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Everything posted by Sylandro

  1. Gets an empty coffee mug. Inserts someone that you can't see.
  2. I'm going to be that guy, and say that all three are equally as good and interesting ideas, and i'm not going to choose sides.
  3. Triple post: Just a heads-up, the whole JoolPlus: Revived planet pack won't be released until Wexx, Orbornio, Pippitus, Karion, and some new moons of Jool are finished.
  4. Doublepost: Some more beauty shots around the currently unfinished Wexx system. -- And here's what the Wexx System looks like so far. Some minor updates are done to the planets, Cyrion, and Ioryon got the hugest facelift, and Belenus has been made to be more pizzalike. Mamma mia!
  5. The only problem (so far) is that Wexx's ring's really doesn't look real solid like Sarnus's.
  6. I feel like Sonnah should have like 2-3 more moons for more early science opportunities, but then again, that's just me.
  7. Isn't Pantagruel a pulsar? And in the movie, it is said that Edmund's Planet is orbiting Gargantua. Correct me if i'm wrong, though.
  8. No, no i haven't. It's on hold until i can find a good texture artist. On the other side, i am working on the Apollo. And the Lunar Module, too!
  9. Yep! It's going to be an interesting and fun location to go to.
  10. I'm working on a new, kerbin-like moon for Rictell. It's a bit too early in dev for pics, however.
  11. SYLANDRO'S PLANET WAREHOUSE Hello! This is the dev thread for my planet pack. So far, it only adds in 1 gas giant, Rictell. -- IMAGES: -- Special thanks to: KillAshley, Me (for getting enough motivation to finish this), Thomas P., and the other nice guys at the Kopernicus IRC channel! -- DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5h83l1yo6enr9t7/Sylandro%27s%20Planet%20Warehouse%20Version%201.zip?dl=0 -- Dependencies Kopernicus
  12. I'm actually making a planet pack in case that Ablate isn't possible.
  13. I read on Australia's national space website that it (i believe) was working with Japan/JAXA. An joint Australian-Japanese rocket would be relatively interesting.
  14. Do we have any news for Australia's space program as of late?
  15. I'm excited for North Korea. 2015 definatley looks bright for space exploration!
  16. One of the problems with rMinmus is the radiation out there. Judging by the distance, Earth's magnetic field wouldn't be as strong, obviously and prominently, of course.
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