSTERY GOO CONTAINER". MEANWHILE! In a high gilly orbit, a mysterious satellite filled with mystery was orbiting gilly. FOR SCIENCE!
  13. The year is 2013 in kerbal time. A base has been set up on the surface of the asteroidal moon gilly. Eight egercian kerbonauts. An indefinite stay. Low gravity. All hell will break loose. CHAPTER PORTAL -- --
  14. THE CHRONICLES OF THE NONA GILLY BASE! Checking out the flag, not really intriguing. Checking out my probe lander, VERY intriguing! The face of a trained killer.
  15. You realize that the thruster clusters of the Apollo landers look like RCS ports.
  16. A landing can desperately speeds by one of my spacecrafts on the launchpad.
  17. Atleast 3 more planets and a star with 5 planets called Proxa.
  18. Today, i landed on the mun once again. The result: Three content kerbonauts.
  19. Been playing the hell out of this ever since one of my friends on the KSPRP forums got it for me as a gift. Should i go to minmus next? I have enough fuel to go there, too.
  20. There could also be trojan earths, too. Anything can and will happen with planets in our universe, too.
  21. (Note: This is not, in anyway, to promote Scratch Space Program. This is just for fun, and enjoyment for everybody on this forum.) CHAPTER PORTAL -- Coming soon. -- -- CHAPTER 1 - LAUNCH It was a summer day on Kerbin, the I.K.S Hellou was waiting on the launchpad. In the vessel, was three intrepid kerbonauts were getting excited, the first pioneers ever to step foot on another solar system... Wherming Kerman. Dilfrey Kerman. Lemnard Kerman. It was a cold, silent fifteen seconds before the I.K.S Hellou launched off... After a handful of minutes, the I.K.S Hellou escaped Kerbin's sphere of influence. Warp engines engaged....
  22. DP - It's still kickin'. It's still alive and such.
  23. Floor 517: A room with a live feed of Squadcast playing.
  24. Floor 505: A giant flatscreen TV with the channel H2 playing on it.
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