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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. Annihilate, forbid all less intelligent kerbals!
  2. Part three of my suggestion. -- Griste Diameter - 21,635 mi Tracking Station data - "It's grey, and has a relatively large cyclone raging on one hemisphere. Griste has one of the wildest weather patterns in the Kerbol System, if the cyclone wasn't obvious enough." Tryos (Moon of Griste) Diameter - 635 mi Tracking Station data - "Oh, Tryos. You always have to have the spotlight in Griste's lunar system. In fact, you have a insane description in kerba mythology, you were the home of the gods. But i should stop talking about you, anyway." Skeldelo (Moon of Griste) Diameter - 910 mi Tracking Station data - "Skeldelo has been a intriguing subject. It is a blinding white, and it is bright enough to damage a kerbal's retinas. Kerbal scientists are thinking of making glasses so that Skeldelo won't be a blinding white if you look at when the glasses are in use." Omis (Moon of Griste) Diameter - 275 mi Tracking Station data - "When Omis was discovered, it was discovered to be a complete opposite of Skeldelo, accept that there was various craters on Omis that spewed out bright, reflective regolith. Did i mention Omis was tidally locked to Griste, too?" -- Part 4 will be coming soon.
  3. Here's part two of my suggestion. Featuring the binary ice giants, Kimep and Whawa. -- Kimep Diameter - 20,810 mi Tracking Station data (same for Whawa) - "Kimep and Whawa were interesting for many years, 'How the heck did they become companions?' a wise, kerbal theologian once said. Nobody is sure how Kimep and Whawa became binary, but you'd better see them before some gravitational force drives them apart!" Whawa Diameter - 19,510 mi Ashjhat (Moon of Kimep) Diameter - 715 mi Tracking Station data - "A-ashja- Hold on. Ashjhahag- C'mon.. Alright, Ashjhat. It's got a ridiculously hard name to pronounce, and you have my word on that, it also has the best views in the Kimep-Whawa system, too." Rahi (Moon of Kimep) Diameter - 65 mi Tracking Station data - "This curious asteroid has been a intriguing subject to kerbal scientists, how did volitale snow form on this moon? Turns out Rahi wasn't a asteroidal moon after all. It turned out to be a comet, that various kerbal conspiracy theorists thought that re-entered Jool's atmosphere." Daine (Moon of Kimep) Diameter - 1,965 mi Tracking Station data - "This moon definatley has been the punching bag of the Kerbol System. With one hemisphere of Daine being bombarded, barraged with impact craters. And one hemisphere being entirely flat, with some scarce impact craters. Watch your step." Ricotta (Moon of Whawa) Diameter - 1,100 mi Tracking Station data - "This moon is called the 'Laythe' of the Kimep-Whawa moon system, while it lacks a oxygen-nitrogen fuison atmosphere, Ricotta's atmosphere is a primoridial blend of sulfur dioxide and methane. Hmmm, I wonder how Ricotta tastes..."
  4. TP - Long time no see, eh? Scratch Space Program now has a dev blog, and many things has changed!
  5. I was inspired by that for Khan. Pictures of the moons will be coming up soon!
  6. Tilming Diameter - 18,860 mi Tracking Station data - " Tilming always has been a wonder to kerbalkind, how did tilming get it's extreme axial tilt? Tilming's discoverer, the eponymous Tilming Kerman, had a insane theory about the eponymous planet. 'The deep space kraken attacked it!' Tilming Kerman said infront of a crowd of enthusiastic scientists. Tilming Kerman was later moved to a mental hospital, despite being a famous astronomer and astophysicist." Percii (Moon of Tilming) Diameter - 450 mi Tracking Station data - "This moon has enough mountains to give Pol a run for it's money, and it's faint enough to cause more eye strain than Gilly. And i'm only talking about the minorities of Percii." Rupa ( Moon of Tilming ) Diameter - 135 mi Tracking Station data - "This moon's name loosely translates into 'light red' into the kerbal language. But the name translation, is, err.. Extremely off, Rupa is a deep red, deep enough to be redder than Duna." Bol (Moon of Tilming) Diameter - 35 mi Tracking Station data - "No, it's not Bop with it's p swapped with a l. Or Pol with it's p swapped with a b. Apparently, Bol is named after the eponymous god in the kerbal religion bolism." Torkulus (Moon of Tilming) Diameter - 1,610 mi Tracking Station data - "When Torkulus was first discovered, the naive astronomer who discovered it, thought Torkulus was a 'Second Kerbin', but a couple of weeks after when Torkulus was discovered, the 'seas' turned out to be relatively flat areas of dried basaltic magma. Bummer." Etnaso (Moon of Tilming) Diameter - 945 mi Tracking Station data - " ' Nobody really has information about Etnaso, accept that it looks really sweet. ' Said one kerbal astronomer, which turned out to be a cousin of Tilming Kerman." Khan (Moon of Tilming) Diameter - 2,810 mi Tracking Station data - "The outermost moon of Tilming, and has a ridiculous gravitational pull. Kerbal doomsday theorists contend that one day, Khan, Eve and Tylo may spontaneously combine and crash into Kerbin."
  7. Okay. I'll safely post the gas giant Tilming and it's moons on a thread.

  8. 10/10 Truly outstanding... Breathtaking and majestic, one would say....
  9. Granted, but it's a ginger's. I wish for [REDACTED INFORMATION]
  10. Eyes closed - Kerbal Space Program (I didn't type it with my eyes open, just memorization of the keyboard) Eyes closed with left hand Kervak spaxe v oysgtram
  11. Exactly what the title says. You see, i'm making a game similar to KSP in unity, and i'm interested in having the source code. Thanks.
  12. Are you SURE that we have the right guy for this mission? Speaking of things that are off.... No, i'm not on bop. Or laythe at night. I'm on gilly!
  13. I started on a historical sandbox save.
  14. Damn. I would of done something similar to that. A strutmas tree
  15. On the origins of Jebediah Kerman's name, i think i found the the first piece of the puzzle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jebediah
  16. That jetpack has a ungodly amount of thrust-to-weight raito if it can take off from eve, with two kerbals on it, too
  17. You do realize, you have constructed command pod California, right?
  18. He's in my astronaut complex, retired. He was also my first kerbal into orbit too. Where's Bob? He's on the I.K.S Chiron, complaining with his crewmate that he wants to come back home. But, where's Bill, though? He was last seen being chased out of the astronaut complex
  19. The best kerbal name is Dildin. Come on, it's fun to say, like collywobbles, admit it. Second best goes to Wobney, Danger and Mitler.
  20. I have now realized this is starting to become dexter's ego trip THATS A GOOD THING
  21. 15 881 (10char)
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