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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. Who can't forget this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zG9XN_EauQ (I can't find the whole song, so i have some apologies for everyone who wants to hear the full version.)
  2. I hate it when i fire my radial decouplers and it takes out my engine. Usually, adding more struts or using seperatrons seems to be a quick fix.
  3. Seested Kerman. My first kerbal to walk on the Mun on my sandbox save, when returning back to Kerbin, he spontaneously went to eve, then returned. But on returning, his command module's parachute cut off and killed him. But not for long. I set up a memorial, naively thinking that he's gone for good. But he returned from the dead.
  4. You should make a episode where Oggy gathers a bunch of random kerbals and sends them to the mun
  5. My first flight in the demo: I went in, without knowing anything, i really didn't know about the symmetry nodes, NOTHING. I can't really remember because it was on my laptop (that i don't have anymore). My first flight in the full version: I knew more things now, due to fiddling in the demo, so i just threw a jumbo-64, a mainsail, two radial decouplers and two FTL-T800's with LV-N's at the bottom, then i called it a day. I can't remember much of it, but i knew that i was flabbergasted at the vast variety of parts.
  6. CHAPTER 1: KERBO 0.5 Meanwhile, in the VAB... WHERNER: Guten tag. Your rocket is here, Jebediah. JEBEDIAH: Really? Sweet. WHERNER: Ah, yes Jebedah, but i am afraid that this es a prototype, without something called a "Escape Tower". JEBEDIAH: Well, bring it in! But what is a "Escape Tower", anyway? WHERNER: A escape tower is a apparatus used for escaping with the command module in case of a launch failure. JEBEDIAH: Well then, i don't need a fraking escape tower! I laughed at danger in the face! BOBBASK: Uh, Wherner, Jebediah Kerman. Do i have permission to waltz in onto your conversation? WHERNER: Yes, yes you do, Bobbask Kerman. BOBBASK: Jebediah, about you laughing at danger, you drank milk three months old. And you thought it was a relatively bright idea to mix it with gunpowder. That would've put you in the emergency room for a good three weeks. But sadly, you regurgitated the substance. JEBEDIAH: I did NOT. WHERNER: Bring down the Kerbo 0.5, and put Jebediah in the command module. -- BOBBASK: Are you ready for the first flight? JEBEDIAH: Uh, yeah. But i thought CAPCOM was supposed to talk with the kerbonaut in the command module BOBBASK: Ah, right, bring in receiving station Terra. JEBEDIAH: You named the receiving stations after the nine stardroids from megaman V? BOBBASK: Yup. Alright, i'm switching channels now. CAPCOM: Alright, enough with the chatter, get ready to launch. JEBEDIAH: Ugh! All of this vibrating is making me queasy! CAPCOM: Guten tag. JEBEDIAH: WHERNER? CAPCOM: Yes, it's me, Wherner Von Kerman, remember the breathing exercises that i taught you? JEBEDIAH: NO! THIS SPACECRAFT IS BUCKING LIKE A RABID YIPSI! CAPCOM: Repeat after me, haaugh, haaugh, haau- JEBEDIAH: Screw this! I'm decoupling the escape tower and ditching the main engine! Sayonara, kerbo zero point five! CAPCOM: Jebediah! You ignoramus! You still had fuel! JEBEDIAH: SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! CAPCOM: I think someone needs a hug. JEBEDIAH: SHUT UP, DILDIN! CAPCOM: *muffled laughter over the radio* JEBEDIAH: KOD DAMNIT GUYS! CAPCOM: *whispering to another kerbal* His reactions are priceless. *laughter* -- BOBBASK: And we have a splashdown!
  7. It is 1955 on Kerbin, the first kerbals are going to make something... Something major. Spacecraft. CHAPTER PORTAL
  8. Some sort of third-person shooter, i can't remember the name, but i do remember one of the tracks being "Stuck In The Middle Of You"
  9. Should i make a Planetfactory CE archive?
  10. When you press "M" to get out of the slideshow-reading mode in microsoft powerpoint
  11. Duna freaks me out a little bit too. Due to the close proximity of Ike, just, unnerving.
  12. I'll be sending a communications array to the Gilly outpost later this day
  13. A can of soda. Well, crap. All it's going to do is spread out radiation.
  14. Was GERTY from the motion picture "Moon" was the inspiration for BERTY v.208b?
  15. Bump. Now that i have KSP, a couple of months ago. Laythe freaks me out. The size of Jool in the background, it's formidable.
  16. I forgot a couple of things, too -People who sign their posts. (Look, it's obvious and prominent that we KNOW who you are. You don't have to make it really obvious.) -People who poke fun at science. -The fact that every planet in children's art HAS to have rings, and the fact that they have to start with the letter x, y and z. Sure, rings are beautiful, but there's also really terrible things behind the existence about the planet's rings. -Conspiracy theorists, especially the ones who believe in Nibiru. (It's past December twenty-first, 2012, and we're still alive!) -People who use text-speak or really shoddy grammar. UGH. -Young children, especially the really spoiled and pampered ones. Way too rambunctious and a obstacle to everybody. And provokes me even more when the parent of the child is doing NOTHING about the scenario. -Changes in general, unless it's a good change, like society pulling it's head out of it's ass. And, last but not least! -People who think that i don't have autism, and think that i'm using as a excuse. I was first diagnosed with autism when i was around two or three years old, due to a series of vaccinations that i got.
  17. DP - Hey, why isn't anyone putting their two cents in? This is intriguing.
  18. Great geepiring golly! When will this update? I've read a couple chapters, and, geepiring golly this is hilarious!
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