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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. I think this my fastest interplanetary probe yet. To duna in 63 (earth!) days. I believe this was it's max speed, because it went really near Eve's orbit.
  2. So uh, i'm creating an object, and when i try to land or even enter orbit around it, it looks like Minmus, except more rocky? Here's it's Kittopia CFG. And it's Kopernicus CFG.
  3. Quadruple post: Hyugens is finally working. It's a bit more oceanic than i thought it would, but atleast it's sucessful! But also, Wexx now has gaps in it's rings! Speaking of rings, Jool now has a improved, more realistic dust ring, BONUS:
  4. TriplePost: So uh, i decided to make a photorealistic Wexx. I took a Cassini image of Saturn, changed the hue and tint of it, and i made the rings white. With Paint.net. So yeah.
  5. DoublePost: JoolPlus (and Eskamoujo) will be on hold. I might make a new Kopernicus Core/KopernicusTech planetary system, maybe a alternate JoolPlus if you don't like Wexx, Orbornio, Pippitus and Ploouto? Anyway, plus, Hyugens has been nothing but a pain in the rear end. Here's Hyugen's part in the Wexx.CFG file.
  6. Man, this was really well done! Pretty much everything about it was very amazing and decent. And for a second there, i thought our British astronaut was going to be some extraterrestrial's lunch. Raises alot of interesting questions, and that's perfect!
  7. I might start dev tomorrow, but still though, get ready! Also, here's what the revised planets might be like. Along with new planets and moons.
  8. SYLANDRO'S ESKAMOUJO SYSTEM -- Hey, so i decided to do a KopernicusTech version of my first complex PlanetFactory CE system. Of course, it will be revised. As i work on the new versions of the planets, here is what the original planets looked like in the PlanetFactory CE system. P.S: When stars get fixed in KopernicusTech, Eskamoujo won't be a gas giant anymore. It'll be a star.
  9. I might do a KopernicusTech star system called Eskamoujo (which was my first expansive PlanetFactory CE system, never saw the light of the download link, though.)
  10. Although i'm a bit more modern, i remember my Demo antics. I'm not sure what to date it, i'm guessing around 0.19-0.20. It was pretty bad. I launched straight up, had no idea what a gravity turn was, thought the LV-909 was the aerospike for some reason. Skip to a little months later, i'm pretty good at KSP, i can somewhat reach the Mun. Still can't land. Skip to around a month later, the version is 0.22, i asked a friend on the Kerbal Space Program Roleplay Forums (it was the old one, though), he did, i got 0.22 (or i think it was 0.21), i was flabergasted about the amount of new parts. Made me first launch vehicle with the new parts that i had (as i remember), a orange tank and a mainsail for a first stage, a short grey tank with a poodle as a upper stage, payload was a sputnik replica, and the first stage had radial boosters with NERVA's. It wasn't that good, i removed the radial boosters. Also, here's a pic from my first Mun landing. Anyway, here's a somewhat more recent Mun landing.
  11. Could you draw Wexx and it's moons from JoolPlus: Kopernicus Edition?
  12. Beale, do you think you could make JAXA's planned HTV-R spacecraft? Or ESA'S ARV spacecraft?
  13. Are my eyes tricking me? Beale is doing making a historic American spacecraft? Awesome, i can't wait! Also, we need a Titan II GLV for that Gemini, Gemini-Proton just doesn't feel right.
  14. This is way more frightening than most horror games that we have today.
  15. Once the new version is released, i may look into KopernicusTech support.
  16. One time, i named a station Astro-Lounge. I also have a direct ascent Mun lander christened "Really Bad Mun Lander"
  17. The next update will add moons to Orbornio. Anyway, here's what i have planned for future updates: -Finish up and add the rest of Wexx's moons. -A new texture for Manley. -Phobos and Deimos analouges for Duna -Kallipo, the Callisto analouge, and Lama, the Amalthea analouge. - Moons for Pippitus - And Faz. (In case if you were wondering, Faz used to be a moon for Eve that was covered in crystals, but was scrapped in development because the crystals turned out to be a bit buggy.)4 Anyways, two dev shots for you!
  18. So, due to memory problems, JoolPlus can't be converted to KopernicusTech. JoolPlus dev will technically be on hold. Although, you can grab what i have of the beta as of now. BETA DOWNLOAD! https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgkuh1ntoib22py/TestVer.zip?dl=0
  19. Alright, so KopernicusTech is now a thing. So i'm going to give the current draft of the beta version over to Augustus for now.
  20. Update: The texture for the Selene will be redone.
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