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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. DP: Thanks to Beale (have to give mad respect to him!), he helped made an early texture for the Selene command module. Then, i finished the texture for it!
  2. Huge bump! I've been working on things in Wings 3D. So here's the Selene Command Module! The Selene spacecraft belongs to United Plutonic Federation, along with the Oneiropolos Cagro Vehicle. The first version will contain the Selene spacecraft, and the Oneiropolos cargo vehicle (basically a unmanned selene that totes cargo.. and contraband kerbals)
  3. I honestly can't model for the life of me, and i honestly don't know the answer for the duna planet.
  4. Alright, but i'll be adding another moon named Blan in one of the next versions of JoolPlus!
  5. I created my Rocko before his, somewhere near the start of winter vacation.
  6. No, no i will not. Plus, your Rocko is basically somewhat of a plagarism from my Rocko! My Rocko orbits whithin the rings of Wexx, and your Rocko orbits within the rings of Verion. Just redo your Rocko, rename it, and just not do it like a copycat of my Rocko. And we'll be fine.
  7. Yes i have. Anyway, you should probably rename your Rocko to something different, Augustus. Thanks mate! I may have a download up around tomorrow, i have to finish Ioryion! I'm not exactly going to use the textures, that'd technically be stealing from Porkjet, the original creator of the textures. Plus, i already have my own Iapetus-alike, it's name is Standish, and it's going to be in a version after the first release (along with Kallipo!)
  8. Nah man, i made the Manai System all by myself, the textures were gotten from SpaceEngine. Real hard work back then.
  9. Well, thanks (even though you didn't have my permission) for adding some of the Manai planets! I'm not exactly angry at you, but they've been taking long trips from mod to mod.
  10. Triple Post: One new moon and Belenus are added. Manley's texture is just a placeholder until i find something more mimas-y. (or if you want, you can create one, and i'll mention you in the main post. just pm me) And the best part: A actual trailing atmosphere! One thing about the new Belenus, it's gravity well is less steep, and it's further out than the original Belenus.
  11. DP - More dev shots. Rocko is complete! And it's redder than ever. Merry christmas!
  12. I'll try to. Meanwhile, i made a new moon that orbits in Wexx's rings, Rocko, and some details for the outer planets. The surface of Rocko is WIP, but it's fun to land on due to it's low gravity. Eeloo is now a centaur-like object. And Jool now has a halo ring. A screenshot of the W.I.P surface of Rocko, with Wexx in the distance.
  13. TriplePost: I've been working on a Kopernicus version of JoolPlus. Say hello to the new Wexx! The texture has been changed to be more Saturn-like, and there will be more moons, too!
  14. I decided to make somewhat of a Tier 1 VAB in Minecraft. Took a long time, and it isn't as big as i wanted to be, because of the block height limit, but i'm proud of it. Some screenshots of the interior: And some screenshots of the exterior:
  15. I'm sorry about being the clueless noob, but how do you get the planets that you made to show up?
  16. Doublepost: I may redo this when PFCE gets updated, but currently, i don't know where this mod is going.
  17. This is a mod that i have been brainstorming this for awhile now, i guess this had to be made. First dev screenshot, South Returia's Harmony command module, needs texturing though.
  18. Someone has to ban this guy or at LEAST make a Encyclopedia Dramatica page about this. Flaunting your mud fetish around is NOT OKAY.
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