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Everything posted by Poryy

  1. PROLOUGE: It is the year 489 K.E. The Kerbal race has spread to every planet in their home solar system, and have self-sufficient colonies on Laythe and Duna. Only one area remains unexplored. The stars beyond Kerbol. This is the story of the imterstellar craft Krakensbane. CHALTER ONE: "Are you sure you read these star charts correctly?" Andan said as he looked at the Navigator's viewscreen. "Yes,yes, I am sure." The Navigator, Sonbo Kerman said. "Why do you ask?" "Because on the map Kerbol is North, and we're supposed to be heading away from it, but the computer says we are traveling North." "Do you even read?" "Yes. I have read Kerman, and even some Kermol." "That was rhetorical. What I was actually going to say was that there is no North in space. Look out the window. We passed Eeloo a day ago. Do you honestly think that we could even see Kerbol from here?" "No, but..." The Captain, Ronbart Kerbwin, ducked into the habitat module. "Ladies, ladies. You're both pretty. Now sit up and help Sigly. He's detecting an anomaly on Sensors." Andan and Sonbo got to their feet and walked into the short, transparent tube connecting the Engine module and the Habitats. Andan quickly dodged a thrown spanner when he entered the Engineering sphere. "Hey! Watch it! You scared the almighty Kerb outta me!" Yelped Sigly. "I was just on Sensors. I saw some kinda negative space wedgie on the screen, but it's gone. Musta just been an asteroid or some other ball O' dirt." Sonbo shrugged and turned to leave. Andan and the Captain had both vanished, leaving him alone in the sphere. "Not so fast. I heard ya guys arguing. You gotta take it easy. We're on a twenty-year mission and the last thing we need is drama between crew members." Sonbo opened his mouth to argue, but Sigly cut him off again. "I'm serious. If you keep arguing the Captain'll stick you in Storage for a week with nothing to eat but blue mush. And I know you hate blueberry." Sonbo fled the Engineering sphere as fast as his legs would carry him. Behind him, Sigly frowned and began working on the Warp engines. A hundred light years distant, Palinev slept, the numbers repeating themselves constantly. 43, 17, 92, 84, 116... 43 17 92 84 116... 43179284116. He awoke with a start from his dream, a dream of a starship named Krakensbane and her crew. He suddenly felt hungry and crossed the hall to an order port. "Blueberries." He clearly said. Within a minute, the slot near the port spat out a plain gray bar. He popped it into his mouth. Blueberry. "Altogether too mushy." He thought, and went back to sleep.
  2. Yes you do. I think this is 10 characters, but I don't know. CBA to count.
  3. I released a minor update. Fixed Bulboa weirdness Fixed Fonn's map Fixed Umbrire again
  4. V.11 Pre-Release notes: Added Vollo (Gas Giant) to Poltuara system Added Limas to Poltuara system Added Jipotis to Poltuara system Added a new Kerbinlike to the Poltuara system (Kappa)
  5. Contest to celebrate V.10 release! Tell me your favorite celestial body in the Kerbal Universe Pack and what can be done to improve it. The winner (Drawn out of my hat) gets a custom 3-planet solar system and the change made to their favorite planet (if possible)
  6. I fixed the whole system. It's in the zip if you want to see how I did it.
  7. V.10: Added Manai system by Sylandro Added Poltuara System suggested by jpinard Added rudimentary biome integration. Removed bugginess.
  8. Will reality explode if you try to use these ore mining systems on my planets?
  9. Excellent! Just use dropbox, it makes it much easier. V.10 is being beta tested.
  10. It's almost Saturday! V.10 is going to be released on Saturday.
  11. I'll do it. I'll start this Saturday. Should we all host the same file in our .zips?
  12. Small note: Urania is compatible with Verion and Verviedi. I'll test it with Poltuara, but it isn't anywhere near ready. Just so you know. As soon as I get ungrounded I will fix the FlightGlobalsIndex bug.
  13. Name? Do you already have the system ready? If so, I can add It to the Universe as an outside pack. Format: -Packname- Pack by Sylandro
  14. Had a brief bit of development today. I got the textures for Antsur,and configured Antsur, Poltuara, and Sudalce. I also have the bump map and color map for Sudalce ready. To-do (Weekend hopefully): Apora (Have the texture, need to get a bumpmap from SE, need to configure.) Nisat (Nothing ready) Limas (Configured. No textures though) Miyrada (Nothing ready) Iapetus Analogue (Needs a name) Please post your suggestions for the Iapetus analogue's name. Also, do you like these development updates?
  15. Just get a super-heavy asparagus launcher and stick a little baby probe on it. Burn out of Kerbin SOI into Kerbol orbit and then do a Hohmann transfer from Kerbol orbit to Abaddon. Best thing to do is aerobrake at Valdnes or Aramon. Ion engines or a crapload of DeltaV are needed. It's meant to simulate a mission to Proxima Centauri. It won't be easy, but when you get there there will be sites to see.
  16. The rest of the packs have original art. This one has photorealistic art because it is a Saturn analogue pack. I AM the artist.
  17. Being evil, I think I have an excellent idea. I will call it the "Masochist Pack" and it shall be ready in 2056 at this rate of development. Serious Business Time! Sudalce Texture map! Apora Texture Map! Just so you don't lose hope. Devnote: I actually went with relatively photorealistic planets this time. They really do look good. I suppose I'm going to put an Iapetus analogue, Mimas analogue, and Miranda analogue into orbit around Antsur too, because Saturnstuff
  18. Believe me. If it weren't in the core game's code, I would have everything orbiting around a black hole.
  19. 1. Asparagus Staging on EVERYTHING! 2. No kerbal left behind. 3. Heat shields on rovers that aerobrake. 4. Never put my class 3 asparagus stage on a small probe. 5. Probes must look realistic 6. Gravity rings on all stations.
  20. Just let it stew overnight. I have no idea why it's taking so longZ I need my computer for access to the planet's files.
  21. Good luck with the science defines. Working on them was so tedious that I was afraid my hand would miss the keyboard and end up somewhere else, like a baby seal's face. I recommend at least 5 tabs of funny pictures open while you are attempting that colossal feat.
  22. Looks right. Just press create scaled and wait.
  23. Looking for a YouTube video to be made showcasing this pack.
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