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Everything posted by SeventhArchitect

  1. Anyway to just make it to where we can land anywhere and not have to worry about resources to make/launch rockets?
  2. Seriously. I can very easily make Antimatter now, just, how can it be USED? Cause the most I've got is using the antimatter to power an antimatter reactor (I think it's a reactor), and that could be used to power something else. Only, it creates thermal power, and no actual fuel goes through, so I can't use a thermal rocket, but it can be used to power a regular electric generator, which can then be used to power a plasma thruster, but I tried that. It only gives out 2.1 KN when I try. I don't know what to use anymore, because antimatter can't be used as hard fuel for anything at all, and that kinda disappoints me...
  3. Alrighty now. So, I've gotten jsut about everything to work. Now I jsut need to find a way to make Antimatter useful on a rocket....
  4. And figured it all out. Made a small prototype vessel outfitted with the small Acubierre drive, and it was fully charged within less than 6 in game days. I'd say thats perfect. Now...To test it...
  5. Guys. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43839-0-21-KSP-Interstellar-%28Warp-Drive-Solar-Thermal-Power-Research%29-Version-0-4-2-%28Beta%29?highlight=exotic+matter
  6. I've been busy. I have actually rewritten the xenongas electric engine. It outputs 120 thrust, produces more xenongas than used, but is still one hell of a thing to get a ship moving. So many panels needed, so much energy. So, I sent out a satellite known as the power flower, which sends microwave energy to Kerbin. Use that to power the newgen engines, and then deploy the solar sails once it's out of orbit, etcetera etcetera. I've had such a problem getting my electric/fuel powered vessels into space, but with the power flower up in orbit, I just have to wait till it's above, during the day, and it's a breeze to launch. BTW, how exactly do I get a nuclear reactor and thermal engine to work efficiently? Because so far, the most I've been able to do is make it work. Flight, though, is a near impossibility, because it just doesn't generate enough thrust... Power Flower:
  7. You see, the idea was to not just, ya know, move something or move somethign to another planet. As you said, momentum, atmosphere, and yes, that seems legit now that I think of it. But the whole thing about using the acubierre drive was so that I could just get a large platform off the ground, and send it somewhere, but with next to 0 momentum (if how I understand the Acubierre drive works), it'd just go straight towards the nearest gravity well, IE, celestial body. I wasn't going to use JUST the acubierre drive, though. In fact...I still have yet to figure out how the antimatter collection works. So far, this forum thread says nothing to me, and by the experiment that I jsut finished conducting (created 16.7 antimatter units! Woohoo), it stopped antimatter production altogether after entering a certain altitude. I desperately need to save time on this, but I like exploring on my own. All I really need to know right now, is how the instrument (magnetometer) works, and how to read the results as "this area will have a great/bad antimater production." Btw, would having something orbit the sun at a low altitude be a good idea for antimatter production? And how do I produce Exotic matter in the first place?????
  8. I'm STILL having problems figuring out how the freak to get some of these parts working, but as I had seen in another post, this pretty much only requires a bit of energy to work. Using lazor systems so that I can develop the needed resources nearby the launch pad, then fill up any acubierre drives when launching. And now, I want to make it possible to use the acubierre drives within the atmosphere. That way, I can make maybe a small colony thing, and launch it into space at any given moment. Oh god, it's like stargate atlantis all over again. someone definitely needs to make a mod that adds more solar systems to explore, and you've already got the FTL drives made and working. BTW, got a new challenge for you, Fractal_Uk, make a new kind of FTL drive, like the acubierre drive, except this one can be used for instantaneous movement. Much like a subspace drive, if you ever did watch Stargate Atlantis. Thign about subspace, is it lets you travel through things. BTW, how do I make it possible to use the acubierre drive in the atmosphere?
  9. Alright. I figured out how to change the amount of kethane which can be put into a kethane deposit, so that I would not have to worry about running out, but I'm wanting Kerbin in it's entirety to be full of kethane, and every hex I search is green, making it one giant pocket. How do I make that possible? FYI, I'm an aesthetics builder. Though, yes, I do like having a challenge, no, htis is strictly for the builds, which are fun. One giant rig, several hovering miners, and many other cool things I can think of. Like how awesome my hovercraft looks. Every bit legit!
  10. Oh freak! Gonna make some OP land vehicle, and break out my Kethane/lazor/miner hover craft. That sucker goes 263.7 m/s tops when it has all 3 engines fired!
  11. I would only get this for Aesthetics of being able to make ships (notice I didn't say rockets...) that have a tier 4 cylinder in it's body.Tier 3's just don't cut it sometimes, can't make real big ships... But I'm satisfied with what I got, anyway, so why complain?
  12. Cool. I will get this. Kethane and moving parts, freak yeah, gonna make that interplanetary flight thang.
  13. This is cooler than the original launch station, but I'm not getting it because fo that bug and it's not the exciting enough to download, like kethane.
  14. So thats what the nuclear engines do? they use the fuel but no oxidizer? Seems totally freaking legit, man.
  15. KSP will eventually come out with nuclear fuel for the nuclear engines, and it's supposed to be efficient, but this right here, do these even use regular fuel, or run on a nuclear reactor which seems to be that big bulge before the rocket cone?
  16. Not entirely something I could use, but still a good idea. Though, the uses are rare. No one makes anything to collect any sample of anything yet, but stick with KSP until they make a full version, and you may be able to do that.
  17. That would be like changing the whole interface when looking at your maps and stuff like that. You'd have to first remodel them to act accordingly, then more than likely code the new "button" from scratch. It wouldn't be as easy as making a new part, or a new IVA, or something like that, because your'e going out of the ordinary here.
  18. Problem has already arisen. Currently I might have to just trial and error this whole thing, and repurpose the part, because I realized it may be running like the engines, and does do exactly what I don't want it to, or the latter, it jsut plum doesn't work at all. Either way, need to rewrite it, probably from scratch. *le sigh* I did say I was gonna do this, and I needed the practice. Just needa learn mahself how ta code.
  19. Alright, I can't even do that. In fact, right now, I need to change a few thigns, and shoot in the dark here. currently I had apparently given it a new type of propellant. If I have realized what I'm doing is as I had predicted, I may have done the exact thing I was trying NOT to do, and ended up connecting it's function to the engine throttle itself. Unless I'm wrong, and I jsut need to change a few thigns. The only other important part after that is this:
  20. Hm. I don't think I follow. I asked about how I give it an on/off switch, because I can't even turn it on, but you instead tell me that it's always active, and that I need to turn it off. à ² _à ² You sound like you have experience, but seriously, you didn't even tell me WHERE in the coding this should go. It's not even in there part file where I can change this particular setting. So, I come to my conclusion, and final question, WTF am I supposed to do with this?
  21. But then it will be tied into the engines as well. True, could accelerate or decelerate the process, but it'd be reacting WITH the engines. I don't want that. I don't see why I can't just make it act like maybe a Pb-Ion generator, where you can shut it off and on, and thats about it, but it's something that literally would have to be in the deeper coding of the game itself. Maybe if I took a different route, using something like and engine's data files, but use the current model and part file I'm using, maybe that'd work. I'd be changign it to something else, though, like a light or something, but it'd server it's true purpose, still.
  22. Truuuuue. Except I've come to a full stand still until I can figure out how to make an On/Off switch for the generators myself, or until someone tells me how. Otherwise, the parts are just as they were planned to be...Just no way to turn them on...
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